Friday, July 02, 2021
1.PARTICIPATION - The organizer of 16th International festival of cartoon Solin 2021.Is the Tourist Board of Solin and City Solin. The festival is opened for everyone regardless of nationality, age,sex, or profesion.
„HISTORIC CITIES“ (tourism, monuments, culture, tradition, people, religion...)
ENTRIES Conditions
of entry: 1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted.
Digital artwork is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. In
addition to the original works, works in electronic form, A4 size, 300 dpi,
jpeg are also acceptable.
2. Work may be black or colored.
3. There should be the name, surname and the address on the reverse
side of cartoons.
4. Maximum 5 entries will be submitted.
5. Maximum size of entries is A3 format (40x30cm)
6. Works may not be awarded at other festivals.
deadline is the 05. september. 2021
Please write ; PRINTED
Kralja Zvonimira 50,
21210 Solin, CROATIA
or E-mail:
(Format: JPEG; Size: A4; Resolution: 200 dpi-300 dpi). Maximum 3MB for a
digital work.
Name of digital work: (if the autor is
submitting more than one work)
1016 EUR
7.EXHIBITION - The exhibition will take place in the galery of the culture home „ZVONIMIR“
Solin on the 17.09.2021
8.OTHER CONDITIONS - The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the
festival, Solin 2021,as the advertising material without being obliged to pay a
fee to an author whose work may be used.The prize-winning works become property
of the organizer.
Cartoonist-designer MARKO IVIĆ
LAST NAME ---------------------------------------------
FIRST NAME --------------------------------------------
PSEUDONIM --------------------------------------------
STREET ---------------------------------------------------
POSTCODE -----------------------------------------------
CITY -------------------------------------------------------
COUNTRY -----------------------------------------------
TELEPHONE --------------------------------------------
E-MAIL ---------------------------------------------------
NUMBER OF ENTRIES -------------------------------
MALE-FEMALE ----------------------------------------
Thursday, July 01, 2021
31st International Biennial of Humor in Art-Tolentino / Italy
The Municipality of Tolentino announces and
organizes Biumor 2021 the 31st International Biennial of Humor in
Art , a prize competition dedicated to the art of humor.
The competition is divided into two sections:
1 - " International City of Tolentino
Prize " dedicated to the art of humor on the theme "Envy" .
Envy is the desire for the evil of
Envy is the displeasure we feel for
the satisfaction of others.
Envy is the grudge for the successes
of our fellow men.
Envy is that interpersonal and social
malaise that continues to survive in contemporary society.
Envy (from the Latin in - aversive - and to see,
to look against, unfavorably, or precisely to look badly) is a constant of the
human soul, a timeless phenomenon that crosses all social groups. The
theme is an invitation to think critically about the evil present in our
2 - “ Luigi Mari Award ”, dedicated to
the caricature portrait of famous people. As part of the award ceremony,
the “Humor on the Net” will be recognized, dedicated to new
postmodern products that break the consolidated models to which traditional
comedy has accustomed us.
The competition includes:
a selection of the works received by a qualified jury. The selected
works will be exhibited at the 31st International Biennial of Humor in
Art, an exhibition to be held in Tolentino from 25 November 2021
to 30 January 2022;
the publication of a catalog of the selected works, which will be given as
a gift to the authors of the same;
a prize-giving evening / event for the winners.
Contemporary artists of all nationalities can
participate in the competition, without age limits, with a maximum number of
three works for each section, unpublished and in original, of free dimensions
and techniques, in any form of visual art and any type of material and support:
painting, graphics, sculpture and installation, photography, video. Works
of digital art entirely made on the computer and works made from photographic sources
are also allowed as long as the digital intervention is structural, only
if also sent in hard copy, signed and numbered by the author
The deadline for admission of the works to the
competition is 11 October 2021 . By
that date, all the works must reach:
Secretariat of the “31st International Biennial
of Humor in Art” - Palazzo Europa - Via Tambroni n. 4 - 62029 TOLENTINO
Each author must attach the participation form,
completed in every part and duly signed. Each work must
be signed in original and accompanied by the appropriate
The works must be sent carriage paid. The
works sent will be accepted only if they are not burdened by taxes, customs
duties, any other burden borne by the Municipality.
