Saturday, April 04, 2015

Homenagem ao Cineasta Manoel de Oliveira (Porto 11/12/1908 - 2/4/2015) em caricaturas de Vasco Gargalo

Homenagem ao Cineasta Manoel de Oliveira (Porto 11/12/1908 - 2/4/2015) em caricatura de Henrique

Homenagem ao Cineasta Manoel de Oliveira (Porto 11/12/1908 - 2/4/2015) em caricaturas de Santiagu

Liberdade de Expressão - Humor de Cival Einstein

Cartum work............................................ ............................ sobre o "comunismo" empregado na ex união sovietica ( ditadura.)......................... falta de liberdade de expressão........................sou adepto de outro comunismo e não a este ..........................

Open ceremony of personal exhibition of Vladimir Kazanevsky in National Museum of Kiev

Friday, April 03, 2015


(To be held in 5th April 2015)
Foreign Cultural Relations Sector, Ministry of Culture In Egypt, organizes in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Society, 2nd International Cartoon Gathering.
Eligible Participants
Open to all artists from all over the world above 18
1- Health
2- Free
Technical Criteria
• All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi
• Actual size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPG format.
• Submitted works can be in color or black and white , in any style or technique
• Number of entries is unlimited.
• Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
• By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permits the organizers to reproduce all or part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• The entry should be submitted to –
Latest by 10th March 2015
• The submission should contain the candidate’s
~ Full Name
~ e-mail address
~ Contact no
~ Full address
~ Date of birth (date-month-year)
A brief C.V in English and passport size photo of the artist should be submitted as well.
Selection Criteria
• Entries will be judged by prominent Jury based on the quality of work submitted.
• A catalogue of selected artworks will be printed, a copy of which will be sent to the selected authors.

For more details please visit:
or contact us at :






1.     The contest is open to all amateur or professional cartoonist or any one who could submit a cartoon regardless individual's race, gender, religion, national origin, disability, sexual orientation, age, or other protected characteristic.
2.     Themes: Olive, Olive and Time, Olive and History, Olive and Mythology, Olive and Technology, Olive and Cyprus, Olive and Life, Olive and Peace, Olive and Conflict, Olive and War, Olive and Health, Olive and Women, Olive and Men, Olive and Children, Olive Oil, Olive Branch, Olive Tree, Benefits of Olive, Olive and Olive Mill/Press, Banning of Uprooting, Burning and Cutting Down Olive Trees and so forth.
3.     All Submissions must be in the form of cartoon. Any painting or illustrations will not be accepted and will be disqualified. Cartoons must be without words
4.     All submissions must be originals. Submission dimensions: A4 or A3 in any color or black and white. Each entrant must provide name and surname, address, phone number including country code, and email address on the back of the submission; each entrant should also provide short background and a photo (optional) on a separate A4.
5.     Submission of materials, which has previously been submitted and or presented and or published elsewhere, is welcomed providing copyright is not infringed, however previously any award wining material cannot be submitted.
6.     All work submitted for evaluation by the International Selection Committee and work of finalist will be published at official web page of the competition. In addition submissions will be reviewed and evaluated for plagiarism by international associations. If Plagiarism detected and or any previously award wining material submitted, submissions will be canceled and the next eligible entry will be considered for the prize.
7.     Entrants could submit more than one work, however no more than one award will be awarded to participants.
8.     All submission must be received by JUNE 20, 2015 at the address provided below.
9.     All submission, awarded or not, will be kept and archived by Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association at the newly established “International Cyprus Cartoon Museum.”
10.                        The entrants will receive a Diplom of Participation by e-mail.
11.                        All prize winner submissions and selected works by the Steering Committee will be published in a booklet and displayed at the City Center by the Kyrenia Municipality building during the “14. International Olive Festival 2015.”
12.                        The results of the competition will be published thru media and prizing winning entrants will be informed by contact information provided.
13.                        Kyrenia Municipality will provide travel and boarding expenses for three prize winners and six special prizewinners as stated in the terms and conditions of the competition.
14.                        The Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association will have the publishing rights to publish or print, in any media or format, any or all submissions.
15.                        All persons entering the competition agree that the rules of the competition as set out in these terms and conditions are binding on them. And all submissions could be published and printed by the Kyrenia Municipality and Cypriot – Turkish Cartoonist Association as set out in these terms and conditions without any future compensation.
1. Prize:  1,000 Euro + Gold Medal
2. Prize:      800 Euro + Silver Medal
3. Prize:      600 Euro + Bronze Medal
6 entrants: Special Prize (Bronze Medal)
JUNE 20, 2015
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
4. Uluslararası “Zeytin” Karikatürleri Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87
Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs (Via Turkey)





