Saturday, March 06, 2010
Governo Português serve-se da Barragem de Alqueva para acabar com Alberto João Jardim. As primeiras descargas do maior lago artificial da Europa atingem a Ilha da Madeira...
Cartoon publicado em
Um Abraço
António Finha
Cartoon publicado em
Um Abraço
António Finha
Dos video cartones, Chile herido y Jose Orcajo humorista español
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Orcajo, Caricaturista, historietista, pintor, humorista, un dechado de monerias es este artista español, tienen que ver su blog, se que lo disfrutaran
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Friday, March 05, 2010
World Press Freedom 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition
The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition
1. The theme for the 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
The ´†right†ª not to be offended†is not a right.
In Canada, Mark Steyn is brought before three different Human Rights Tribunals for allegedly “insulting Islam”.
Meanwhile at the United Nation’s Human Rights Commission, Arab states have for years attempted to make that a crime.
What started out with a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for insulting Mohamed and was dismissed by many as an isolated incident, culminated years later with the assassination of Theo Van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam for the same offense.
In Denmark, cartoonists still fear for their life for having drawn Mohamed in newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Meanwhile in Ireland, blasphemy is now a criminal offence.
How can we encourage vigorous debate while being respectful of religious sensibilities?
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500, a crystal trophy, plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 plus a certificate, and a third of $500 and certificate. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black & white and must not have previously won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The cartoonist’s name, address and telephone number must be included in the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should also be provided.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our World Press Freedom Day Luncheon on May 3. Entrance by the cartoonist in this Cartoon competition is deemed acceptance of this condition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2010 and will be advised by e-mail.
The winning names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site:
8. The best 30 cartoons will be exhibited at the Luncheon.
The deadline for reception of cartoon is 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20th, 2010.
Send submission by e-mail to:
1. The theme for the 10th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
The ´†right†ª not to be offended†is not a right.
In Canada, Mark Steyn is brought before three different Human Rights Tribunals for allegedly “insulting Islam”.
Meanwhile at the United Nation’s Human Rights Commission, Arab states have for years attempted to make that a crime.
What started out with a fatwa against Salman Rushdie for insulting Mohamed and was dismissed by many as an isolated incident, culminated years later with the assassination of Theo Van Gogh in the streets of Amsterdam for the same offense.
In Denmark, cartoonists still fear for their life for having drawn Mohamed in newspaper Jyllands-Posten.
Meanwhile in Ireland, blasphemy is now a criminal offence.
How can we encourage vigorous debate while being respectful of religious sensibilities?
2. Prizes: three prizes will be given: a first prize of $1500, a crystal trophy, plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 plus a certificate, and a third of $500 and certificate. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black & white and must not have previously won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.50 by 11 inches.
5. The cartoonist’s name, address and telephone number must be included in the e-mail to which the cartoon is attached. A short biography of the Cartoonist should also be provided.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the rights to use any of the cartoons entered in the Competition for promotion of our World Press Freedom Day Luncheon on May 3. Entrance by the cartoonist in this Cartoon competition is deemed acceptance of this condition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day Luncheon held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa, Canada on Tuesday, May 3rd, 2010 and will be advised by e-mail.
The winning names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site:
8. The best 30 cartoons will be exhibited at the Luncheon.
The deadline for reception of cartoon is 5 p.m. Tuesday, April 20th, 2010.
Send submission by e-mail to:
The cartoon should be in jpg format at 300 dpi
Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom
exposição individual constituída por 52 trabalhos, entre caricaturas e cartoons, intitulada «Eloquências do Lápis» - Humor de Santiagu, que será inaugurada a 5 de Março, às 19 H, na Biblioteca Municipal Albano Sardoeira, Amarante.