The admission of the works, their selection for
the exhibition and the awarding of the prizes are the exclusive competence of
the Jury appointed by the Municipal Administration of Tolentino in agreement
with the Artistic Direction. The jury's decision is final and
The Jury will award the following prizes:
"International Prize City of
Tolentino" dedicated to the art of humor on the theme "Envy"
1st Prize - Winner of the Biennale €
3,000.00. In the event of a tie, the cash
prize awarded will be divided among the winners.
2nd Prize - € 1,000.00.
3rd Prize - € 500.00.
“ Luigi Mari
Award” dedicated to the caricature portrait of famous people
1st Prize - €
2nd Prize - € 500.00.
Other special prizes may be awarded
by the Jury.
The winning works will not be
returned. They will remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino
and will become part of the collection of the MIUMOR -
International Museum of Humor in Art .
The works expressly donated by the
Author will remain the property of the Municipality of Tolentino,
which may freely dispose of them.
The non-donated works can be
collected personally by the artist or his delegate from the MIUMOR starting
from February 28, 2022 or they can be returned if the interested party
expressly requests it on the coupon attached to the work, not earlier than the
thirtieth day following the expected one. closing date of the Biennale, except
for extensions.
The Municipality of Tolentino, as organizer of
the event, ensures the utmost diligence in the custody and surveillance of the
works for the entire duration of their stay at the Biennale headquarters and
during the transport phases of the works themselves, however declining
responsibility for any theft, fire, damage or
loss due to imponderable causes that may occur.
Each participant in the competition grants the
Municipality of Tolentino the reproduction rights of the works selected for
their publication in the official catalog of the Biennale free of charge, in
the number of copies that the Municipality deems convenient, for publication on
the website and any other form of communication, promotion and activities of
the organization.
The Municipality is authorized to publish the
work on any medium, including for commercial purposes. The author will be
indicated in the reproductions of the work, in the methods of use. The
author allows the free use of the work for cognitive, educational, recreational
and public enjoyment purposes.
The author of the published work expressly
waives any compensation.
Participants in the competition expressly
authorize the Municipality of Tolentino to process personal data transmitted
pursuant to the Code regarding the protection of personal data, also for the
purpose of insertion in databases managed directly by the Municipality or by a
person appointed by it.
The Municipality of Tolentino, as organizer of
the 31st Biennale, has the right to make a final decision on anything not
specified in these Regulations.
The Regulations are published on the
website in Italian, English, French and Spanish. In the event of a
dispute, the Italian text will prevail.
Participation in the competition of
the 31st International Biennial of Humor in Art implies
the unconditional acceptance of all the articles of these Regulations.
tel 0733.901365 / 0733.969797
e mail:
Wednesday, June 30, 2021
«Manuela Santos a “O Dia” – Gosto de ir ao fundo das coisas com todas as consequências» por Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa in «O Dia» de 2/8/1987
Acusada de ter um temperamento não dócil, nem sempre acarinhada pela crítica, a cantora Manuela Santos é uma artista que não deve a sua carreira a niguém, apenas à sua perseverança e suor. Se não tem uma voz lírica que a projecte no estrelado internacional, ninguém lhe pode negar o calor do seu timbre de mezzo de coloratura, a força interpretativa com que canta as palavras, a actriz que é nos simples movimentos. Os espectáculos, nem sempre mantêm a regularidade necessária a qualquer profissional e se passa meses ausente, outros há em que surge diariamente como é o caso desta semana, participando em quatro espectáculos com três programas diferentes: «Serestas» de Villa-Lobos (Festival Costa do Sol), um espectáculo magnifico; «Espírito de Contradição» (Teatro de São Carlos) num papel não adequado à sua voz e consequentemente prejudicial e ontem à noite «Pierrot Lunaire» de Schöenberg (Festival dos Capuchos) na Central Tejo de Belém, a primeira vez que esta obra foi realizada apenas por portugueses.
