Thursday, January 26, 2012

Parabens Eusébio - Caricatura de Ricardo Campus

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

International Graphic Humour Exhibition UMORISTI A MAROSTICA (1969-2012) :: 44th edition

Artistic direction: Gióx e Maurizio Minoggio

Deadline: January 25, 2012 > last day for participating in !
Prizes: International Grand Prix Scacchiera - --
Dear colleague,
we invite you to participate in 44th edition of UMORISTI A MAROSTICA -Marostica (Italy), the oldest italian festival and one of the best intl cartoons contests with prestigious "International Grand Prix Scacchiera" organized by Gruppo Grafico Marosticense.
As the artistic directors of Umoristi a Marostica, we expect your works and we thank you in advance to contribute to the success and quality of festival.
Best regards
Gióx & Maurizio Minoggio
Artistic directors of Umoristi a MarosticaGruppo Grafico Marosticense
Attached the regulations and the entry-form (pdf format)
For further information, visit our website or email us:phone/fax: +39-0424-72150 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39-0424-72150 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Timetable Umoristi a Marostica 2012Theme: TRAVELSDeadline: january 25, 2012Jury meeting: february 11-12, 2012
Opening and prize distribution: april 14, 2012
Exhibition: april 14 - may 27, 2012

Cavaqueza franciscana ... cartoon de Rodrigo no Humoral da historia

Monday, January 23, 2012

"Novos Pobres" - Cartoon de Hermínio Felizardo


For the “2nd Yılmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art”, organized by Yüz Çiçek Açsın Cultural Center, there will be a “2nd International Cartoon Contest” in addition to the movie, theatre, short story, poetry and photography contests. The general understanding which we wish to disseminate with these contests is not one of competition but one where different artistic interpretations and ideas come together and are shared with the people. Therefore, the goal is not to “compete and win” but to contribute to the development of art.

1-The contest is open to artists from all over the world, professional or amateur.

2- The contest will be comprised of two separate branches: a) “Cartoons about cinema” b) “Cartoons of Yılmaz Güney’s portraits” (For pictures of, or information about Yılmaz Güney visit:

3-The work submitted must not have received an award at another contest. The works will be judged for their progressive, realistic and critical aspects which are important qualities of Yılmaz Güney’s cinema and are integral to the nature of the art of caricature.

4- Participants may submit any number of cartoons they wish. But a participant cannot receive more than one prize.

5-The drawing sent should not be any larger than a sheet of A3 paper (29,7 cm x 42 cm). They must be in jpg format, with 300 dpi resolution.

6- Works must be submitted until the 15th of February,2012, via e-mail to the address

7- Participants must specify which branch of the contest they wish to take part in (“cinema” or “portrait”). When sending the work, the artists must send a word document containing their names, postal addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses along with a short resume and a photo of themselves. Artists under 18 must definitely specify their age as there will be a “promising young artist award.”

8- Works which have received awards and/or were seen worthy of display will be brought together and published as an album. Those artists whose drawings are in the album will receive a copy.

9- The exhibition of the contest will be displayed in various parts of Istanbul during the month of March. The award ceremony will take place on the 31st of March 2012, which is the final evening of the festival, in Istanbul. The participants who could attend the ceremony will have their prizes sent to their home addresses.

10- Once the works have been evaluated, 4 participants for each category will receive the “Yılmaz Güney Honorary Award.” In addition, two participants from prison will receive the “Yılmaz Güney Freedom Award”, two participants under 18 will receive the “Promising Young Artist Award,” and one participant will receive the “Judge’s Special Award.”

11- The jury will be comprised of the following artists: Paolo Dalponte (İtaly), Elena Maria Ospina Mejia (Spain), Canol Kocagöz (Turkey), Musa Gümüş (Turkey), Kamil Yavuz (Turkey), and Aşkın Ayrancıoğlu (Turkey).

12- The works which have been submitted to the contest will stay in the archives of the organization organizing the festival. The organization will have the right to use these works in its publications, posters, brochures, calendars etc. The artist will receive a copy of the publication whenever his/her work is used.

