Saturday, May 07, 2016

V Bienal de Humor Luiz d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2016 Portugal

The thematic challenge this year (for monochrome drawings - one color only) is the proper mood or role of the cartoonist in today's society, an allegorical / parodic trip with bee universe, that being that disappear humanity has no more than four years of existence (as advocated Einstein) and this philosophical art of seeing the world that is disappearing also signal the demise of mankind. At the same time we give way to self-caricatures and caricatures of the profession mate.
Deadline: 25th of June 2016. They should be sent to, or (If you do not receive confirmation receipt please resend new email).
Each artist can send via e-mail in digital format (JPEG 300 dpis A4) up to 4 works in monochromatic (one color with all its nuances - not accepted drawings with 2, 3 or 4 colors) (is compulsory that two should be on this subject, and the other two can be portraits-caricatures  - self-caricature or  any cartoonists of your country), open to all techniques and styles as caricature, cartoon, humor design, strip, bd board (story in a single board) ... which must be accompanied with information of name, date of birth, address and e-mail.

Тематический вызов (для черно-белых рисунков - один цвет только) в этом году является правильное настроение или роль карикатуриста в современном обществе, аллегорическая / пародийное поездка с пчелиным вселенной, что существо, которое исчезнет человечество имеет не более четырех лет существования (как выступал Эйнштейна), и это философское искусство видеть мир, который исчезает также сигнализирует о кончине человечества. В то же время мы даем путь к самообороне карикатур и шаржей партнера профессии

التحدي الموضوعي (للرسومات أحادية اللون - لون واحد فقط) هذا العام هو المزاج الصحيح أو دور رسام الكاريكاتير في مجتمع اليوم، و/ رحلة الساخرة استعاري مع الكون النحل، ذلك الكائن التي تختفي الإنسانية لا يوجد لديه أكثر من أربع سنوات من وجودها (كما أينشتاين دعا) وهذا الفن الفلسفي لرؤية العالم أن تختفي أيضا إشارة إلى زوال الجنس البشري. وفي الوقت نفسه نحن تفسح المجال لرسوم كاريكاتورية عن النفس والرسوم

专题挑战(黑白图纸 - 只有一种颜色)今年是合适的情绪还是在当今社会漫画家作用,蜂宇宙寓言/戏仿之旅,即在于人类消失没有超过四年存在(如爱因斯坦主张),并看到正在消失的世界的这种哲学艺术的信号也是人类的灭亡。同时我们让路自漫画和行业伴侣卡通

Le défi thématique (pour les dessins monochromes - une seule couleur) cette année est l'humeur appropriée ou le rôle du caricaturiste dans la société d'aujourd'hui, un voyage allégorique / parodiques avec l'univers des abeilles, que l'être qui disparaît l'humanité n'a pas plus de quatre ans de l'existence (comme le préconise Einstein) et cet art philosophique de voir le monde qui est en train de disparaître aussi signaler la disparition de l'humanité. Dans le même temps, nous cédons à l'auto-caricatures et caricatures de la compagne de profession

Η θεματική πρόκληση (για μονόχρωμη σχέδια - ένα χρώμα μόνο) αυτό το έτος είναι η κατάλληλη διάθεση ή τον ρόλο του σκιτσογράφου στη σημερινή κοινωνία, μια αλληγορική / παρωδίας ταξίδι με μέλισσα σύμπαν, αυτό το ον που εξαφανίζονται ανθρωπότητα δεν έχει περισσότερα από τέσσερα χρόνια της ύπαρξης (όπως προτείνει ο Αϊνστάιν) και αυτή τη φιλοσοφική τέχνη του να δει τον κόσμο που χάνεται σηματοδοτήσει την κατάρρευση της ανθρωπότητας. Ταυτόχρονα, δίνουμε τον τρόπο να αυτο-καρικατούρες και γελοιογραφίες του συντρόφου επαγγέλματος

