Saturday, November 14, 2009

Assim se faz censura ao cartoonismo nos dias que correm:

Cara de Pau Oculta por Rodrigo no Humoral da Historia

O Supremo Tribunal de Justiça decidiu decretar a nulidade da certidão envolvendo escutas telefónicas em que aparece o primeiro-ministro José Sócrates. Adensa-se a trama no caso Face Oculta:

2° Salão de Humor da Amazônia – Ecologia (Brasil)

Regulamento fonte:
O 2° Salão de Humor da Amazônia – Ecologia no traço será realizado no período de 19 a 27 de dezembro de 2009 no Espaço São José Liberto, Belém- Pará-Brasil, obedecendo aos seguintes prazos:
a) Período de inscrições: 06 de outubro a 20 de novembro de 2009;
b) Seleção dos trabalhos: 23 de novembro de 2009;
c) Divulgação dos selecionados: 25 de novembro de 2009;
d) Abertura e Premiação do Salão: 19 de dezembro de 2009;
e) Encerramento do Salão: 27 de dezembro de 2009.
Tema A: Ecologia (Obrigatório) Nesta categoria consideram-se todos os cartuns que versem sobre os problemas ecológicos. Serão selecionados 70 trabalhos.
Tema B: Chuva (Livre) Nesta categoria consideram-se todos os cartuns sobre a chuva. Serão selecionados 50 trabalhos.
Para maiores detalhes de como participar, Comissão Julgadora, Premiação, entre outros, entrar no Site

International Cartoon Biennial of Earthquake and Strengthening - Iran

Khaneh Omran Engineering Educational Institute proudly announces the
International Cartoon Biennial of Earthquake and Strengthening
to be held in Mashhad, Iran on December 12-16, 2009, a memorial to Bam Earthquake Disaster.
The Cartoon Biennial will carry on the successful tradition of the previous seminars held at Khaneh Omran Institute. The aim of this biennial is to promote the culture of earthquake strengthening of constructions and to initiate a move toward public educational programs.
Hence, the International Cartoon Biennial organizing committee invites cartoonists from all over the world to participate in this contest.
Topics: Designing Earthquake Resistant Buildings
Earthquake Strengthening of Existing Buildings
Repairing and Renovation of Buildings after the Earthquake
Prevention of unmethodical construction
1- The contest is open to all cartoonists.
2- The Cartoon Biennial will be run in two professional and student sections. The professional works will be judged in the main section and the student works in peripheral section.
3- A maximum of 5 works can be submitted by the participating cartoonists.
4- The works should have been awarded in no other previous cartoon contests or festivals.
5- It is essential for the participants to send their personal information (including first name, last name, postal address, phone number, e-mail, photo, a short biography) with their work(s).
6- All the cartoonists whom their cartoons are displayed in the exhibition will receive a free copy of biennial catalogue.
7- The digital file of the artwork should be in JPG format, in 1200 pixel size (length or width) and with 150 dpi resolution.
8- The file(s) should be sent to or
9- The choice of technique is free.
10- The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them in any form.
Important dates:
Deadline: November 30, 2009
The international jury: December 9-10, 2009
Results: December 13, 2009
Exhibition: December 12-16, 2009
First Prize: 1000$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention
Second Prize: 750$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention
Third Prize: 500$ + Trophy + Honorable Mention
The jury panel of the Cartoon Biennial will also award 7 selected artists with Honorable Mentions.
In the Peripheral (student) Section, the jury panel will award 3 selected artists with Trophy and Honorable Mentions.