13- All artists participating in the contest are assumed to have read and agreed with the terms stated above. *For information on the “Yılmaz Güney Festival of Culture and Art” visit: * We sincerely thank those artists who will enrich the festival with their works and we wish them success…

Nezahualcoyotl su vida en historieta video

click abajo para ver video

Hola amigos, los invito a adquirir esta historieta en formato pdf, con un donativo de diez pesos mexicanos o un dolar estadouinense. escribenos para darte mas informacion. Participa en el sostenimiento del museo de la caricaturay la historieta!!!!
Nezahualcoyotl señor de Texcoco, poeta y guerrero su vida en historieta publicada por Novaro. La Historia de Mexico en comic proyecto del Mucahi Bassoco.
Nezahualcóyotl, el príncipe fugitivo.
La historia inicia en 1410, el rey chichimeca de Texcoco --Ixtlixóchitl- adiestra su hijo Nezahualcóyotl en el combate guerrero.
Por otra parte Tezozómoc soberano de los tepanecas de Azcapotzalco pueblo dominado por los de Texcoco, conspira para asesinar a Ixtlixóchitl. Tezozomoc pasa a la acción y ataca por sorpresa a Ixtlixóchitl, quien cae muerto en combate, Nezahualcóyotl oculto, ve como su padre es sacrificado por el traidor Tezozómoc.
El joven príncipe tiene que vivir oculto por mucho tiempo, el sabio Huitzilíhuitl decide protegerlo y esconderlo aun a costa de su vida pues Tezozómoc ha puesto precio a su cabeza. Posteriormente Tezozómoc desiste de matar a Nezahualcóyotl, y le concede la libertad pero lo mantiene en constante vigilancia.
A la muerte de Tezozómoc, su hijo Maxtla inicia una feroz persecución tras Nezahualcóyotl, este se refugia con los otomíes por un tiempo. Los señores de Huejotzingo, Chalco, Tlaxcala, y Cholula deciden apoyar a Nezahualcóyotl en la lucha por recuperar su trono.
Habiendo recuperado Texcoco, los aztecas con Moctezuma al frente se aliaron a Nezahualcóyotl para combatir a Maxtla. El tirano fue derrotado y sacrificado. Después con el objeto de mantener la paz y promover el progreso entre los pueblos de México, Texcoco y Tlacopan, sus soberanos Itzcóalt, Nezahualcóyotl, y Totoquíhuatl, formaron la denominada triple alianza.
Nezahualcóyotl pudo entonces darse tiempo para dictar sabias leyes y entregarse a la meditación escribiendo también bellos poemas que llegan hasta nuestros días.
"Son las caducas pompas del mundo, como los verdes sauces, que no pueden perdurar porque un súbito golpe de fuego los consume, un viento los derriba y un hacha los cercena..."
Nezahualcóyotl el soberano poeta y sabio de Texcoco murió a los setenta y un años.
Esta historieta la puedes recibir en tu correo electrónico con un sencillo donativo al Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta Joaquin Cervantes Bassoco, contáctanos para más información.
Título: Netzahualcoyotl, el príncipe fugitivo / Serie: Aventuras de la vida real / Editorial: Organización Editorial Novaro, S. A. / Fecha y datos de la serie: Año XVIII, No. 214, 6 de agosto de 1973 / Director de publicación: Alfredo Cardoña Peña / Director de Producción: Delio Moreno Bolio

Recibe atentos saludos de
Rubén Eduardo Soto Díaz
Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta.
Joaquin Cervantes Bassoco
Calle Independencia No. 18, Anenecuilco, Ayala, Morelos.
Tel Cel 044 735 11 25 848

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Insituto Quevedo del Humor en Alcalá versus Museu de l'Humor en Mallorca por Pep Roig

Novo simblo da EDP por Antonio Finha

Humour de René Bouschet

Humor Erotico de René Bouchet

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