1 – Bu yarışma – din, dil, ırk ayrımı yapılmaksızın – amatör veya profesyonel tüm Dünya karikatürcülerine veya karikatür çizebilen herkese açıktır.
2 – Konular:
Zeytin, Zeytin ve Zaman, Zeytin ve Tarih, Zeytin ve Mitoloji, Zeytin ve Teknoloji, Zeytin ve Kıbrıs, Zeytin ve Hayat, Zeytin ve Barış, Zeytin ve Savaş, Zeytin ve Sağlık, Zeytin ve Kadın, Zeytin ve Adam, Zeytin ve Çocuk, Zeytin Ağaçlarının Kesilmesine Karşı Karikatürler, Zeytin Yağı, Zeytin Dalı, Zeytin Ağacı, Zeytin’in Yararları, Zeytin ve Yağ Değirmenleri vd.
3 – Yarışmaya gönderilecek eserler karikatür tarzında olmalıdır. Resim veya illüstrasyon tarzında olan eserler kabul edilmez. Karikatürler yazısız olmalıdır.
4 – Yarışmaya gönderilecek eserler orijinal olacaktır. Ölçü: A4 veya A3. Siyah-beyaz veya renkli. Her katılımcı isim, soy isim, adres, telefon, e-posta adresini karikatürün arkasına yazacak; fotoğraf ve kısa özgeçmiş gönderecektir.
5 – Yarışmaya gönderilecek eserlerin önceden yayınlanmış olmaları önemli değildir ancak, yarışmaya gönderilecek eserler daha önce herhangi bir etkinlikte ödül kazanmamış olmalıdır.
6 – Uluslararası Seçici Kurul Üyeleri’nin değerlendirmesine sunulan ve finale kalan eserler, yarışmanın resmi web sayfasında yayınlanacak ve karikatürcülerin, karikatürcü örgütlerinin, benzer – taklit – çalıntı karikatürlere karşı oluşturulan uluslararası organizasyonların dikkatine ve itirazına getirilecektir. Herhangi bir karikatürün çalıntı – taklit veya benzer olduğu veya daha önce başka bir yarışmada ödül aldığı (yayınlandığı tarih ile) belgelendiği taktirde, o karikatür iptal edilir ve bir sonraki yüksek puanı alan karikatür dikkate alınır.
7 – Yarışmaya istenildiği sayıda eser ile katılmak mümkündür ancak, bir katılımcıya birden fazla ödül verilemez.
8 – Eserler en geç 20 HAZİRAN 2015 tarihine dek, belirtilen adrese gönderilmiş olmalıdır.
9 – Gönderilecek karikatürler – ödül alsın veya almasın – geri iade edilmeyecek ve Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği tarafından oluşturulacak “Uluslararası Kıbrıs Karikatür Müzesi”nin arşivine kalacaktır.
10 – Yarışmaya eser gönderen tüm katılımcılara, e-posta ile, Katılım Diploması gönderilecektir.
11 – Yarışmada ödül kazanan eserlerin yanısıra, Düzenleme Kurulu’nun uygun göreceği eserler bir albüm halinde yayınlanacak ve ayrıca “14. Uluslararası Zeytin Festivali 2015" kapsamında Girne Belediyesi önündeki Ramadan Cemil Meydanı’ndaki açık alanda sergilenecektir.
12 – Yarışma sonuçları, ödül kazanan çizerlere ve basın – yayın organlarına iletilecektir.
13 – Yarışmada (bu şartname kapsamında belirtilen) ilk üç ödül ile özel ödülleri (6 özel ödül) kazanan çizerlerin ödül törenine katılmaları için gerekli ulaşım ve konaklama giderleri Girne Belediyesi’nce karşılanacaktır.
14 – Yarışmaya gönderilen tüm karikatürler, Girne Belediyesi veya Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği tarafından kart, poster, albüm, gazete, dergi, kitap, CD ve benzeri tekniklerle basılıp çoğaltılabilecektir.
15 – Katılımcılar yarışmaya eser göndermekle, yarışma koşullarını kabul ettiklerini ve gönderdikleri eserlerin bu şartnamede belirtilen yerlerde kullanımı halinde, gelecekte herhangi bir maddi tazmin istemeyeceklerini kabul etmiş olacaklardır.
1. Ödül: 1.000 Euro + Altın Madalya.
2. Ödül:     800 Euro + Gümüş Madalya.
3. Ödül:     600 Euro + Bronz Madalya.
6 Çizere Özel Ödül (Bronz Madalya)
20 HAZİRAN 2015
Kıbrıs Türk Karikatürcüler Derneği
4. Uluslararası “Zeytin” Karikatürleri Yarışması
Posta Kutusu: 87 Lefkoşa – Kuzey Kıbrıs