Le Canard Libere nº 147
Proyecto: "La Historia de Mexico en la Historieta"
Video promocional dale click
El Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta Joaquín Cervantes BassocoPresenta el Proyecto:"La historia de México en la Historieta"Introducción:La historieta mexicana ha explorado diversos géneros a través de su desarrollo. La comicidad, los temas sentimentales, la ciencia ficción, la fantasía, la cultura y por supuesto la historia universal y particularmente la de México.Episodios dedicados a la Conquista de México, a Don Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, El Pípila, José María Morelos y Pavón, Vicente Guerrero, Emiliano Zapata, Francisco Villa, por mencionar solo algunos, son piezas apreciadas por quienes las poseen, tanto por el cuidado y el arte con que se realizaron como por la información histórica que divulgaban.Fueron varios los artistas gráficos que elaboraron las historietas dedicadas a los personajes y sucesos importantes de la historia de México, entre ellos destacan Antonio Gutiérrez (con un gran equipo del que ya hablaremos) y Antonio Cardoso, este ultimo inclusive colaboró ilustrando los libros de texto gratuitos de la Secretaria de Educación Pública en la década de los sesentas, pero definitivamente hay mas dibujantes y escritores que contribuyeron en la importante labor.En este año en que conmemoramos dos siglos de iniciada la lucha por la independencia, y cien años de la promulgación del Plan de San Luis, que detonó el inicio de la Revolución Mexicana, el Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta se propone divulgar el trabajo realizado por los historietistas mexicanos en la segunda mitad del siglo XX, relacionado con la historia de México, cabe señalar que el acervo del MUCAHI BASSOCO cuenta con una colección importante de este material.Objetivos del proyecto:Contribuir a la difusión de las obras que tratan sobre la historia de México, así como promover el reconocimiento de la sociedad a sus creadores, los artistas gráficos y literarios que las produjeron.Productos del proyecto.Elaborar una serie de publicaciones con reseñas de historietas mexicanas que han tratado temas relativos a la historia de México.Difusión de los productosEl avance de la investigación se divulgará semanalmente en internet a través de la página del MUCAHI BASSOCO y los sitios amigos que apoyan la difusión de sus actividades.En los meses de septiembre y noviembre de 2010 se presentaran avances parciales del proyecto en eventos relacionados con las conmemoraciones del bicentenario del inicio de la Independencia de México y el centenario de la promulgación del Plan de San Luis en los cuales el MUCAHI BASSOCO participe como organizador o invitado.L a obra completa será presentada en el Decimo Aniversario del MUCAHI-BASSOCO, junto con una exposición y homenaje a los creadores gráficos y literarios que participaron en la elaboración de las historietas, a celebrase en diciembre de 2010 en la ciudad de Cuautla, Morelos.Financiamiento del proyectoPara financiar el proyecto invitamos a los seguidores de la historieta mexicana a que se integren como Amigos del MUCAHI BASSOCO, ya que estos podrán recibir semanalmente los avances de la investigación así como una copia digital de las obras analizadas.Para la publicación de la obra en fascículos, invitaremos a prestadores de servicios, comerciantes y autoridades gubernamentales a que patrocinen la impresión y difusión de este importante material.Hacemos una invitación a todos aquellos seguidores de la historieta mexicana a apoyar este proyecto, ya sea proporcionando información sobre historietas que traten temas relativos a la historia de México, integrándose como amigos del museo, y aquellos que estén en posibilidades, a patrocinarlo económicamente.Heroica e Histórica ciudad de Cuautla, Morelos, a 3 de marzo de 2010.Por el rescate, conservación, divulgación, apoyo, y promoción de la caricatura e historieta mexicana y el reconocimiento a sus creadores.Rubén Eduardo Soto DíazDirector del Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta Joaquín Cervantes BassocoCalle Francisco I. Madero No. 110, Colonia Emiliano Zapata, Cuautla, Morelos. C. P. 62744Teléfono Celular: 044 735 1125 848Correo electrónico: -- Recibe atentos saludos deRubén Eduardo Soto DíazDirector del Museo de la Caricatura y la Historieta.Calle Francisco I madero # 110, int 18, Col Emiliano Zapata, Cuautla, Mor., C.P. 62744Tel Cel 044 735 11 25 848
Humour de Rene Bouschet
A luta contra o congelamento salarial por Rodrigo no Humoral da Historia
A função pública esteve ontem em greve com uma adesão entre os 13 por cento (estimativa do Governo) e os 80 por cento (números dos sindicatos). O Governo não abdica do congelamento salarial em nome da "consolidação orçamental".
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Tragédias de bradar aos céus por Rodrigo
... no Humoral da História!
