Saturday, February 10, 2007

Charlie Hebdo em tribunal por causa do fundamentalismo muçulmano

Jornal francês em tribunal por publicar caricaturas de Maomé
Começou esta semana em Paris o julgamento do jornal satírico Charlie Hebdo, acusado por organizações islâmicas de ter tentado deliberadamente ofender os muçulmanos com a publicação das caricaturas de Maomé.
O jornal francês reproduziu a maior parte das caricaturas publicadas pelo jornal dinamarquês "Jyllands-Posten" em Setembro de 2005, que geraram enormes protestos em muitos países muçulmanos.
O julgamento que hoje começa é visto como um teste à liberdade de expressão no país. A organização Repórteres sem Fronteiras já manifestou o seu apoio ao jornal.
“Apoiamos Charlie Hebdo no seu compromisso com a liberdade de expressão e direito à sátira e condenamos as muitas formas de intimidação que foram dirigidas a este semanário", afirma a organização.
O jornal "Liberation" voltou a publicar as caricaturas esta quarta-feira para manifestar a sua solidariedade com o "Charlie Hebdo".
Desde que as caricaturas foram publicadas pela primeira vez que se debate a legitimidade de publicar textos opinativos, caricaturas ou cartoons que ofendam a sensibilidade religiosa de parte da população.
Os queixosos pedem 30 mil euros de indemnização e a publicação de passagens chave da sentença.

Friday, February 09, 2007


Cartoonist Huseyin Cakmak first threatened and later attacked.
Huseyin Cakmak had criticized Lefkosa-Turkish Mayor Cemal Bulutoglulari because of his environmentally unfriendly policies in the "Afrika” newspaper. Following this criticism, the mayor had threatened and insulted Mr. Cakmak on the phone.
Huseyin Cakmak reported the phone conversation and the mayor’s insults in the Afrika Newspaper. Shortly after this report, on the evening of January 31, 2007, while he was looking for a pharmacy for his sick wife and 7 year old daughter, he was attacked by individuals of unknown identity who threw stones and eggs at his car in Lefkosa. After Huseyin Cakmak entered a pharmacy to buy the medicine, the same individuals approached his car and began to harass his family. The attackers also followed Cakmak's car on his way home. Huseyin Cakmak noted the license plate number of the attacker’s vehicle and provided all details about the incidence to the police.
The Afrika Newspaper published an article about the event on February 1, 2007 which reads as follows:
"Who could have been behind this? We looked at his last writings in the newspaper. He was arguing with Lefkosa-Turkish Mayor Mr. Cemal Bulutoğluları... Mr. Cakmak had received some threats and insults on the phone from Mr. Bulutoglulari...
Last night, when our friend Cakmak gave an explanation to the police we called the Lefkosa-Turkish Mayor Cemal Bulutluoglu and told him about the event.
We wondered if he had an idea about this event.
Mr. Bulutluoglu gave us very short and clear answer:
"You know I have a lot of supporters in Lefkosa. You think one of them got angry after reading these writings in the newspaper?"
You can interpret this in any way you like..."
Huseyin Ekmekçi, a writer of the Yeni Duzen Newspaper, published in the North Cyprus, wrote on February 2, 2007:
"Our cartoonist friend Huseyin Cakmak has been the victim of a highly unpleasant attack a few days ago.
It was really a nasty situation. While he was looking for a pharmacy for his sick wife, some people walked over to him.
Lefkosa-Turkish Mayor Cemal Bulutoğluları follows the press...
He likes writings that praise him. But he can not tolerate critics.
I got a taste of his anger twice... I couldn't get any chance to speak to him like dear Cakmak...
Cemal Bulutoğluları opened the phone, attacked me and hung up.
He had cursed to me once in person, too..."
Huseyin Cakmak doesn't have any safety for his life and it is necessary to inform the world public opinion about this terrible event. We request your support and solidarity messages. Please, also pass on this news to others.
*Huseyin Cakmak
President of the Turkish Cypriot Cartoonists Association
FECO Cyprus Representative
1989 European Council Award Winner

Tuesday, February 06, 2007



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