Estimados historietistas, escritores, caricaturistas y dibujantes mexicanos y latinoamericanos.
Este domingo 13 de diciembre, en la ciudad de Cuautla Morelos, celebraremos el IX Aniversario del Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta “Joaquín Cervantes Bassoco”.
La celebración esta dedicada a los 50 Años del nacimiento de las historietas Tawa, El hombre gacela, y Chanoc, Aventuras de mar y selva.
Como ustedes saben El maestro Joaquín Cervantes Bassoco falleció el pasado 18 de enero del año 2008, y en su memoria el MUCAHI fue bautizado con su nombre, fueron testigos de honor su compañera y esposa Catalina López “Catita” y varios de sus compañeros historietistas reunidos en el octavo aniversario del MUCAHI.
En esta ocasión entregaremos Reconocimiento en los 50 Años de Tawa a sus familiares y colaboradores, entre ellos el gran artista mexicano Benjamín Orozco.
Los reconocimientos por los 50 Años de Chanoc, serán entregados a la viuda e hijos del gran escritor de la historieta Pedro Zapiain fallecido el 19 de agosto de 1979, y al maestro Ángel Mora, creador grafico del celebre personaje nacido de la imaginación de Ángel Martin de Lucenay.
En el evento también se hará un reconocimiento al maestro Gabriel Vargas Bernal como el más importante historietista mexicano de todos los tiempos.
Como un homenaje póstumo recordaremos al gran maestro Arturo Casillas, pionero de la historieta, forjador de la época de oro de la misma y maestro de varias generaciones, fallecido el 30 de agosto de 1977. Estarán presentes dos de sus más cercanos colaboradores y discípulos, el escenógrafo Jorge Rodríguez y la escritora María Luisa López.
También rendiremos homenaje póstumo al gran pintor Luis Rey realizador de entrañables portadas para las historietas TAWA y Lagrimas y Risas entre muchísimas otras mas. Nos acompañaran familiares del maestro quienes recibirán el reconocimiento.
Otros de los homenajeados serán el escritor Ignacio Underwood, argumentista de la historieta Samuray y Antonio Monroy, que tiene una larga trayectoria como artista gráfico en diferentes editoriales como Novedades, Vid y Ejea.
También recibirá un reconocimiento por su trayectoria la caricaturista e historietista Cintia Bolio, colaboradora de la revista de humor político, El Chamuco, cuyo trabajo que dignifica a la mujer es bien recibido en varias partes del mundo.
Ese día inauguraremos una magna exposición en la que no puede faltar tu obra.
Contáctanos para ponernos de acuerdo como la recibiremos, puedes enviárnosla por correo electrónico, si es original será mucho mejor. En cualquier caso no dejes de enviarnos una semblanza de tu trayectoria para anexarla con tu obra en la exposición.
La Exposición lleva por nombre “La historieta, fábrica de sueños, fantasías y aspiraciones”.
Es importante que nos informes si podrás acompañarnos ya que entregaremos reconocimientos a todos los artistas asistentes.
Gracias por tu atención nos vemos el domingo trece de diciembre en Cuautla, Morelos.
Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz

-- Recibe atentos saludos de

Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz

Director del Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta.

Calle Francisco I madero # 110, int 18, Col Emiliano Zapata, Cuautla, Mor., C.P. 62744

Tel Cel 044 735 11 25 848

Friday, November 13, 2009

The Art of Raquel Orzuj (Uruguai)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

The Art of Caricature by Petar Pismestrović

Petar Pismestrovic was born in Sremska Mitrovica, former Yugoslavia in 1951. After the school graduation he studied political science in Zagreb, and since 1970 he works as professional cartoonist.
Aside of his work for 40 newspapers and magazines, he organised 25 exhibitions of his own works in former Yugoslavia, took part in numerous cartoon exhibitions and festivals worldwide and won five first prizes, twice in Tolentino (Italy), Deva (Romania), Zagreb (Croatia), Belgrade (Serbia) as well as the second Prize in Seoul (Korea), the "Excellence Prize" in Tokyo (Japan) and the Special Prize in Istanbul (Turkey).
One of the founding members of the croatian cartoonists association (HDK). Pismestrovic works for Kleine Zeitung (Austria) since 1992. His works have been published in magazines and newspapers such as Nebelspalter (Switzerland), Courrier International (France), New York Times (USA), International Herald Tribune (France) , Cicero(Germany).
Cartoon exhibitions in Klagenfurt (1992, 2000), Feldkirchen (1994), Ferndorf (1997), Tainach (1998) , Köflach and St.Veit a.G. (2007). Aside of three books with hs own cartoons, his works have been published in various other books such as "The Finest International Cartoons Of Our Time" (USA), Marylin in Art, Madonna in Art ( Great Britain), "The Big Book of Bush" (USA), "The best Political Cartoons of the year 2007" (USA), "Politik für das dritte Jahrtausend - Festschrift fur Alois Mock zum 60. Geburtstag", "Hohles Haus - Zitate aus Nationalratssitzungen der letzten zehn Jahre", "Zukunft denken -Festschrift für Wolgang Schüssel" ( all Austria) „Eurospott“(Germany).
He also made illustrations for various books, Posters, Record covers and mascots. Pismestrovic is austrian citizen since 1996.

EL BUS de Lenguaviva No. 49, 9 noviembre 2009

Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija

¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!

EL BUS No. 49 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal.
EL BUS No. 49 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour.

