Friday, March 26, 2010

Invitación a Inauguración de la exposición Rastreando Rostros - ‏ 9 de Abril - Alcalá de Henares (Espanha)

Pequenas tentações da Igreja por Rodrigo

... no Humoral da História!
Escândalos de abusos sexuais continuam a crescer na Igreja Católica. Só entre 2001 e 2010 o Vaticano recebeu cerca de 3000 queixas de pedofilia contra padres:

Em Abril, há nova workshop de Argumento na Escreverescrever.

[Le Canard Libéré] N° 150

Pour s'informer vrai et drôle, le bon réflexe c'est Le Canard LibéréLes délices du Canard : enquêtes poussées, caricatures politiques, indiscrétions croustillantes et bien d'autres révélations...Surtout, ne manquez pas le rendez-vous avec votre hebdomadaire satirique du vendredi. Bonne dégustation !

O PEC por Carlos Seco

Para rir... ou talvez não, aqui fica mais um cartune, para verem em


En el marco del Festival de Teatro de la Memoria organizado por el Instituto Nacional del Teatro - San Juan se invita a todos los dibujantes a participar de la MUESTRA DE HUMOR GRÁFICO POR LA MEMORIA, LA VERDAD Y LA JUSTICIA.
Los trabajos se expondrán en las salas de teatro donde se lleve a cabo el Festival del cual participan también actores, directores, músicos, escritores y periodistas.Los dibujantes interesados en participar deben enviar sus viñetas en formato JPG a: Temática de los trabajos debe ser en alusión al golpe militar del '76, dictadura, desaparecidos, censura, etc. Como así también pueden expresar su visión actual a 34 años del golpe.
Fecha límite para la recepción de las viñetas: 1 de abril.
Esperamos tu participación.
Seba Ozdoba

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Blog de Victor Z. Sanjinez

here mi blog and mi web site.
Victor Z. Sanjinez
Artista Visual

Le Canard Libéré N° 149

Pour s'informer vrai et drôle, le bon réflexe c'est Le Canard LibéréLes délices du Canard : enquêtes poussées, caricatures politiques, indiscrétions croustillantes et bien d'autres révélations...Surtout, ne manquez pas le rendez-vous avec votre hebdomadaire satirique du vendredi. Bonne dégustation !
Si vous avez des difficultés pour visualiser ce message, cliquez ici

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Dear CRNI people,
I'd like to ask you all to consider digging into your pockets to find some funds for the family of cartoonist Prageeth Eknaligoda in Sri Lanka.He has been disappeared for a month and a half and with every passing day the prospects of finding him grow weaker. I will be speaking to his wife later today in Colombo. Prageeth was an important person in the fight against the human rights abuses of the present government as it defeated the notorious Tamil Tigers of Tamil Eelam (Tamil Tigers) in a series of bloody and deadly battles, and now again as it shuts down human rights in Sri Lanka as a run up to changing the constitution to allow the President to go beyond his term limits and (what knowledgeable analysis are saying) take over government semi-permanently.I spent 4 years in Sri Lanka during one of the most deadly periods in its recent history and the fear and dread people now feel about this government and its methods has never been as stark. I hope we can collect $1,500, and I'm starting with a $100 donation of my own. My colleague at Committee to Protect Journalists met with Mrs. Eknaligoda about a week ago and reviewed his cartoons. He informed me that the Embassy will be contacting us to consider mounting an exhibit of his work here n the US. Please make checks out to CRNI earmarked for "Help a Cartoonist". It will be tax deductible.
Tamer Youssef
Send to me at:
Robert Russell
10600 Alison DriveBurke,
VA 22015

EL BUS de Lenguaviva nº 67

EL BUS de Lenguaviva
Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija
Año II, No. 67, 22 marzo 2010

¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!

EL BUS No. 67 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal con la información sobre BOSTOONS 2010, nuestro I Festival Internacional de Humor.
EL BUS No. 67 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour with the information on BOSTOONS 2010, our 1st International Humor Festival.

Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:

Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.

Les deseamos una semana muy feliz.
We wish you a very happy week.

Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers

Iranian Green Exhibition

Workshop iniciação à cor digital

A aposta na energia verde por Rodrigo

no Capital de Risco:
Nos próximos dez anos serão investidos em Portugal 31 mil milhões de euros no sector da energia, com destaque para as renováveis:

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