Saturday, February 06, 2016

Darío Castillejos, representante del más valioso humor gráfico mexicano Por : Francisco Puñal Suárez

El dibujante mexicano Darío Castillejos Lázcares es un poeta de la imagen humorística. Los lectores  del periódico El Imparcial de Oaxaca buscan con interés, en cada edición, sus trabajos de opinión, que lanzan dardos contra los males de la sociedad en que vive. También Darío publica sus caricaturas en  la revista Foreign Affairs Latinoamérica y el semanario El Chamuco, y trabaja para las agencias Caglecartoons, Courrier International, VJ Movement,  y es director general del Club de la Caricatura Latina Cartonclub. Recientemente  el Instituto de Artes Gráficas de Oaxaca recogió su muestra La rebelión de la Tinta, con una extraordinaria aceptación del público.
Sus dibujos, con una técnica impecable, tienen un compromiso con la imaginación y la crítica social. La ironía y la sátira son elementos presentes en sus caricaturas, que han sido apreciadas  y aplaudidas en certámenes celebrados en Brasil, Cuba, Grecia, Portugal, Francia, Perú, Colombia,  Estados Unidos, Turquía, Holanda y desde luego en México, entre otros.
Su fructífera carrera como dibujante le ha dado numerosos reconocimientos: Obtuvo el Premio Estatal de Periodismo e Información Benito Juárez García; el Premio Nacional de Periodismo José Pagés Llergo y el Premio Nacional de Periodismo,  así como el Galardon Nacional “Rostros de la Discriminación Gilberto Rincón Gallardo” y Primer Premio del  III Concurso Internacional del Cartón, de Sinaloa entre otros. En el 2011 ganó  el 38º Salón Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba, Brasil, uno de los más prestigiosos del mundo, con una caricatura de un hombre pobre que pide dinero y tiene un espejo en su cara.
“Aunque esa  escena –expresa Darío- ha sido presentada en infinidad de maneras, aspectos como este llegan a ser inagotables cuando se abordan desde una perspectiva distinta y personal. La crisis  económica ha golpeado de manera importante a los países latinoamericanos, dejando a muchas familias en la indefensión. El egoísmo, el despilfarro, la corrupción y el cinismo de los poderosos han impedido la posibilidad de crecimiento para muchos pueblos Si nos reflejáramos cada uno en la necesidad del otro quizás las cosas fueran muy distintas”.
Su dibujo Justicia en Crisis, que refleja la represión que sufre el pueblo que protesta, le valió este año el reconocimiento del Consejo Ciudadano del Premio Nacional de Periodismo A.C. “a los periodistas que sobresalen por su desempeño y ejercicio cotidiano del derecho ciudadano a estar informado, por la calidad de su trabajo y por la oportunidad periodística ejercida en beneficio de la opinión pública. Este reconocimiento se otorga bajo las premisas de autonomía, independencia, imparcialidad, pluralidad y responsabilidad”, según expresa la entidad.

“Me gusta referirme – añade Darío- a los temas que nos causan incomodidad, aquellos  que están en el rumor público, como la mala administración de la justicia, la criminalidad, el narcotráfico, etc. Trato siempre de abordar la política con una mirada crítica y humorística,  con la intención no sólo de denunciar sino de que se pueda hacer un ejercicio de reflexión en cada caricatura. Nuestra obra es un contrapeso social al poder, en todas sus manifestaciones. La crítica es necesaria en una sociedad que aspire a la democracia, y el humor es un buen estimulante para despertar la conciencia. La caricatura en México tiene una larga tradición en la prensa, sin embargo, actualmente, muchos caricaturistas no pueden vivir de su obra. Además, el clima de violencia y desamparo que sufre el país ha puesto en riesgo a todos los trabajadores de la prensa, incluidos los humoristas gráficos”, concluye.


Organization Municipality Dafni-Ymittos, Ergastiri

With the support of Feco Greece Levadia
Information:  Τel.: 2107623568, 6987046005 

Subject to cartoon and sketch: The Refugeeism (becoming a refuge) & Immigration

We want to highlight the Refugeeism and Immigration are global phenomena with great history and great intensity in our days. The causes that generate these phenomena  and issues arising for departure societies, reception and installation.

The Caricature and Cartoon Exhibition will be held October 22 - November 5
Events Hall Municipal Community Hymettus
To organize events which will include lectures, performances and various artistic and other events.
                              CONDITIONS OF PARTICIPATION
·           The drawings must be black and white or in color.
·           Each participant may present up to 3 drawings (size A3).
·           Resolution must be at least 300 dpi. 
·           It would be preferable that the drawings should not contain any text or comments.   In case they do, the English or Greek language should definitely be included.  
·           The use of collage is prohibited.
·           The drawings must be sent via e-mail.
·           The drawings that the Artistic Committee will judge that have been copied from other cartoonists’ works will be disqualified.
·           The drawings should not have been exhibited before.
·           The drawings should not have offensive content.
·           A short CV, the e-mail address, Skype account (if available), and the postal address of each participant is required.
·           All participating drawings may be exhibited in a touring exhibition in Greece or abroad.
·           The drawings should not have been published previously
·           Drawings that do not correspond to above requirements will not be accepted, and the Cartoonist will be informed by e-mail
·           They will be exhibited to 200 drawings to be evaluated by the Jury Committee    
·           The prizes will be decided by the Jury Committee
·           Eminent experts from the world of Letters and Arts will make up the Committee.