EL BUS No. 50 saldrá un poco tarde la semana que viene porque varios de los conductores estaremos en el 16 Festival CartoonRendon, en Colombia. Pero, así y todo, ¡no se lo pierdan!
EL BUS No. 50 will be a little late next week as some of the drivers will be attending the 16th CartoonRendon Festival in Colombia. But still, don't miss it!

Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:

Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.

Les deseamos una semana muy feliz,
Have a great week,

Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers

The Video Journalism Movement

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce that we are currently making the global launch of
The Video Journalism Movement is an ongoing collaboration between a global network of freelance professional video journalists and editorial cartoonists, and you, the public.

Our aim is simple: to provide an internet platform that reconnects the people with the news. At a time when the mainstream media is still struggling to reconcile 'free' news access with ever declining standards, we're leading the way by proposing an innovative, alternative news model, but we're relying on you to help shape our agenda.

Through this online space, professional video journalists and editorial cartoonists from every corner of the world can show their truths about issues affecting the lives of real people. The stories we produce are suggested and selected by our members, together with our contributors, and all of our content is professionally produced exclusively for us.

We place no editorial constraints on our worldwide network of professional journalists, and our shareholders have no control over content. In short, providing they abide by our code of ethics, our members are free to say whatever they like.

In addition to our web platform, we run a non-profit foundation which aims to make a positive contribution to international journalism by encouraging and educating journalists worldwide.

We do not publish citizen journalism.
KARRYJulio Carrión Cueva Humorista Grafico e IlustradorTelefono: (511) 393 1721- Cel:994828406,en_GB.UTF-8/

Karlo lança livro Humorarte

A través del uso de un humor simple, por momentos naïf y absurdo, Karlo consigue que con solo una mirada logremos entrar en una realidad paralela, donde la lógica parece ser una palabra absurda. RIL editores, 2009, 114 págs.,
ISBN 978-956-284-699-8

Exposicion "La Tradotta".1918-19 Giornale settimanale della Terza Armata

Inicio – 8 de Novembro de 2009
Fim – 13 de Dezembro de 2009
Local: Museo della Satira de della caricatura – Forte dei marmi

La Tradotta, diretto da Renato Simoni, fu il più noto tra i giornali di trincea della fine della Grande Guerra ed uscì tra il 21 marzo 1918 e il 1° luglio del ’19, con 25 numeri e tre supplementi, realizzati da una redazione che da Mogliano Veneto si era trasferita a Trieste, al seguito dell’avanzata vittoriosa. Graficamente elegante, era stampato a colori con illustrazioni notevoli. Erano stati infatti chiamati a collaborare dal Corriere dei Piccoli i disegnatori Antonio Rubino e Umberto Brunelleschi, così come Enrico Sacchetti da Lettura; e per la parte redazionale gli inviati Riccardo Gigante e Arnaldo Fraccaroli. A fare il giornale però fu soprattutto Simoni, capace di miscelare abilmente il serio e il faceto, con un linguaggio semplice ed accattivante. Talvolta poteva eccedere nei toni, là dove demonizzava il nemico parlando di un re antropofago o del feldmaresciallo Conrad che sperperava le energie nelle alcove, o dove se la prendeva con i socialisti ridicolizzando l’anima di Pio X o la socializzazione delle donne in Russia. La linea politico-militare era altrettanto semplificata: i soldati nemici venivano accusati di praticare le peggiori bassezze mentre il re e il Duca d’Aosta, comandante della III Armata, erano sempre esaltati.Il fenomeno del giornale di trincea (la cui definizione più corretta sarebbe giornale per la trincea) non fu solo italiano, ma ebbe riflessi anche in altre nazioni impegnate su fronti opposti: ad esempio in Francia, dove veniva pubblicato il foglio Le Rire o in Austria dove alle truppe veniva recapitato il giornale Die Muskete.

Berlin 1989 - 2009 por Rodrigo no Capital de Risco

Queda de muros e paradigmas
Vinte anos após o derrube do Muro de Berlim, que simbolizou o fim do comunismo no leste da Europa, é geral a insatisfação com o capitalismo no mundo. Numa sondagem para a BBC, só 11% dos inquiridos em 27 países consideram que a economia capitalista funciona bem:

Monday, November 09, 2009

Berlin pour Rene Bouschet

Hadi Heidari is Free NOW!

Our colleague Hadi Heidari was released in Iran early today, November 8, 2009.
Nuestro colega Hadi Heidari fue lanzado en el Irán de hoy temprano, 8 de noviembre de 2009.
Hadi Heidari is Free NOW!

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