Saturday, November 23, 2013

XVth International Festival of Aphorisms and Caricature - Strumica 2013

Theme :
In this category each author can participate with maximum of 10 aphorisms, printed in three copies, completed with code and particulars about the author, and set in sealed envelope.
The authors are allowed to participate with more works, each as group of 10 (ten) aphorisms and marked with particular code.
In this category, the authors can participate and send 3 caricatures, maximum.
The technique is on their own choice, and dimensions A/4.
Particulars about the authors should be written at the back side of the work.
Contest due date:
The works will be accepted up to: December 10,2013, at latest.
Three main prizes will be awarded: Golden, Silver, and Bronze Plaque.
The Organizer retains the right to award some additional prizes.
The works should be send to:
Anton Panov
Goce Delcev bb
2400 Strumica , R Macedonia
with note: To the Festival of aphorism and Caricature
The works received, remain in property of the Organizer and the author, and they have the right to its public presentation, catalogue prepare or other publication.
The works received in due time will be reviewed and evaluated by competent jury commission.
The presentation of the works
exhibition and the Reward Ceremony will come to: March 10, 2014.
Contact - Further information
Tel: ++389 (0)34 322 182

Friday, November 22, 2013

Crónica Rosário Breve - Certidão de renascimento por Daniel Abrunheiro

Portugal é o nome da terra em que, a poder nascer-se de propósito, eu nasceria sempre e para sempre.
À beira do meu primeiro meio século de nascido, tenho por firmes tal opinião e tal axioma amniótico. Não é por vão “patrioteirismo” à la Portas que vo-lo afirmo.
É porque só neste País a bruma, subindo do chão à primeira fímbria óptica da alva, faz do musgo, como em alhures algum, o espontâneo leito fofo do presépio natural. Dissipada ela, ela bruma, a luz põe-se toda a esmaltar, como em nenhum outro rincão mundial, os fundos pinhais de um verniz matizado de manteiga de ouro, que o vento reitera oceanicamente.
Mais digo que: também é por causa das mulheres absoluta, absurda e completamente Portuguesas. Algumas delas, com o desengonço içado e altamente elegante das girafas, escalam o escadote do próprio corpo encimado de um olhar húmido de água-ágata. Outras, meãs como empadas de açúcar, fazem reviver ao observador a ternura primeva das Mães lusitanas, essas magistrais economistas da escassez que nenhum Nobel contempla mas que todo o filho tenta repetir na esposa.
Os homens Portugueses são também, por outras tantas razões quantas as que perfazem o número deles todos um por um, outro motivo forte pelo qual, a ser-me possível escolher em que cor do mapa-múndi conhecer a primeira (e a derradeira) luz, isto só poderia dar-me Portugal. Mesmo os moralmente pequeninos, velhacos e bailarinos. Mesmo os que, imbuídos de um imponderável e improvável poder local tão mal exercido, maniganciam corrupçõezitas de mercearia num el-dorado de fancaria enodoado de quinquilharia.
Sim, definitivamente sim: Portugal é o único alfobre onde se pode nascer com alguma decência de alma, lavado o corpo e macerada a roupa través abluções a sabão azul-e-branco como só aqui se fabrica. Mesmo descontando esse elfo chamado Rui Machete. Mesmo engordando à perpetuidade esse lípido chamado Mário Soares. Mesmo só com dois cachorros, ou quatro gatos, por apartamento que se deva ao banco.
Da razão final pela qual me devo a reiteração incontornável de só me querer (e poder) nas-ser Português, terminalmente vo-la adjudico mercê de uma “sacanice”, digo, citação. Recorro a João de Deus, esse límpido Poeta nosso que, certa ocasião, celebrando de um amigo o aniversário, lhe rimou esta formosa graça:

Dia de anos

Com que então caiu na asneira
De fazer na quinta-feira
Vinte e seis anos! Que tolo!
Ainda se os desfizesse…
Mas fazê-los não parece
De quem tem muito miolo!
Não sei quem foi que me disse
Que fez a mesma tolice
Aqui o ano passado…
Agora, o que vem, aposto,
Como lhe tomou o gosto,
Que faz o mesmo. Coitado!
Não faça tal, porque os anos
Que nos trazem? Desenganos
Que fazem a gente velho.
Faça outra coisa, que, em suma,
Não fazer coisa nenhuma
Também lhe não aconselho.
Mas anos… Não caia nessa!
Olhe que a gente começa
Às vezes por brincadeira,
Mas depois se se habitua,
Já não tem vontade sua,
E fá-los queira ou não queira!

