Saturday, April 09, 2016

Panama papers by O-Sekoer


ECOLOGY theme: R $ 3,000.00 (gross, subject to fees)
CARICATURE theme: R $ 3,000.00 (gross, subject to fees)
KHARTOUM theme: R $ 2,000.00 (gross, subject to fees)
1- A maximum 02 entries per category (can not run jobs that have already been awarded)
2- format; 30X40 cm, medium resolution, 300 DPI
3- Registration enclose day 10 May 2016 -
Period of shows: from May 27 to June 5, 2016
5- Send along with the work in Word file, name and complete address, RG, CPF, Bank Account, to the email:

Tema ECOLOGIA : R$3.000,00 (brutos, sujeitos a taxas)
Tema CARICATURA: R$3.000,00 (brutos, sujeitos a taxas)
Tema CARTUM : R$2.000,00 (brutos, sujeitos a taxas)
1- No máximo 02 trabalhos por categoria (Não podem concorrer trabalhos que já foram premiados)
2- Formato; 30X40 cm, resolução média , 300 Dpis
3- As inscrições encerram dia 10 de maio de 2016
4- Periodo da Mostra: de 27 de maio a 05 de junho de 2016
5- Enviar junto com os trabalhos, em arquivo Word, Nome e endereços completos, RG, CPF, Conta Bancária, para o email:

Friday, April 08, 2016


The Conditions
The Competition is open to caricaturists from all ower the world. Caricaturists can send their published or unpublished works of art to the Competition.
Yet the caricatures must not be awarded by another Competition.The subject of the Competition is free.
The caricaturists can participate at the Competition with three caricatures.
The dimensions of caricatures shall not be bigger than 30×40 cm.
The caricatures shall unconditionally be original.The caricaturists have to write in capital letters their names and surnames, address, telephone number and their countries on the back of their works of art. And their cv’s (curriculum vitae) have to be added to their caricatures.
The caricatures shall be delivered to the given address at the latest 14July 2016.
The results shall be announced on 26 July 2016. All caricatures send to the Contest shall be kept at İstanbul Centre of Caricature and Humour by the Association of Caricaturists.
The jury will choose the caricatures which will be included in the Album and the caricatures which will be exhibited.
Then the Album of the Competition will be published.The Album of the Competition will be send to the caricaturists of whom works of art exhibited and included in the Album.
The caricaturists participated at the Competition shall be regarded as accepted all the conditions of the Competition.
 The Prizes
Grand Prize: 5000$Honour Prizes (5): 1000$Special Prizes
Special Prizes offered by various establishments, associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies

Karikatürcüler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi, Yerebatan Sarnıcı Çıkışı Sultanahmet 34122İstanbul / TURKEY

International Cartoon Competition Brain Sneezing

PRERAG, association, announce the International Cartoon Competition Brain Sneezing - from kalokagathia to hypochondria and back.
Topic 2016 : FREE FEELING 
Freedom of Thinking, Speech and Movement
Deadline: 31th May 2016
Link to propositions:

Competition terms :
1.           Each author can send maximum 5 original works.
2.           The competition is open to everybody and is not restricted in terms of artistic design methods.
3.           The format of works should not exceed the A4 dimension.
4.           The competition is non-anonymous.
5.           The works can be sent either online, by filling the electronic application form, or via regular mail, with each work signed on the reverse with the author´s name and their address.
6.           The rewarded works will become the property of the organiser.
The results will be announced on the 1st July 2016 and the winners will be awarded the following prizes:
1st prize: 500.00 EUR
2nd prize: 300.00 EUR
3rd prize: 200.00 EUR
The competition Jury reserves the right to grant other special prizes or not to grant some of the prizes.
The organisers will accept all the works that will be delivered online at the web address:
The organisers reserve the right to publish selected works in promotional materials and to re-install the exhibition. The catalogue will be sent to each competitor whose works will be published in the catalogue.
The authors agree that their works become the property of the organisers at no charge, that copies of their works might be made and used in re-installing the exhibition in other venues and that their works might be published free of charge in order to promote the exhibition.
The international competition and exhibition "Brain Sneezing  - from kalokagathia to “hypochondria and back" is organised under the patronage of the Slovak Presidency in the Council of the European Union and is financially supported by the International Visegrad Fund.

Thursday, April 07, 2016

Faleceu o cartoonist Croata Otto Anton Reisinger ( Mursk-Sobota 4/10/1927 – Zagreb 6/4/2016).

Faleceu o cartoonist Croata Otto Anton Reisinger ( Mursk-Sobota 4/10/1927 – Zagreb 6/4/2016). Licenciado em arquitectura publicou seus primeiros desenhos em 1942 no semanárioSilo, prosseguindo no Kerempuh”, “Vjesnika”…
Criou os personagens, Stefek e Clare, com os quais comenta a situação do país e da sociedade, cujos trabalhos foram reunidos em cinco álbuns. Alem desses em 1973 publicou o álbum "Amor, amor ...", em 1995 "Guerra e Paz", em 1997 "Pero", e em 2008 "Štefekove pustolovine".

Em 1984 foi galardoado com o o  Prêmio Vladimir Nazor, assim como em diversos festivais internacionais: Turquia (3º prémio), na Bélgica (2º prémio), Croácia (1º prémio), Turquia (1º prémio), Portugal (Prémioespecial) e Stuttgart, (2º prémio).

Tuesday, April 05, 2016

Prémios 18º PortoCartoon 2016.

A artista Mahboobeh Pakdel, do Irão, foi a vencedora do Grande Prémio do 18º PortoCartoon-World Festival, organizado pelo Museu Nacional da Imprensa e subordinado ao tema "O entendimento global". A obra intitula-se “Emigration”.
O Segundo Prémio foi atribuído a Muhittin Koroglu, da Turquia,
o Terceiro Prémio ex-aequo a Plantu (França), com a obra intitulada “Viva a Utopia!”,

o Terceiro Prémio ex-aequo Mihai Ignat (Roménia).
A edição deste ano contemplou dois prémios especiais de caricatura, em homenagem à figura imortal do cinema, Charlie Chaplin
1º Prémio Cau Gomez (Brasil)
2.º Prémio Maria Grazia Quaranta
3.º Prémio - Luiz Carlos Fernandes, Brasil

 e à modelo internacional Sara Sampaio. Os vencedores foram, 
1º Prémio - Marzio L. Mariani, de (Itália).

2.º Prémio - Nicoleta Ionescu, Roménia
3.º Prémio - Luiz Carlos Fernandes, Brasil

A elevada qualidade dos trabalhos levou o júri internacional a atribuir ainda 12 Menções Honrosas a artistas de diferentes países: Brasil, Espanha, Irão (2), Israel, Itália, México (2), Portugal, Rússia, Turquia e Ucrânia.

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