विषयगत चुनौती (मोनोक्रोम चित्र के लिए - एक रंग केवल) इस साल कि गायब मानवता से अधिक नहीं चार साल की है उचित मूड या आज के समाज में कार्टूनिस्ट की भूमिका, मधुमक्खी ब्रह्मांड के साथ एक रूपक / parodic यात्रा, कि किया जा रहा है (वकालत आइंस्टीन के रूप में) अस्तित्व और दुनिया है कि गायब है को देखने का यह दार्शनिक कला का भी मानव जाति के निधन के संकेत। उसी समय हम आत्म-हास्य चित्र और पेशे दोस्त के कार्टून के लिए रास्ता दे

(モノクロ図面のための - のみ1色)のテーマ別課題今年は今日の社会で漫画家の適切なムードや役割、ハチの宇宙と寓話/パロディ旅行です、人間性を消滅するということではない4年以上持っていません存在の(アインシュタインが提唱されるように)と人類の終焉を合図も消えつつある世界を見てのこの哲学芸術。同時に、我々は職業メイトの自己似顔絵や漫画への道を与えます

چالش های موضوعی (برای نقاشی تک رنگ - یک رنگ تنها) در این سال خلق و خوی مناسب و یا نقش کاریکاتوریست در جامعه امروز، AN / سفر هجو استعاری با جهان زنبور عسل، که بودن این است که ناپدید می شوند بشریت است که بیش از چهار سال وجود (به عنوان حمایت اینشتین) و این هنر فلسفی از دیدن جهان است که ناپدید شدن نیز از مرگ انسان را نشان دهد. در همان زمان ما راه را به خود کاریکاتورهای و

(Monokrom çizimlerin için - bir renk sadece) tematik zorluk bu yıl insanlığın en fazla dört yıl vardır kaybolur uygun ruh hali ya da günümüz toplumunda karikatürcü rolü, arı evrenle bir alegorik / parodik gezi, o varlıktır (savunduğu Einstein gibi) varlığı ve kaybolan dünyayı görmenin bu felsefi sanatın da insanlığın ölümü işaret etmektedir. Aynı zamanda kendini karikatür ve meslek arkadaşı karikatürler yol vermek

Tantangan tematik (untuk gambar monokrom - satu warna saja) tahun ini adalah suasana hati yang tepat atau peran kartunis di masyarakat saat ini, sebuah kiasan / perjalanan parodi dengan alam semesta lebah, makhluk yang yang menghilang manusia memiliki tidak lebih dari empat tahun eksistensi (seperti yang dianjurkan Einstein) dan seni filosofis ini melihat dunia yang menghilang juga menandakan matinya manusia. Pada saat yang sama kita memberi jalan kepada diri karikatur dan karikatur dari pasangan profesi

El reto temática (para dibujos en blanco y negro - un solo color) este año es el estado de ánimo adecuado o papel del dibujante en la sociedad actual, un viaje alegórico / paródica con universo abeja, ese ser que desaparezca la humanidad no tiene más de cuatro años de la existencia (como Einstein defendido) y este arte filosófico de ver el mundo que está desapareciendo también señalar la desaparición de la humanidad. Al mismo tiempo que damos a manera de auto-caricaturas y caricaturas de compañeros de profesión

Provocarea tematică (pentru desene alb-negru - o singură culoare numai) în acest an este starea de spirit corespunzătoare sau rolul caricaturistului în societatea de astăzi, o excursie alegorică / parodic cu universul de albine, acea ființă care dispar omenirea nu are mai mult de patru ani de existență (așa cum a susținut Einstein) și această artă filosofică de a vedea lumea care dispare semnal, de asemenea, dispariția omenirii. În același timp, vom da drumul la auto-caricaturi și caricaturi de mate profesie

CHARGE DA SEMANA de LAILSON - Paraíso perdido

Thursday, May 05, 2016

Le caricaturiste Siné est mort à l’âge de 87 ans

La page Facebook officielle de Siné Mensuel annonce que le caricaturiste français Maurice Sinet, plus connu sous le nom de Siné, est mort ce jeudi matin « à l’hôpital Bichat des suites d’une opération »