OMS – A sua carreira não tem sido fácil: isso leva-me a perguntar-lhe como vê a vida de cantor em Portugal?
Manuela Santos - «Sem querer personalizar as dificuldades, acho que logo à partida existe uma deficiência de ensino, há falta de professores, falta de uma preparação paralela, falta de uma preparação paralela á técnica de canto. Para além de se ter que aprender a utilizar o instrumento tecnicamente, tem que se saber o que é interpretação, conhecer e saber escolher o reportório e sua característica estilísticas, ter cultura geral. Qualquer obra que se cante, seja lied, oratória, ópera, modinhas… tudo tem que ser espectáculo, antes de tudo. Para isso, o instrumentalista / cantor tem que estar na posse da sua dimensão dramática. Saídos dos Conservatórios, sem qualquer tipo de experiência, os artistas podem audacionar para as duas únicas instituições produtoras de espectáculos e postos de trabalho – Gulbenkian e São Carlos. Se conseguem ser chamados e bem sucedidos, eventualmente podem ser chamados de novo; senão, tem que esperar e repetir o processo; porém, no melhor dos casos, não cobseguem melhor que uma ou duas participações anuais, que obviamente não chegam para um artista sobreviver.
É que para além da falta de preparação, há também falta de mercado. Seria necessário criar outras alternativas como uma Ópera Estúdio, uma Companhia de Opereta… Por outro lado o Mecenato, em vez de apoiar quem já tem dinheiro, devia dar de facto possibilidades aos próprios cantores para organizarem espectáculos seus, como aconteceu com «Um Serão à Moda Antiga», apoiado pela Cerveja Bohémia.
Se o artista não tem possibilidades de substituir, restam-lhe apenas duas hipóteses: um outro emprego, passando o canto a ser actividade secundária com toda a carga negativa que isso implica, ou concorrer para o lugar de coralista, esperando a possibilidade de ser chamado para fazer pequenos papéis, nem sempre adquados à sua voz.
OMS – Só que Manuela Santos não é pessoa que fique à espera…
Manuela Santos – Á partida, cono não sou convidada regularmente pelas entidades produtoras tomo a iniciativa de me produzir, por vezes com um saldo financeiro negativo, porque gosto que haja qualidade nos factos, no envolvimento.
O tipo de espectáculos, tem a ver com a minha ideia do que poderia ser a «educação» e cativação de um público. Diz-se, nos meios musicais eruditos que não há mais público que as três récitas do Teatro de São Carlos, mas se isso é verdade, é porque durante muitos anos se viveu de um público fixo, esquecendo que a população evoluiu e não se esteve atento às solicitações desse novo público. Os centros eruditos fecharam-se em si mesmos, em vez de irem ao encontro da juventude. A proposta dos meus espectáculos é, através de obras mais acessíveis, familiarizar o público com essa raça desconhecida e estranha, que são os cantores de «Ópera», indo ter com eles aos locais onde estão e dar-lhes sempre em envolvimento visual.
OMS – Como aconteceu esta sobrecarga de trabalho nesta semana?
Manuela Santos – É o aproveitar as oportunidades que surgem, por casualidades e o medo de que, na minha posição de coralsta que pretende ser solista, a atitute de recusar um papel oferecido, apesar de desfavorável à minha voz, fizesse o Teatro fechar-me as portas a outros trabalhos.