The organizer of the 1st International Cartoon Exibition Sisak 2015 is the City of Sisak, Croatian Cartoonist Association and Museum of the City of Sisak.
The project leader and the president of the Organizing Committee Mr. Nenad Ostojić.

The festival is open to everyone, regardless nationality, age, sex, or profession.

„Jazz & Blues“ (gag or caricature portrait to the set topic).


1. Original works and digital artworks will be accepted. Digital artworks is to be numbered in pencil on the front and pencil signed. Copies cannot be admitted.
2. Entries can be either black and white or coloured.
3. There should be the name, the surname and the address on the reverse side of the cartoons.
4. The cartoons must not have bee previously awarded on festival.
5. Maximum 3 entries will be submitted.
6. Size of entries is a A4 or A3 format (300 dpi).

Entry deadline is the 25th of june 2015.

For: „ 1st International Cartoon Exibition Sisak 2015 (MIKS2015)“
Gradski muzej u Sisku,
Ulica kralja Tomislava 10,
44000 Sisak, HRVATSKA

First Prize - 400 EUR,
Second Prize – 250 EUR,
Third Prize – 150 EUR,
Five Special mentions.

The exhibitons will be staged in the Gallery of the City Mussem in Sisak from 30.06.2015 to 30.07.2015.

As this is the first international exhibiton of caricatures in Sisak, all the authors are kindly asked to leave their works (at least one) to the property of the organizers.
Only at explicit request will the remaining (original) works be returned to the owners at the end of the exhibition cycle (in the second half of the year 2016).
Authors of the works that qualfy to the exhibition are given a presentation copy od the exhibition cataloque. 
The organizer reserves the right to reproduce the works sent to the festival , Sisak 2015, as the advertising material, without being obliged to pay a fee to the author whose work may be used.
The prize-winning works become the property of the organizer.