« Il devait subir cette nuit une grave opération du poumon », a indiqué à l’Agence France-Presse (AFP) l’avocat de la famille, Dominique Tricaud. «Mais même gravement malade il avait encore dessiné lui-même la dernière couverture de Siné Mensuel », a-t-il ajouté.
Mercredi, Siné s’exprimait sur le site de Siné Mensuel à propos de sa maladie dans une tribune intitulée « Ça m’énerve grave » :
 « Depuis quelque temps, vous avez dû remarquer que je ne nageais pas dans une joie de vivre dionysiaque ni dans un optimisme à tous crins, ce qui est pourtant mon penchant habituel. Je ne pense, depuis quelque temps, qu’à ma disparition prochaine, sinon imminente, et sens la mort qui rôde et fouine sans arrêt autour de moi comme un cochon truffier. (…) C’est horriblement chiant de ne penser obsessionnellement qu’à sa mort qui approche, à ses futures obsèques et au chagrin de ses proches. »
Un cactus en forme de doigt d’honneur
Le caricaturiste avait déjà tout prévu. Il y a quelques années, il avait en effet acheté sa sépulture, qui se trouve dans la 30e division du cimetière de Montmartre, àParis. Un bronze représentant un cactus en forme de doigt d’honneur surmonte un caveau pouvant accueillir jusqu’à 60 urnes funéraires. Une épitaphe a été gravée sur le socle : « Mourir ? Plutôt crever ! »
Rédigé lors d’un séjour à l’hôpital il y a quelques années, un texte intitulé « Mes dernières volontés » va jusqu’à préciser le nom du producteur du beaujolais qui sera offert aux convives lors de ses funérailles. Le vieil anar y parle aussi de… réincarnation, puisqu’il se voit renaître dans la peau d’un bonobo.
Siné faisait aussi savoir qu’il avait déjà établi une liste de CD qu’il aimerait avoir à son côté quand il serait six pieds sous terre. On y trouve principalement de la musique noire américaine : Nina Simone, Ray Charles, Otis Redding, Dizzy Gillespie, Count Basie, Billie Holiday…
Figure historique de « Charlie Hebdo »
Avant de fonder son journal, Siné avait été une figure historique de Charlie Hebdo. Mais, taxé d’antisémitisme, ce qu’il réfutait, il fut écarté en 2008 de l’hebdomadaire par le directeur de la publication Philippe Val.
L’affaire, qui fit grand bruit, était partie d’une chronique dans laquelle Siné ironisait sur la conversion éventuelle de Jean Sarkozy, fils du président, au judaïsme avant son mariage avec la fille du fondateur des magasins Darty. Journalistes et intellectuels s’étaient alors divisés entre pro-Val et pro-Siné.
Siné avait cependant été relaxé par le tribunal correctionnel de Lyon, qui considérait qu’il avait usé de son droit à la satire, et avait fait condamner Charlie Hebdo pour préjudice moral et financier.
Après son départ de Charlie Hebdo, il fonda Siné Hebdo, mais le magazine ferma rapidement. En 2011, en dépit d’ennuis de santé, il lança Siné Mensuel, qui, face à des difficultés financières, a l’an dernier lancé un appel aux dons.