OMS – Em contrapartida as «Serestas»…
Manuela Santos – Foi uma surpresa muito agradável, primeiro por ter sido convidada a participar no Festival da Costa do Sol, segundo por se tratar de um tipo de música que me agrada muito, ser Villa-Lobos e em português, embora as «Serestas» fossem um reportório desconhecido para mim. Mas a maior surpresa de todas e sem dúvida a mais agradáve foi o facto de, apesar de ter apenas três ensaios com o pianista Robert Szidon (especialista em Villa-Lobos), este tem afirmado que tinha encontrado pela primeira vez cantoras que fizessem a integral das «Serestas» e com o rigor de estilo necessário.
OMS – E o «Pierrot Lunaire» como surgiu?
Manuela Santos – A proposta foi-me feita há um ano pelo pianista João Paulo Santos, quando este foi convidado a dirigir esta obra no Festival dos capuchos. Se o João Paulo me convidou, uma das razões, foi a de , seundo palavras dele «ser uma cantora que não tem medo de “estranhar” a voz». De facto o Pierrot Lunaire é uma obra muito especial, pois tem que se ir até ao fundo das coisas, com todas as consequências. Muitos cantores, quiçá por conceitos de técnica erradas, ou por defesa pessoal, cometem, quanto a mim, o erro de sacrificarem o personagem e o espectáculo no qual estão envolvidos, à sua comodidade vocal – não confundir incomodidade de tessitura, destruidora de uma voz e incomodidade vocal como entrega. O meu objectivo é sempre o de salvaguardar a integridade do espectáculo como um todo, mesmo que eu arrisque a minha “garganta”.
OMS – O facto de ser a primeira vez que é apresentado só por portugueses, não especialistas, isso não a assusta?
Manuela Santos – Antes pelo contrário, é uma coisa que me atrai. Talvez seja um trauma meu, mas quanto mais desconhecidas mais me fascinam, sobretudo porque, apesar do seu extremo rigor de escrita e, consequentemente de condicionalismo, permite um enorme campo de busca e interpretação pessoal.
OMS – É conhecida por se apaixonar pelas obras em que entra…
Manuela Santos – Não sei se sou conhecida por isso, mas é um facto e tem a ver com o que eu disse anteriormente, que o espectáculo só pode ser feito através da compreensão que cada artista tem do seu personagem, e da forma como este se integra no espectáculo. Não me interesso apenas pelas coisas que dizem respeito ao meu papel, pelo contrário, assisto sempre ao trabalho feito com tofod os outros personagens.
OMS – Na nota distribuida à imprensa di-se que o Pierrot é feito numa versão não cantada, antes recitada, parecendo que não é a versão de Schöenberg…
Manuela Santos – Eu de facto não sou especialista, mas creio que não se deve dizer uma coisa, nem outra. De facto não é cantada segundo o conceito tradicional que se tem do canto, mas obedece a uma melodia e a um ritmo rigorosamente escrito, o que está em oposição ao que se pode chamar recitar um poema. Creio que o próprio Schöenberg, sabendo o que queria, tinha dificuldade de designar com exactidão este estilo de canto/fala.
OMS – Como é o futuro?
Manuela Santos – Existem várias propostas para repetir este espectáculo, mas em Portugal só acredito no momento em que as coisas acontecem (Este «Pierrot Lunaire» acabaria por ser gravado pela RTP e transmitido com realização de Carlos Barradas). Em Ourubro participo em mais um espectáculo do Centenário de Stuart Carvalhais e o resto é uma enorme incógnita.
Espero que o Teatro de São carlos tenha em conta o meu esforço e me dê uma oportunidade adequada à minha voz, e estou aberta a todas as propostas que me queiram fazer, não exclusivamente no domínio do cantoo, mas também como actriz Se entretanto nã me conseguir afirmar como cantora preferirei consagrar-me, de novo e definitivamente ao Teatro declamado e aos meus espectáculos particulares
(Para além de vários espectáculos de teatro fará filmes e telenovelas como «A Roseira Brava»…)
Tuesday, June 29, 2021
Tel/Fax: 381 (37) 423 025; 421 877
XXX Cartoon Contest 'Golden Helmet' 2022 Krusevac Serbia
30th International Festival of Humor and Satire "Golden Helmet"
Announces The Competition
The Theme: "Jubilee"
1. Caricature
2. Written Form
- Short Story
- Poem
- Aphorism
1- Caricature:
Minimum A4 (210x297 mm), Maximum A3 (297x420 mm), all drawing techniques (it's
allowed to use computer techniques).