As grandes catástrofes naturais que têm aterrorizado o mundo nos últimos tempos:
As grandes catástrofes naturais que têm aterrorizado o mundo nos últimos tempos:
Chile por Pedro Molina
Ahmedinejad por Pedro Molina
You May SEE
NOSOROG (RhinoCervs):
O recorde abortivo europeu por Rodrigo
A cada 26 segundos uma mulher faz um aborto na União Europeia, o que totaliza mais de 3.300 por dia, constituindo "a principal causa de morte na Europa", revela um relatório do Instituto de Política Familiar (IPF):
Raul por Toni D'Agostinho
EL BUS de Lenguaviva n- 64
EL BUS de Lenguaviva
Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija
Año II, No. 64, 1 marzo 2010
¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!
EL BUS No. 64 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal con la información sobre BOSTOONS 2010, nuestro I Festival de Humor Internacional.
EL BUS No. 64 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour with the information on BOSTOONS 2010, our 1st International Humor Festival.
Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:
Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.
Les deseamos una semana muy feliz.
We wish you a very happy week.
Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers
Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija
Año II, No. 64, 1 marzo 2010
¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!
EL BUS No. 64 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal con la información sobre BOSTOONS 2010, nuestro I Festival de Humor Internacional.
EL BUS No. 64 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour with the information on BOSTOONS 2010, our 1st International Humor Festival.
Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:
Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.
Les deseamos una semana muy feliz.
We wish you a very happy week.
Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers
20th edition of INTERNATIONAL SATIRE EXHIBITION - Studio d'Arte Andromeda - Trento (Italy)
Total Prizes: 2.500 €uro
Deadline: April 15, 2010
We aim at all the artists, at their poetic, ironic, irriverent, bright, satiric ferocity for picking the thoughts and emotions related to the land of Italy and for representing them in terms of their art and their land.
1. Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d'Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherent to the theme.
2. Works must be the originals, can be realized with any technique and must adhere strictly to the theme.
3. Maximum size allowed: A3
4. The works must arrive at theStudio d'Arte Andromedavia Malpaga 1738100 Trento - Italybefore april 15th 2010
5. The date of inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
6. The works will be returned on demand.
7. The Organization Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
8. The Studio reserves the right to print a catalogue with the most significant works and the right to use the same access of information, news and documentats about the exhibition. The catalogue will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
9. The Studio d'Arte Andromeda don't answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
10. The contest has the following prizes:- 1st Prize: €uro 1.000- 2nd Prize: €uro 700- 3rd Prize: €uro 500- Visitors Prize: €uro 300
The works should be sent to:STUDIO D'ARTE ANDROMEDAVia Malpaga 1738100 TRENTOITALY
For further information, visit our website or email us:Segretery Festival
Total Prizes: 2.500 €uro
Deadline: April 15, 2010
We aim at all the artists, at their poetic, ironic, irriverent, bright, satiric ferocity for picking the thoughts and emotions related to the land of Italy and for representing them in terms of their art and their land.
1. Authors may submit an unlimited number of works, Studio d'Arte Andromeda reserving the right to expose those which, in its sole discretion, considers most adherent to the theme.
2. Works must be the originals, can be realized with any technique and must adhere strictly to the theme.
3. Maximum size allowed: A3
4. The works must arrive at theStudio d'Arte Andromedavia Malpaga 1738100 Trento - Italybefore april 15th 2010
5. The date of inauguration will be notified in time to all participants.
6. The works will be returned on demand.
7. The Organization Committee will keep the prize-winner and signal works.
8. The Studio reserves the right to print a catalogue with the most significant works and the right to use the same access of information, news and documentats about the exhibition. The catalogue will be delivered during the opening or sent on request with the works.
9. The Studio d'Arte Andromeda don't answer of possible damaged or missing works, but maximum care of the delivered works is assured.
10. The contest has the following prizes:- 1st Prize: €uro 1.000- 2nd Prize: €uro 700- 3rd Prize: €uro 500- Visitors Prize: €uro 300
The works should be sent to:STUDIO D'ARTE ANDROMEDAVia Malpaga 1738100 TRENTOITALY
For further information, visit our website or email us:Segretery Festival