En savoir plus sur

Siné em Portugal 1988 no II Salão Nacional de Caricatura - Porto de Mós
 Cartaz e capa do catálogo desenhado por Siné para o Salão Nacional de Caicatura que então se realizou em Porto de Mós
Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa Montando a exposição de Siné
Momento da entrega dos prémios do Salão onde se vê da esquerda para a Direita o cartoonista Augusto Cid, Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa e Siné (em pè)
 Siné no Santuário de Fátima (Portugal)

Tuesday, May 03, 2016

Iranian Cartoonist Atena Farghadani Released

A legal victory in Iran means a cartoonist sentenced to 12 years will be released early
Fadi Abou Hassan, a Palestinian cartoonist in exile in Norway, drew this cartoon to celebrate the impending release of Iranian artist and activist Atena Farghadani. 
Iranian artist Atena Farghadani had been languishing in Evin Prison serving a 12-year-sentence for a 2014 cartoon she posted on Facebook that portrayed Iranian lawmakers as humans with the faces of monkeys and goats. 
Atena Farghadani posted this cartoon to Facebook in 2014. She was protesting the Iranian parliament's then plan to not allow Iranian women to buy birth control in order to increase the population of Iran.
Atena Farghadani
The cartoon was mocking the members of Iran's parliament, who at the time were calling for bans on women acquiring birth control as a way to increase the population of Iran. But last week Farghadani's sentence was drastically reduced and she'll be eligible to be released in a few weeks.
Iranian cartoonist Nik Kowsar credits Farghadani's lawyer, Mohammad Moghimi, for finding a way through Iran's legal thicket.
"I believe her lawyer did a very good job defending her," Kowsar says, "not making the case political but doing a legal battle with the court."
Instead of making Farghadani an international cause célèbre, Moghimi focused on the intention of her cartoon. In the end, he was able to get the Iranian appeals court to acquit Farghadani of "assembly and collusion against the state" and he also had her sentence for "insulting the Supreme Leader" suspended.
A nine-month sentence for "insulting" the current president and other Iranian officials was reduced to a fine. That left just an 18-month prison sentence for "propaganda against the state" and that term is up as of early May.
Kowsar also spent time in Evin Prison in 2000 for a cartoon that offended Iranian authorities. 
Eventually he resettled in the United States and now works with the human rights group Cartoonists Rights Network International to help cartoonists around the world who are persecuted for their craft.  
He says 29-year-old Farghadani is not strictly a cartoonist but that didn't matter. 
"We had not seen any cartoons from Atena in the past but this specific artwork was a cartoon so that's why CRNI started supporting her," he says. In 2015, CRNI awarded Atena Farghadani their annual Courage in Cartooning Award. 
CRNI, led by Kowsar, also wrote an open letter to the Iranian president, Hassan Rouhani. "Though we knew that the Iranian president does not have anything to do with the judiciary, we thought maybe his office was able to possibly lobby on behalf of all the organizations that were signatories to that campaign."
Kowsar and CRNI sought out IFEX, a clearinghouse of more than 80 freedom of speech organizations around the globe. "Through IFEX we were able to get lots of signatures and also many cartoonists — well-known artists — actually signed that letter and it was sent to the Iranian president."
A separate "drawing" campaign began as well. In 2015, visual storyteller and Washington Post columnist Michael Cavna created the hashtag #Draw4Atena. Cartoonists around the world responded. See some of those responses here.
This story first appeared on

