Friday, February 25, 2022
The 4th Humanitarian initiative Norway 2022
V° edizione di “Women and Humour” - Contest Humour a Gallarate – Italia 2022
Dopo due
anni di stop vogliamo riportare l’”Humour a Gallarate”, e per farlo abbiamo
bisogno del tuo aiuto!
con la V° edizione di “Women and Humour” la rassegna di cartoon al femminile in
occasione dell’8 marzo, Giornata internazionale della Donna.
una tua opera, a tema libero, già pubblicata, di archivio o inedita, come
preferisci! Passa parola fra le colleghe e amiche cartoonist.
Inviaci le tue opere entro il 5 marzo all’indirizzo
Ciao Vittorio
After two years of break due to pandemic, we want to
bring back “Humour at Gallarate”, and to do that we need your help!
Let's resume with the 5th edition of "Women and
Humor" the female cartoon review with an exhibition of cartoons on March
8th, International Women's Day.
We are waiting for one of your works, free theme,
already published, from your catalogue or new, as you prefer! Spread the word
among your cartoonist colleagues and friends.
Dead line march 5th 2022, you can send an email
Ciao Vittorio
CF: 01441880125
Vicolo del Gambero, 10
21013 Gallarate (VA) - Italia
Tel e Fax: 0331 774968
Tuesday, February 22, 2022
«HUMORES DO MUNDO, MUNDO DOS HUMORES»-Livro de Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa editado pela Amazon
«HUMORES DO MUNDO, MUNDO DOS HUMORES»-Livro de Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa editado pela Amazon
Contactei mais de
uma centena de artistas dos cinco continentes, na tentativa de melhor conhecer
como vão os humores por esse planeta fora, seja no passado, seja no presente.
Infelizmente nem metade me responderam, e alguns, apesar de prometerem enviar
as respostas, nunca o fizeram. Por desinteresse? Por desconhecerem a História e
do que se passa para além da sua pessoa? Por medo de represálias por darem
opiniões pouco favoráveis acerca do seu país?
A Margarida,
minha esposa, companheira e revisora dos meus textos, conforme ia lendo,
desabafava: «Mas que tristeza! A
Humanidade não avança mesmo nada. Quando pensamos que o mundo está melhor,
afinal continua sempre a mesma opressão, tristeza…».
Quando idealizei
estas crónicas, pensava que iria mergulhar no oceano da História, na alma
ancestral dos humores, mas o que acabou por acontecer foi constatar que o
tempo, a ciência, a economia, avançam, mas não o ser humano. Foi ouvir as
eternas queixas dos irreverentes, foi constatar a eterna luta do Sísifo
humorista para que a sociedade atinga o cume do Olimpo dos bons humores, com
liberdade de expressão e criatividade, em vez de se manter no Hades das
tragédias, prepotências e maus humores do poder.
Mas não foram em
vão estas conversas, porque apesar destes meus quarenta anos de demanda pelos
meandros dos humores, acabei por aprender muito, não só sobre o mundo, como
sobre mim próprio. Primeiro descobri que já não sorrio também, ou tão bem, como
deveria. Depois que já nem tudo me faz sorrir. Por outro lado, descobri novas
perspectivas, novas visões sobre o cómico e o humor.
humoristas que alegram as nossas vidas, que nos fazem parar nesta correria
stressante para ver, pensar, meditar, apreciar a existência, que não nos deixam
cair na apatia de uma sociedade conformada, acomodada no politicamente
correcta, na demagogia pós-moderna da comunicação social e governamental.