Onde o/a meu/minha Leitor/a lê, no poema, “Vinte e seis anos”, leia, por favor, 28. São quantos perfaz o aniversariante (e nosso) O RIBATEJO. Todas as terças, para às quintas sair, me calha a obrigação de escrever para este jornal-árvore (porque enraizado na terra), para este jornal-vento (porque a todo o lado se leva em palavras). Há quase três décadas que vem resistindo às intempéries e às tropelias da economia, do buraco na estrada, dos pontuais tiranetes de pacotilha que infestam a democracia (tanto a local como a do Terreiro do Paço). NB: mas sem jamais, até ao momento, ter feito de galego aguadeiro de fretes. De clara matriz editorial, O RIBATEJO é plural como o mundo e único como a Região que lhe dá o nome e o sentido existencial. Saudá-lo aniversariantemente é, até por sinédoque, saudar o público que tem sabido merecer. E, no meu caso, o caso é de perguntar: pois se não em Portugal, em que outro País um qualquer jornal me aturaria a crónica? Não é?


The 4th City Complexities International Cartoon Contest-2013

City Complexities
Apartment Living Culture
City Dweller Right
Air Pollution
Garbage Repelling
Damaging the City Traditional Structure

Each Participant can send maximum 5 artworks.
The artworks should not be published in 3 previous catalogues of this festival.
The send artworks shouldn’t won a prize before.
All participants must send their Name & Family Name, Post Address, Email Address, Telephone number, Their Photo and their Resume in Word File.
All participants that their artworks are in exhibition will receive catalogue.
Send artworks must be 200 dpi, by length or width 1500 pixel by jpg format.
First Prize: 30,000,000 Rials, Honorable Mention & Trophy
Second Prize: 20,000,000 Rials , Honorable Mention& Trophy
Third Prize: 10,000,000 Rials, Honorable Mention & Trophy
5 Honorable Mention and 4000,000 Rials
Dead line: Dec 10, 2013
Participants must send their artworks to:

Winners of XIII International Contest Cartoons «Independence» 2013 in Kiev.

Session XIII International Contest Jury cartoons «Independence» (Theme: «The Knight’s move») was held on October 04, 2013 in Kiev. Jury: Volhov Nicholas (political advisor), Nikolai Kravchenko (Chairman of the NGO «Book Space») Luk’yanchenko Igor (cartoonist), Nazimova Irina (byldredaktor newspaper Governmental Courier) Solonko Vladimir (cartoonist) Tovmach Eugene (administrative and marketing Director TRK «Bolshevik») Kosobukina Nina, Kosobukin Maxim.
133 cartoonists from 39 countries submitted 497 works. 100 selected works presented in this catalog.
1 Prize: Voznyuk Basil (Ukraine), 
2nd Prize: Riabokon Sergey (Ukraine), 
3rd Prize: Andrei Popov (Russia)
Eshonkulov Mahmudzhon (Uzbekistan), 
Kazanevsky Vladimir (Ukraine), 
Nikolay Popov (Uzbekistan), 
Andrey Ryzhov (Russia), 
Savilov Victor (Ukraine) 
Semendyaev Sergey (Ukraine).
Special Awards:

Golub Viktor (Ukraine) — Diploma of the National Union of Artists of Ukraine.

Kustovskiy Alexey (Ukraine) — Diploma of the National Union of Journalists of Ukraine.
Hahanov Vladimir (Russia) — Honorable mention prize named Yuriy Kosobukin.
Butir Slobodan (Croatia) — Diploma of the Association of Cartoonists.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