Nenad Ostojić
Tel: +385/98-339-405


1. Damir Novak – (cartoonist)
2. Nik Titanik (Nikola Plečko) – (cartoonist),
3. Darijana Gotal Sokolović – (cartoonist)
Damir Kukuruzović – (musician)
5. Nenad Ostojić – (cartoonist)

Durante o mês de Abril está patente na Atmosfera M (Rua Castilho nº5 Lisboa) uma Mostra de trabalhos da IV Bienal de Humor Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2014

  Tertulia com Guilherme Valente (Editor), Vasco Gargalo (Cartoonista), Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (Director Artístico da Bienal), José Bandeira (Cartoonista), Fernanda Freitas (Jornalista e coordenadora do Atmosfera M)
 Vasco Gargalo com os autarcas de Penela e Espinhal
 Presidente da Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal, Drª Leonor Oliveira Guimarães, e Presidente e Vice-Presidente do Município de Penela

Inaugurou, dia 1, no espaço Atmosfera M a mostra de trabalhos do IV Bienal de Humor Luís d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2014 com a realização de uma tertúlia.
Esta inauguração foi publicitada no Irão, devido aos actos de Censura da Assembleia da Republica Portuguesa.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Evento Marc'Aurélio - Ontem conversou-se sobre Cartoon, humor e cinema no 8 1/2 Festa do cinema Italiano - Cinema de S. Jorge

Ontem, no Cinema de S. Jorge, integrado no 8 1/2 Festa do Cinema Italiano falou-se do cartoonismo italiano (Marc'Aurélio), português (Sempre Fixe, Ridículos), do humor, do cinema, de Fellini... Na mesa pode-se ver Stefano Savio (Director Artístico da Festa), Lorenzo Codelli (crítico cinematográfico e conselheiro dos principais Festivais de cinema),  Paola d'Agostino (tradutora / escritora italiana), Fabiana de Bellis (historiadora italiana) e Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (historiador português), A razão desta intervenção no mundo dos humores é a apresentação do novo filme de Ettore Scola "Que Estranho Chamar-se Federico" um filme que nos leva ás origens de Fellini e Scola na redação do jornal humoristico Marc'Aurélio.

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Bases en Español del XX Salon Mercosur Internacional Premio Diogenes Taborda 2015

El programa expositivo del Museo Diogenes Taborda durante el año 2015 se complementa en el mes de agosto con una nueva convocatoria del concurso de Humor Grafico Internacional que busca reconocer a artistas de trayectoria y estimular a los más jóvenes al mismo tiempo.Desde su creación en 1995, el concurso de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda se ha consolidado como el principal promotor en Argentina del humor grafico contemporáneo a nivel internacional, ya que en sus diferentes ediciones participaron artistas de más de 70 países.


Podrán participar humoristas, caricaturistas, ilustradores, dibujantes, con el envió de 1 a 3 obras por categoría con temática Tango.

1 - Fechas:
Limite de envío de obras: 15 de Agosto 2015
Premiación - Jurado: 1 de Septiembre 2015
Inauguracion: 21 de Septiembre a las 19 hs.

2 - Categorías: Humor Grafico, Historieta, Caricatura, Ilustración

3 - Temática: MUSICA de TANGO

4 - Requisitos:
Envió de obras: adjuntar la ficha de Inscripción adjunta o un documento de Word con su nombre, dirección,teléfono, e-mail y una breve biografía y hasta 3 páginas de historietas, dibujos, ilustraciones o caricaturas, en un tamaño que no exceda 30x40 cm., digitalizado a 300 DPI en RGB o CMYK y en formato JPG. Enviar el e-mail a las siguientes direcciones: –

5 - Premios:
Una exposición individual al Gran Premio Diogenes Taborda 2015 en La Noche de los Museos de Buenos Aires 2016 y una exposición colectiva de los cuatro artistas galardonados en cada categoría, a realizarse en el Museo de Humor Grafico Diogenes Taborda, el día de la historieta. También se editara una postal 10x15 a 4 colores. Tirada a 1.000 ejemplares y se enviara diplomas a los artistas participantes.