2- Written Form:
Maximum length is two typed pages, maximum up to 20 aphorisms.
All works of creation must be sent with a unique code.
One author can have only one code!
1st Prize-
Plaque "Golden Helmet".............................600 €
Independent Art Exhibition of Caricature in 2023.
2nd Prize- ...................................................................400€
3rd Prize-
Written Form:
Short Story: "Golden Helmet" Plaque ........................ 200 €
Poem: "Golden Helmet" Plaque ..................................200 €
Aforism: Plaketa Zlatna Kaciga .................................. 200 €
Special Prize, "Rade Brka" .........................................
200 €
You can send your works of creation until December 31st, 2021.
Send only unpublished works of creation! Also, you must send your short
biography, address, contact telephone and e-mail address.
Written works must be sent by post, in three copies with the code.
Caricatures can be send by post, but also by e-mail in JPG form (resolution of
300 dpi and a maximum size of 4 MB). Original caricatures must be sent, too.
Computer-generated caricatures must be printed in A4 format, signed manually
with the No1 mark and sent by post, also.
The decision of the jury will be announced by February 15th, 2022.
The awards ceremony will be held at the Final Night of the Festival - April
1st, 2022.
The organization of the festival will bear the cost of the trip and
accommodation for the awarded authors. The official languages of the festival
are Serbian and English.
All artists whose works are selected for the exhibition and catalog, will
receive a free copy of the catalog. The works of art remain the property of the
Festival. The organizer reserves the right to use the works sent for the
competition order to promote the Festival.
Tel/Fax: 381 (37) 423 025; 421 877
The original New Year greetings - New Year's cards - which were born once in Victorian England (18th century) are now not only small - funny, smiling, comic to absurd paintings of artful paintings from the studios of painters and graphic designers. Traditional symbols of alternating years - old and new - farewells and welcomes - in the period from Advent, the Three Kings until the third decade of January have become indispensable messengers of good news - wishes of health, happiness and achievements, personal, family and work.
Today's famous New Year greetings - such as
small, paper paintings - with Christian attributes and the symbol of winter -
eaters decorated with snow duvets, winter landscapes and animals were created
/i.e. on the islands to order thanks to rich and wealthy families.
They soon appeared in the old Europe and penetrated
the then Russian Empire. And their insever was found. In Prague, the
painter Viktor Stretti - the first - enriched his own New Year's paper
congratulations with a written supplement P.F. - "congratulations -
to happiness" in the form/form/ of two French words
"Pour Féliciter". His idea, his grandson, his abbreviated, only
two-song form of the magically magical acronym "P.S." have preserved
the New Year's to this day.
They have gradually spread beyond the continent - into the world. Today, inherently, at the turn of the year - thanks to the emergence of the postal service, the world is ingesting on all continents. From America, Africa to Australia. It's the third century.
"The alternation of years is now popular with
painters on all continents. It is a welcome and spectacular opportunity for
artists (mainly thanks to e-mail now/ their virtual presentation - to present
their author's works - New Year's works", says Peter Závacký, curator of
cartoon from Bratislava.
" And not only for painters. But also for their
fans and fans of fine art. They all have a great opportunity to see their
likable artwork every year in a variety of art techniques. From classic 'repro'
postcards to fine opus. Funny and smiling drawings and paintings. Engraving and
lithograph graphics, collages and photo collages, also PC-techniques. All great
art-works from leading, well-known and popular painters and cartoonists.