Thursday, February 04, 2016

Concuso Internacional de Humor Gráfico en memoria del humorista Atila Ozer – Turquia 2016

Tema: Industria de la construcción y el ser humano
Pueden participar humoristas profesionales o amateurs de todo el mundo, con obras en cualquier técnica. 
Tamaños: A4 o A3. 
Máximo de trabajos por participante: 3
Deadline: 30 de junio de 2016
Premio Prof. Atila Ozer. 1000 USD
4 premios: 250 USD
Anadolu University Department of Civil Engineering Eskisehir-TURKEY
The aim of the contest is to analyze the relationship between capital and labor in the construction industry with cartoons.
3.    THEME OF THE CONTEST: “Construction Industry and the Human”
The competition is open to professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world. The cartoons that focus on the subject can be prepared by any technique and with any color. Cartoons should be prepared either in A4 (210mm x 297mm) or A3 (297mmX420mm) paper dimensions.
Cartoons prepared in digital format can also participate in this contest, however printouts
signed by the cartoonists should be sent for the competition.
Cartoonists can participate in this contest with a maximum of 3 cartoons.
Name, surname, birth date, postal address, phone number and e-mail address should be
written on the back of each work.
The cartoonists are free to participate with already published works as long as these works have not previously been awarded in any other contest.

Prof. Dr. Gokhan ARSLAN
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan KIVRAK
Anadolu University
2 Eylul Campus
Civil Engineering Department
26555 Eskisehir-TURKEY
E-mail : gokhana(5) E-mail : Tel      :+90 533 251 25 11
6.            SUBMISSION DUE DATE: 30 June 2016
7.            PRIZES:
-              Cartoonist Prof. Atila OZER Prize (1000 USD)
-              4 Success Awards (250 USD)
Kamil MASARACI (Cartoonist, Cumhuriyet Newspaper)
Ercan AKYOL (Cartoonist, Milliyet Newspaper)
Vicdan Bulunmaz OZER (Prof. Atila Ozer House Museum)
Prof. Dr. Gokhan ARSLAN (Anadolu University)
Prof. Dr. M. Talat BIRGONUL (METU)
Prof. Dr. Zeliha AKCAOGLU (Anadolu University)
Assist. Prof. Dr. Serkan KIVRAK (Anadolu University)
15 September 2016 (The awards will be announced on the web site
10.          Cartoons will not be returned to the artists. Once sent the works belong to the organizing committee. It can be published, distributed or used for promotional purpose in future. The cartoons may be used for promotional purposes: cards, posters, catalogs, newspapers, magazine and books etc.
11.          The selection committee will determine the selected cartoons. The selected cartoons will be published in a catalog. These will be sent at no cost to the participants whose works
are exhibited and published.
12. The selected cartoons will be exhibited.
13. PRIZE AWARD CEREMONY: 4 November 2016
14. Participants are considered to have accepted all these conditions.

O Ritual da Felicidade


The Latin-American Humor Exhibition was created with the intention to divulge Culture, Tourism, Arts and the conspicuous importance of Latin American on the world context, through the graphic humor.
The organization counts with the support of "Memorial da América Latina", Brazil's Cartoonist Association and Brazil's Graphical Arts Memorial Institute.
This competition has the Curatorship of the cartoonist JAL (José Alberto Lovetro) and Gualberto Costa, as the Art Director.

The theme this year will be: LATIN AMERICAN SONGS - Tango, Rumba, Samba, Bolero or Bossa Nova, among others styles, and the greatest musicians, composers and singers could be portrayed in cartoons, caricatures by the participants designers.

All Graphic Humor Designers (cartoons and caricatures), professional or not can participate sending till 3 (three) works about the proposed theme in this year. The works doesn't be necessarily unpublished but anyway, it cannot be awarded with prizes in any anterior event.

Inscriptions: From January 10th 2016 till March 15th 2016.
Works selections (about 150) that will participate of the exposition this year and the ward award will occurs between March 15th and March 22th, 2016.
Final vote for the selected participants will be between March 24th and April 10th 2016.
The exposition starts on the Gabriel Garcia Marques Space, located in Memorial da América Latina.
Date: April 18th till May 20th 2016.

The inscriptions will be realized through fulfilling the inscription form inside the following site: (on this site can be read the competition regulation, also).

Each design, must have the dimensions established as: 30 centimeters x 40 centimeters (horizontal or vertical) with resolution of 300 DPI, and will be accepted archives in JPEG, RGB, in medium quality definition.

The prize will be R$ 12.000,00, (twelve thousands Reais) and it will be converted in other currency in case of the winner be a foreign person, considering so, the date of the amount dispatch. The organizing commission will contact immediately after April 18th 2016, to pay such integral values already proposed, with paid taxes, but nevertheless with the delivery shipping costs for another countries, discounted according the laws established.
We will have a selection jury with high skilled people chosen by the event organization and a final jury composed by themselves participants, selected for the exposition, voting personally, each one by e-mail.
Each voter cannot vote in himself or in herself, but in another selected work. This final votes will have date for begins and for finishes and will have a winner, independent of any of selected, get to vote or not, in such deadline date. The voting will be open for all voters have knowledge of each one of them ballots.

Realizing the inscription for this competition, the participant agree with all items of this regulation, as soon as his/her solicitation be accepted, and will be responsible for his/her work as original and as his/her own creation.
The award result can be contested till one week after the exposition opening, in case of a person can prove any irregularity that could be committed without the committee's organization cognizance and as well its jurors.
The participant still agree in automatically to cede the copy rights of his/her work(s) of his/her work(s) registered in this competition, for reproductions and publications and on the great media support, in unrestricted manner, concerning the objective of the event divulgation. Inclusive for a possible preparing of a works catalogs with the selected works.

Any other pending problem not mentioned hereby, must be resolved by the event organizers.

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