7 º Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista – 2013

Registrations until December 02, 2013. Opening - January 16, 2014.
All the professional or amateur cartoonists can register unpublished works, since they have not been rewarded in another contests and expositions until the date of closing of the registrations (12-02-2013). Each author can register up to three (3) works for category, developed in any technique including them elaborated by computers. For each work sent, the author must fill one(1) registration form. In the case of shipping for CD, to enclose file with the author's data.
The theme will be free for the two categories (Political Cartoon and Caricatures) and with theme specified in Thematic Cartoon. The format will be the A3 (297X420mm) without frames and mounted on cardboard in case of the originals.
All the works, including the originals, they can be sent through for e-mail or CD, digitalized in 300DPI, color way RGB, in the format JPG (high quality) or PDF obeying the maximum limit of 2,0 MB for each work. The works can be sent through this site in the section Registration Form.
Political Cartoon (Charge) - Graphic representation and well tempered of a political fact and/or social on present time.
Caricature - Graphic representation with well tempered anatomical alteration of well-known personalities.
Thematic Cartoon - This category will have a specific theme - "Idolatry".
Three will be given (3) three prizes for each category. In the total amount of R$ 10.500,00 divided like this:
Three prizes of 1st place, worth of R$ 2.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;
Three prizes of 2nd place, worth of R$ 1.000,00 each, distributed among the categories;
Three prizes of 3rd place, worth of R$ 500,00 each, distributed among the categories;
All the categories will have three Honorable Mentions through diplomas totalized 9 mentions.
The values of the prizes for the international works will be exchanged with base into the value of the Commercial Dollar of the date of dispatch of the consignment abroad, no more than three months after opening the event.
PS.: The award jury the right is reserved of not destining prizes to the categories that don't reach the enough level, transferring for another categories, or creating a special reward of the Saloon.
When registering in the Exhibition, the author automatically transfers the Cession of the copyrights of his work(s) when awarded, getting, in a total, universal and definitive way, in all the use modalities and gratuitous title, that starts to integrate the Patrimony of the Salon of Humor from Paraguaçu Paulista in Brazil for all the right ends.
In case of the award jury verifies some fraud species or plagiarism in an/ or more registered works, it can cancel the reward for the candidate. The works will be released in the site of the Exhibition after the judgment they will be able to be feed backed up to 10 days after the opening of the Exhibition, with fitting tests of any irregularity made from the jury.
Other prizes and mentions will be able to be instituted the approach of the Organizing Commission.
Works out of the regulation or considered plagiarisms will be automatically declassified.
The works should be sent for the following postal address:
Salão de Humor de Paraguaçu Paulista – Rua Salmen Zauhy, 300, Vila Nova ,
Paraguaçu Paulista – SP – Brasil – CEP 19700-000 –
Tel.: +55 (18) 3362 - 0906 – (18)3361- 4538 – (18) 9636-8354
until December 02, 2013 (it is worth the arrival date).
The works will be returned until one year after the closing of the event, on January 16, 2015. In case of the artist wants to receive his work before, he should remove fron the Salon.

Press Cartoon Europe

  1. Participation in the PCE is free of charge.
  2. The cartoons which you will submit must all have appeared in the course of 2012 in a newspaper, magazine or periodical which is available to the general public, and published in one of the European countries.
  3. Each cartoon participating in the PCE must be accompanied by the name and date of the publication in which it originally appeared.
  4. Each cartoon participating in the PCE must be accompanied by the author's personal details: family name, first name, full postal address, and telephone numbers, email address, website (if any).
  5. Your cartoons, up to a maximum of three, must reach us by Tuesday 31th December 2013 at the latest.
  6. Only cartoons uploaded on the website participate in Press Cartoon Europe.
  7. All texts and captions in a language other than French, English, German or Dutch must be translated into one of these four languages.
  8. The selection committee of PCE will nominate 50 cartoons chosen from all those submitted to go forward for the PCE Grand Prix. The authors of these cartoons will be notified.
  9. PCE will be authorized to exhibit all nominated cartoons at the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist on the Belgian coast during the summer of 2014, and also to publish them in the annual of best European press drawings of 2013.
  10. PCE will be able to make free use of all the nominated cartoons for any publications or communications in connection with the prize, including press releases, posters, announcements of events organized by PCE such as exhibitions, symposia, etc.
  11. The jury, composed of journalists from several European countries, will meet on Thursday 20th February 2014 in Brussels, and will select the winning entry to be awarded the PCE Grand Prix 2014, as well as a second and a third prize. The names of the winners will be announced the same day.
  12. The author of the Grand Prix will receive a cheque for 8.000 � as well as a bronze trophy created by the Belgian artist Ever Meulen. The second and the third prize receive 1.000 � each.
  13. The prizes will be awarded during the opening ceremony of the International Cartoon Festival at Knokke-Heist in July 2014.

Wishing you great success,

Karel Anthierens,
Founder/Chairman of the PCE

The results of the Olense Kartoenale -2013

The results of the Olense Kartoenale -2013
1st Prize: Pawel Kuczynski  ( Poland )
2nd the price ' copper pot' :
Robert Rousso (France)

3rd prize ' earthen pot' :
Kfir Weizman (Israel )

        4th prize ' the lekkerbekpot " :
Grigori Katz (Israel)

5th prize ' inkpot ' :
Raed Khalil ( Syria )

price city Bialogard :
Izabella Wieczorek-Kowalska ( Poland )

In the youth category:
1st prize: Zhang A He (China.)
2nd prize : Ekin Ozeskici ( Turkey )
3rd prize : A Song He ( China )

4th prize : Li Yu Xuan (China ) 

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