Authors of domestic and also from the world, countries close and distant -
cartoonists, painters, graphic designers, cartoonists. But today also artists
from the ranks of poets and writers /with a gift to draw/, who also added a
verse or an aphorism or , an epigraph. They all visually please their eye
together and caress their souls," added curator Závacký.
"Satisfied smiling and faces at my recent
exhibitions in Slovakia and the Czech Republic - exclusive presentations of
international art - cartoon project "ART TRIBUTE To "PF"
"they are for me this kind and joyful proof."
And there's something else I want - as the author - to
say - to add. Why hide it. I'll be proud to say that. When drawing, painting
and drawing new year's books, they always have solo (long since/ cartoonists).
Masters of humor in graphics - an art humorous acronym. They draw quickly, in a
flash. Excellent. And they also think fast - but especially wisely, warmly,
honestly and thoughtfully. Cartoonists discover the hidden truth. They're like
kids - they don't lie...
Despite the unplanned virus, the artists didn't rest
and didn't start lazy even now - when the years were alternating - 2020 and
2021 - they drew, painted, engraved, christianized - they made their kumštom a
great fan. But they also delighted themselves and stroked their egos. On
Moreover, for more than a decade now, New Year'saries
are also the subject of passionate collecting interest. With us, in Europe and
in the world. Especially artistic New Year's pieces from the studios of
recognized masters of palette, brush and engraving are searched.
And who today has in his collection in Bratislava and
Prague "opus" Tibor Bartffay, Arpád Račko, Ján Kulich, Karol Zachar,
Jura Kotouček, Lubomír Vaněk, Bohuna Plocháňová, Milan Vavra, Jiři Trnka, Adolf
Born, Jiři Winter Neprakta, Vladimir Suchánek, or in a world with the
handmnance paraphse of Jefimov, Motchalov, Kukrynixy, Lososinov, Rachkov,
Voznyuk, Sabat, Baptistao, Balea, Boligan, Bouschet, JUNCO, Rassing, Sousa,
Amorin, Gargalo, Yalcin, Ionescu, Cvetkov, Eschonkulov, Gutcol, Semendyaev -
happy to be among the collectors of their opus
Also let us be satisfied by the realization that this
beautiful habit of sending you to the new year "PF" he didn't lose
any of his magic. Not for centuries. Miraculously, it was preserved even at a
time of dominance of sms and e-post.
It is therefore very timely to recall the strength of
this rare long-standing tradition in the new year and habit with us - the
elderly - on our favorite and watched portal of the Master OSVALDO MACEDO
From the quantities of New Year's orders from friends
from my post PF 2021 I have selected for you, if you will allow, at least
"dear" ONE LARGER DOZEN, small but also large and original smiling
works of art - New Year's - in the form of this Mini-Exposition ART TRIBUTE TO
"P.F. 2021 " from friends and recognized masters of humorous visual
acronym - in our country and in the world - from the Danube River and the
Vltava River, but also from the Amazon, Nevy - Rivers, Bosphorus and The Wall
of China... namely Jozef Jurko, Jozef Hudák, Jozef Grušpier, Stano
Remeselník, Lubo Radena, Rasťo Visokay /Slovakia/, Lubomír Vaněk, Jitka
Dolejšová, Miroslav Šesták, Maria Plotěná, Pavel Matuška /Czech Republic/, from
Greece Katarína Yourčková... Spaniard Manuel Junco, Frenchman René Bouschet,
Brazilian Amorin, Russian Vasily Alexandrov, Belarusian Oleg Gutzol, Chinese
Zhu Chen and Turk Hasip Pekta.
Art - the art of New Year's art is accessible to every
artist across continents. Professionals - painters and cartoonists, amateurs
without art education, who draw only for their own pleasure, or with the hope
of provoking a smile on the face not only friends. As well as competitive and
non-competitive presentations of cartoon humour from Merida to Vladivostok,
from Murmansk to Johaneburg, from Sydney to the Easter Islands..
As always, you need to start from what is the simplest
and at the same time the most interesting...