Saturday, October 12, 2013


Charges e cartuns, que por dois séculos fizeram rir e dar o que falar, serão expostos a partir de 27 de novembro no Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, no Rio de Janeiro, e exibidos em todo o Brasil, na primeira Bienal realmente nacional dos cartunistas e caricaturistas brasileiros, que acontecerá simultaneamente em vários Estados do país.
A 1a BIENAL INTERNACIONAL DA CARICATURA é um evento idealizado pelo caricaturista e historiador Luciano Magno, autor do livro “História da Caricatura Brasileira”, com o Apoio e Realização do Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes e de outras instituições culturais brasileiras. Evento pretende ser um dos maiores do mundo, com 25 mostras históricas e contemporâneas em vários Estados Brasileiros, com 40 programações ao todo.
Artistas como Manoel de Araújo Porto-Alegre (patrono da caricatura brasileira), Calixto Cordeiro, Cavalcante, Cau Gomez, Glen Batoca, Hermé, Zé Andrade, e Alpino, entre outros, terão mostras individuais. Programação completa será anunciada em breve.
A Organização do Evento já anuncia o concurso aberto a cartunistas do mundo todo, divulgando o Regulamento completo da “Mostra de Humor da 1a Bienal Internacional da Caricatura”, que premiará os artistas vencedores nas categorias cartum, charge e caricatura, e escultura caricatural, com o Troféu SETH (homenagem a um dos maiores caricaturistas brasileiros de todos os tempos, Seth – Álvaro Marins), feito pelo escultor Genin Guerra.
O Regulamento da “Mostra de Humor da 1a Bienal Internacional da Caricatura”, cuja inscrições vaõ até 14 de novembro de 2013 pelo correio, e 17 de novembro pela internet, pode ser visitado no link abaixo:

Link para download em português (pdf): Regulamento Completo da Mostra de Humor da 1ª Bienal Internacional da Caricatura.
Link para visualização em português dentro do site: Clique aqui.
Ficha de Inscrição (pdf): Ficha de Inscricao da Mostra de Humor da 1a Bienal Internacional da Caricatura.
Você pode precisar do Adobe Acrobat Reader para ler.

Artistas como o mineiro Genin Guerra, o catarinense Manohead, o amazonense Guidacci, o paulista Adail, além de caricaturistas como Lula Palomanes estarão com mostras individuais no Rio de Janeiro.
Nos Estados, a 1a Bienal Internacional da Caricatura contará com exposições de artistas como J. Bosco e Biratan (no Pará), Jota A e Izânio (Piauí), Hércules (Alagoas), Fred Ozanan (Paraíba), e no Ceará uma coletiva organizada pelo jovem caricaturista Cival Einstein. A lista é ampla, e contará ainda com caricaturistas mulheres como Liliana Ostrovsky e Fani Loss.
Em São Paulo haverá debates, com apresentação de uma mostra com caricaturistas nacionais e internacionais.
No Rio Grande Sul, livro da História da Caricatura Brasileira será relançado, com uma mesa-redonda no Centro Cultural Érico Veríssimo sobre o patrono da caricatura brasileira, o gaúcho Manoel de Araújo Porto-Alegre, que terá a presença dos pesquisadores Wagner Passos e Luciano Magno, e mestres como Santiago e Edgar Vasques.

English Version:

Caricatures and cartoons, which for two centuries did laugh and give the talk, will be exhibited from November 27 in Centro Cultural Justiça Federal (Federal Justice Cultural Center) in Rio, and displayed throughout Brazil, the first truly national Biennial of Brazilian cartoonists and caricaturists, will happen simultaneously in multiple states.
The 1st INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL OF CARICATURE is an event designed by cartoonist and historian Luciano Magno , author of “História da Caricature Brasileira” (History of Brazilian Caricature) with the support and realization of the Centro Cultural Justiça Federal, Museu Nacional de Belas Artes (National Museum of Fine Arts) and other cultural institutions in Brazil. Event aims to be one of the largest in the world, with 25 historical and contemporary exhibitions in several Brazilian states, with 40 programs in all.
Artists such as Manoel de Araújo Porto-Alegre (Brazil patron caricature ), Calixto Cordeiro, Cavalcante, Cau Gomez, Glen Batoca, Hermé, Zé Andrade, and Alpino, among others, will have solo exhibitions. Complete schedule will be announced soon.
The Event Organization has announced the contest open to cartoonists from around the world, spreading regulation Complete “Exhibition Humour 1st International Biennial of Caricature”, which will award the winning artists in the categories cartoon, charge and caricature, caricature and sculpture, with SETH Trophy (named after one of the greatest Brazilian cartoonists of all time, Seth – pseudonym of Álvaro Marins ), made by sculptor Genin Guerra.
The Rules of “Exhibition Humour 1st International Biennial of Caricature “, whose deadline is November 14, 2013 by mail, and the Internet November 17, can be visited on the link below :

Link to english version (pdf): Regulation Complete the Exhibition Humour the 1st Biennial International Caricature.
Link to english version inside this site: Click here.
Registration Form (pdf): Registration Form the Exhibition Humour the 1st Biennial International Caricature.
You maybe need Adobe Acrobat Reader to read.