Atena Farghadani, the Iranian cartoonist and activist who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for drawing a politically sensitive cartoon, was released from Evin Prison today, May 3, 2016.
Speaking to Journalism Is Not A Crime, Farghadani’s lawyer, Mohammad Moghimi, confirmed the news of her release.
The 29-year-old cartoonist has been held in Tehran’s brutal Evin Prison since she was arrested on January 10, 2015. She was initially sentenced to 12 years and nine months in prison by the notorious Judge Salavati of Branch 15 of the Revolutionary Court.
Her sentence was based on a wide range of charges for drawing a cartoon that depicted members of the Iranian Parliament as animals. The cartoon was drawn in protest against two proposed bills that would outlaw voluntary sterilization, restrict access to contraceptives, and tighten divorce laws.
But an appeals court reduced her sentence to 18 months, her lawyer said on April 25, 2016.
“The appeals court has made it possible for Miss Farghadani to return to a normal life and normal society,” Moghimi wrote on his Facebook page on April 25. “Thanks to the judge of the appeals court and to everyone who supported her.”
He also detailed the appeals court’s decision:
“Miss Farghadani has been acquitted of the charges of ‘gathering and colluding with counter-revolutionary elements’ and ‘acting against national security.’ The three-year prison sentence for ‘Insulting the Supreme Leader’ has been replaced by a four-year suspended sentence. Moreover, she has received a fine for ‘insulting members of parliament and the president’ and ‘insulting prison guards.’ She has been sentenced to 18 months in prison on the charge of ‘propaganda against the regime’,” he wrote. 
Farghadani was originally arrested in August 2014 and detained for two months – most of which she served in solitary confinement. Following her release, she posted a video on YouTube describing how prison guards had mistreated her physically, which was shared in the press and on social media. Instead of investigating the allegations, authorities re-arrested her in January 2015.
In October 2015, the news emerged that Farghadani faced additional charges, including “indecent conduct” and “illegitimate relations,” after shaking hands with her lawyer during a prison visit. Under Iranian law, it is illegal to shake hands with a person of the opposite sex who is not a family member. Farghadani was later acquitted of these charges.
In addition to imposing new charges on Farghadani, the young artist was also subjected to a “virginity test” in prison, a move that was condemned by human rights groups.
Read more about Atena Farghadani on her profile.

9. International Eskişehir Cartoon Festival “WORLD HERITAGE”

9. International Eskişehir Cartoon Festival “WORLD HERITAGE”
24 November 2016  – 11 December 2016, Eskişehir, TURKEY
Dear Cartoonist Friend,
Cartoonists all around the world participated to the international cartoon festivals which were organized by Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association in Istanbul in the recent years. The first festival’s subject we arranged was mixed(1997); the second festival’s subject was “East and West”(2000); the third festival’s subject was “Water and Life”(2003), the fourth festival’s subject was “Global Warming”(2005), the fifth festival’s subject was “Intercultural Tolerance”(2007), the sixth festival’s subject was “Energy”. We organized 7th Cartoon Festival in Eskisehir in 2012 with the subject “Philosophy” with the collaboration of Anadolu University total 38 countries, 561 cartoonists, 1651 cartoons. Finally in 2014 we organized 8th Cartoon Festival with the theme “Voluntariness” with the collaboration of Anadolu University. (45 countries, 163 cartoonists, 511 cartoons)
9. International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival is organized by Active Philosophy - Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association and Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality.
The theme of the ninth International Eskisehir Cartoon Festival is chosen as “World Heritage“.

SUBJECT: “World Heritage” 3-D documents that define collective memory of humanity. Monuments, buildings, archaeological areas, ceremonies, rituals, traditional dances, local productions, elements that constitute the richness of world heritage could serve as the subject.
Wars that continue in different areas of the world, global climate change and natural disasters increasing in number in recent years, threaten the cultural heritage that inspires the humanity and lead to loss of collective memory.
AIM: To “create an awareness” in the society regarding the protection of Cultural Heritage which is in danger due to natural disasters, global climate change and wars; to “encourage thinking” and the most important of all to “produce a want to contribute”.
We Active Philosophy - Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association and Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality, expect talented cartoons with the subject “World Heritage” from all cartoonists.
The cartoons to be exhibited during the festival in Eskisehir will also be exhibited in other branches of our association which are in other cities of Turkey such as Istanbul, Ankara, Izmir, Adana, Antalya, Van, Bursa, Izmit, Mersin, Aydın and associations in abroad which collaborates with Active Philosophy, Yeni Yuksektepe; for people who are interested in art.
We would like to invite you to the 9th International Cartoon Festival which will be held on 24 November-11 December 2016 with your talented cartoons.
Opening will be held in Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality Ataturk Culture Art Congress Centre on 24 November 2016 at 18:00.
1)     EXHIBITION: Exhibitions of the cartoons under the theme of “World Heritage” will take place during 24 November-11 December 2016. More than 200 well-known cartoonists are expected to participate to the exhibition as before.
2)     SYMPOSIUM: An opportunity is created for inter-disciplinary works by performing a symposium under the theme of “World Heritage” with participation of guests on arts, science, and philosophy.
3)     CONCERT: A concert of AFMA music group will be held.
4)     THEATRE PERFORMANCE: with the subject of World Heritage by Active Philosophy Theatre group. 