Informaciones complementarias: La simple inscripción obliga al artísta a la aceptación del presente reglamento. Los artistas seleccionados, ceden automáticamente los derechos autorales de su(s)obra(s) para ser expuestas en esta y en otras exposiciones del Museo Diógenes Taborda y la Fundación Cultural Volpe Stessens, y para reproducciones y publicaciones en cualquier medio, sin restricción con el objetivode promocionar el evento sin que esto implique ningún compromiso monetario (es Ad-honorem).

Museo de Humor Grafico Diógenes Taborda

Atmosfera M (Rua Castilho 5 - Lisboa - 1 de Abril pelas 18h (Mostra - IV Bienal de Humor Lu'iz d'Oliveira Guimarães - Penela

Marinne Le Pen surfing the Right wave - Humour of Kichka

The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015

The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015
مسابقة سورية الدولية الحادية عشرة  للكاريكاتور
ندعوكم للمشاركة في مهرجان سورية الدولي الحادي عشر للكاريكاتور بعنوان 


يمكن المشاركة بـ 3 رسوم كحد أقصى 
الصيغة JPEG، و 200 dpi
حجم اللوحة 21×29 سم

الموعد النهائي: 25/4/2015
ستوزع العديد من الجوائز الذهبية والفضية والبرونزية و5 جوائز خاصة
يعد أعضاء لجنة التحكيم مشاركين شرفيين، وتدخل
دولهم أتوماتيكياً في قائمة الدول المشاركة
تستخدم أعمال الفنانين المشاركة في البوسترات
والمجلات والصحف والمواقع الالكترونية السورية
دون إذن مسبق بهدف الترويج دون لقاء مادي

ترسل الرسوم إلى البريد التالي
تنشر النتائج في 
موقع الكاريكاتور السوري

Syria Cartoon website present

The 11th International Cartoon Contest SYRIA 2015


T h e m e :
The Victory
• 3 cartoons max, A4, 200 dpi, JPG/JPEG and free techniques.
• Deadline: 25 /4 / 2015
• Prizes: Golden, Silver, Bronze and 5 Special Prizes.
• Jury members will be considered as participants in the exhibition 
and represent their own countries.
Their names will be automatically added to the List of Participants 
(They will participate only in exhibition,
Not in contest (just honorary participation).
• Cartoons can be used for any promotion purposes
(Printing, websites, Newspapers, posters, invitation cards....etc) 
without the permission of the artist and without any payment.
• Cartoons must be sent to:
along with
Artist’s recent C.V, address (doc format), and personal photo.
Syria Cartoon website:
Thank you for participation
Raed Khalil

7º Salão Medplan de Humor

Regulation Salão Medplan 2015

1 - PARTICIPATION : 07 April to 14 June 2015. 
The 7th Salão Medplan de Humor is open to all graphic artists , in charge and / or cartoon modalities .
The opening of the Exhibition will be July 19 , with the announcement of winners .
Each artist can enroll with the maximum of five ( 5 ) unpublished works in the format 30x40 cm and using any technique . On the back of each drawing , or in registration/e-mail must include the author's full name , address, email , phone number , ID number , social security number and bank account .
The artist can participate by sending their work through the website (with maximum size of 3 megabytes ), sending to or sending the originals to :
7º Salão Medplan de Humor
Rua Coelho Rodrigues, 1921
Centro CEP: 64000-080 
Teresina ? PI BRASIL
The theme of the 6th Salão Medplan de Humor will ENVY .
First prize: R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) 
Second Place : R$ 3,000.00 (three thousand reais). 
Internet Award : R$ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais) .
Medplan Award Caricature: R $ 2,000.00 (two thousand reais). Theme free.
The Internet Award will be chosen by Internet users, 9-13 June at the site :
The best works will be part of the traveling exhibition of the 7th Salão Medplan de Humor. The awarded works will be considered acquisitive and will become part of the acquis Medplan.
The works will not be returned.
May not participate in this hall officials Medplan, their relatives and anyone involved in your organization.
The simple inscription configure automatic participant's agreement to all such terms.
Other information: +55 (86) 9975 2514

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