Artists such as brazilians Genin Guerra (from Minas Gerais), Manohead (from Santa Catarina), Guidacci (from Amazon), Adail (from São Paulo), plus caricaturists like Hermé and Lula Palomanes with solo shows in Rio de Janeiro.
In the states of Brazil, the first International Biennial of Caricature exhibition will feature artists such as J. Bosco and Biratan (Pará), Jota A and Izânio (Piauí), Hercules (Alagoas), Clériston and Samuca (Pernambuco), Fred Ozanan (Paraíba), and in state of Ceará a briefing organized by the young cartoonist Cival Einstein. The list is extensive, and will also feature Brazilian women cartoonists like Liliana Ostrovsky and Fani Loss.
In state of São Paulo there will be debates, presenting a show with national and international cartoonists .

In state of Rio Grande do Sul, the book História da Caricatura Brasileira (History of Brazilian Caricature) will be reissued with a roundtable discussion at the Centro Cultural Érico Verissimo (Cultural Center Érico Veríssimo) about the patron of Brazilian caricature, Manoel de Araújo Porto-Alegre, which will be attended by Brazilians researchers Wagner Passos,  Luciano Magno, and masters such as Santiago and Edgar Vasques

Tuesday, October 08, 2013

Inauguración XX Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor - 10 de Octubre - 13 horas

Inauguración XX Muestra Internacional de las Artes del Humor

Instituto Quevedo del humor,  Fundación General de la Universidad de Alcalá


The Outstanding Colombian caricaturist born in Rionegro - Antioquia (1894-1931), call "The Emperor" of the Cartoon. One of the most penetrating and fine Latin American humorists in the XX century, in their work the humor was satire, it was characterized especially by the political cartoon. Their cartoons were true x-rays of the facts and of the individuals. It was pioneer of the graphic publicity in Colombia.
The Festival is an event sponsored by the municipal administration of Rionegro during   nineteen serial years in memory of Ricardo Rendón Bravo.
The Festival, only in the history of the country for their trajectory and continuity; he has allowed to look at the perception of authors of but of 90 countries, main characters of the changes and experiences of the towns that contribute to the humanity's growth with the same humour. The laughing thought and its universal language, caricature is the most effective weapon against the thought that does not laugh.
It is a dream and an universal yearning to erase frontiers so territorial as ideological that prevent us to live in harmony and to visualize the light of the freedom as principle of peace and coexistence.
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world.
The deadline for entries is October 31 (Thursday) – 2013
The themes of the competition are Three Themes
Like any breakthrough in the history of mankind, and as one of the Most Important Cultural assets of our civilization, That part of the human needs to count, measure and determine how everything around him.
The worrying situation of teacher thinking, which aims to better understanding of the teaching - learning.
The Teaching of Mathematics explained in simple language, puzzles, games, tests and worksheets for students, teachers and parents.
Everything about mathematics as a science and fun.
Colombian political leader of the twentieth century See Biography
Each participant can present in the competition a maximum of Three cartoons for theme.
You can participate with cartoons in white and black or in color.
The size of cartoons will not exceed  30 x 40 cms maximum.
You can also participate in the competition with cartoons that have already been published or rewarded previously, all the presented cartoons will be original. Photographs, photocopies etc, will not be accepted, and the transport of the cartoons in charge of the participant.
Participants are requested to send, together with their cartoons, a short curriculum vitae and a photograph.
In the reverse of each cartoon he/she should go the name, surname, address, telephone number and country of origin of the participant.
The selected Caricaturist will receive free a catalogue.
The jury composed of Colombian and foreign cartoonists.
The results will be announced in the month of December of 2013.
The cartoons presented in the competition won't be returned.
By filling in the entrance form attached, the participant declares and accepts in advance that (s)he has turned over the financial rights (s)he holds over the cartoon or cartoons vis-à-vis the public to Cartoonrendon without limitation on location, time period and number the intellectual property all rights for publication.(S)he agrees that Cartoonrendon may use such cartoons, exhibit them, keep them in its archives and publish them on the internet or through other media.
The organization is reserved the right of exhibiting those works that he/she understands they can attempt against individual or collective rights.
The Participation in the competition supposes the entire acceptance and without reservations all the conditions.
1) Prize Theme “MATHEMATICS” - US 2.000.
2) Prize Theme “JORGE ELIECER GAITÁN” - US 800.
3) Prize Theme “FREE” - US 500.
4) Prize Institute for the Development of Antioquia IDEA (Artist Antioqueño) - US 500.
5) Special Prizes offered by various institutions.
The works should be sent to:
Fernando Pica / Centro Cultural Cr 50 # 48 - 05, Rionegro,  Antioquia COLOMBIA  

Le Canard Libéré nº 312

© 2013
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