1)     The theme of the exhibition is “World Heritage”. Cartoons not related with the main theme and the sub- themes, may not take part in the festival and the exhibition. The final decision is to be given by the Organizational Committee, and this committee works with cartoonist Tan Oral’s chairmanship.
1)   Technique: Free. Black/white or colored.
2)     Dimension: A4 or A3. No passé partout, no frame.
Shipment  (Possible by 2 ways):
1)  By mail: (
     Cartoons should have 300 dpi resolution and JPEG formatted. (Max. 2 MB)
     Work should be named. Example: nameandsurnameofartist_nameofwork.jpeg
2)   By post: If this way is preferred, cartoons shouldn’t have passé partout and frame. Please    
      send them with filled participation form to the below address.
Aktiffelsefe-Yeni Yuksektepe Kultur Dernegi,
             Isiklar Mah. Gultugrul Sok. No:6 Eskisehir-TURKEY
P.S:  No limitation for the number of works to be sent for the exhibition.
Sending Back the cartoons:
       1) All cartoons will be kept in the cartoon archives of Active Philosophy-Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association and archives of Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality and will not be  
sent back, unless there is a special request from the artist to send his/her work back.
Usage Rights of the cartoons:
All the usage rights of the cartoons belong to Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association without any commercial purposes and Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality, partner of the 9th International Cartoon Festival. The originals may be printed or exhibited in Turkey or abroad; used for the books, magazines, catalogues, brochures, VCD’s and DVD’s to be printed by Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe and its corporative associations in Turkey or abroad; sent to another association in Turkey or abroad for the purpose of exhibiting or printing without commercial purpose by Active Philosophy- Yeni Yuksektepe. Even if the cartoonist sends the originals or the copies to Active philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe, the cartoonist will be the owner of the publication and financial rights. Cartoons that were exhibited in the festival will be covered under a catalog. A copy of the catalog will be uploaded on the Internet web site and free for download. News covering the festival will also be available on the same web sites. The originals may be used in the news coverage about the Festival in the Print and TV Media. Both collaborators Active Philosophy Yeni Yüksektepe Cultural Association and Eskisehir Metropolitan Municipality are responsible for their own publications. 
      Deadline: The deadline for the cartoons to arrive to the Festival Organizational Committee is 23rd October 2016.
Please send a reply e-mail to notice that you have received this e-mail.
Who is Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association?
Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association is a non-profit, non-governmental, philosophical-cultural organisation which does not have a religious or political identity.
Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe organises helpful activities for public interest and community awareness; aims to improve the world of culture with cultural activities; helps people in need in emergency situations by the GEA search and rescue team; protects nature through ecological activities. All activities organised by Active Philosophy- Yeni Yuksektepe are based on universal principles:
·         To unite human beings regardless of their creeds, races, and social status around an ideal of love, respect, tolerance and universal fraternity.
·         To awaken a global vision in men and women through the comparative study of sciences, religions, arts and philosophies.
·         To enable men and women to live as a part of nature and to express their true personalities, by developing the capacities of each individual.
We would be pleased to stay in contact with you and thank you very much for your attention.
Best Regards,
Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association
Eskisehir Branch
Public Relations Department
For your questions you can call us (between 09:00 and 22:00 everyday) or send an e-mail.
Aktiffelsefe Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association Eskisehir Branch
Isiklar Mah. Gultugrul Sok. No:6 26120 Eskisehir-TURKEY
Tel: +90 222 220 51 66

Date of birth:
I accept all terms and conditions of the festival which is organized by Active Philosophy-Yeni Yuksektepe Cultural Association and Eskişehir Metropolitan Municipality.

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