Afeganistão (Shahid
Atiqullah / Shamsia Hassani)
A Máscara Carnavalesca
Rep. Dem. do Congo (Alain
Jordânia (Osama Hajjaj)
Bali / Indonésia (Agus Harsanta)
(Ed van der Linden)
Holanda (Willem Rasing)
Humor Absurdo
Argentina / Catalunha
(Ermengol Tolsa)
India e Hinduísmo
India (Vishwas
(Omar Zevallos)
Noruega (Siri Dokken)
Brasil (Zé Andrade)
Argélia (Youcef Aimeur)
Intolerâncias Humorísticas
Butão – FIB
Humor Judaico
Israel (Ilya Katz)
Os Maiori e a Nova
México (José Guadalupe
Posada / Rruitze)
Os Maias e a passagem de
Humor e espiritualidade
Angola (Sérgio Piçarra)
O humor feminino (Nani
Turquia (Turhan Selçuk)
Nashruddin Hoca
Os Anti-heróis do humor
Etiópia (Alemayehu “Alex”
Humoristas em cena
A Angustia do Humorista
Palestina (Naji Al-Ali)
Palestina (Safaa Odah)
Sorria está a ser filmado
Budismo (O Buda
Taiwan – República da
China (Li-Chin Lin)
Rep. Pop. China
Koan – Budismo Zen
Yoga do Riso
Antigo Egipto (Manuel
Alvarez Junco)
Grécia (John Xagoraris)
Eslovénia (Stane Jagodic)
A vida é um risco
Albânia (Agim Sulaj)
Rússia (Mikhail
Roménia (Constantin
Quando os animais riam
Espanha / Galiza (Xaquin
Marin/Siro Lopez)
Floreano de Gogue
Arménia (Haroutiun
Deus e o riso
O Riso no Politeísmo
Polónia (Izabella
Humor à mesa
Áustria (Klaus Pitter)
Museus do Humor
Bulgária / Gabrovo (Margarita
Chile (Percy)
A Missão Palhaço
(Raul Zuleta)
Cuba (Pepe Pelayo)
A Ditadura do cómico
Equador (Bonil)
O Riso de Desafio
Líbia (Nabil Fannoush)
Eros no Humor
Moçambique (Sérgio Zimba)
Paquistão (Nigar Nazar /
Sabir Nazar)
Humores de Guerra
Sudão (Talal Nayer)
Quénia (Gado)
Tanzânia (Fred Halla /
Popa Matumula)
Humor no Amor
O cómico e o tempo
Ucrânia (Konstantin Kazanchev)
Comunicar com Humor
Canadá (Bado)
EUA (Marty Two Bulls)
França (Carlos Brito)
Itália (Gio)
Goa – India (Mário
Miranda / Alexys)
De D. Quixote ao Zé
Portugal - Alentejo (Carlos Rico)
Virgula e ponto…final
38th International Festival of Satire and Humor "Marul de Aur", Romania 2022
The organizers of the festival’s 38th edition are: Syndicate Culture House Bistrita, with the support of: Bistrita City Hall (Local Council), Bistrita Palace of Culture, National Association of Syndicate’s Culture Houses of Romania, Epigrammatist Union of Romania, Pomiculture Station Bistrita and Humoristic Association of Bistrita.
The International Festival of Satire and Humour ‘Marul de Aur’ will take place between 1st and 3rd of April 2022, encompassing the following sections:
I. Satirical Graphics:
- The 38th edition of the International Satirical Graphics Contest "Marul de Aur" Bistrita, 2022 is open for participation from all caricaturists around the world.
- The contest has two subsections:
1. Humoristic drawings on the theme: “MIRROR... REAR-VIEW MIRROR”
2. Caricatures on the theme of: “IRON LADIES”
- A maximum of 5 works per theme are allowed.
- The drawings will need to be accompanied by a CV in either Romanian or English, comprising of: First and Last name, address, contact phone number and e-mail address, country of origin, a copy of passport or any other form of ID.
- Entries for both subsections are mandatory.
- Works can be sent in original form via post at the following address:
Casa de Cultură a Sindicatelor – Bistriţa, str.
Alexandru Odobescu nr.3, ZIP 420043, Bistriţa or via e-mail at, phone/fax: 0040 263 233 345 or 0040 745 970 250, or to (Lucian Dobârtă – 0745 593 442).
- The deadline for sending your entries in is 10th of March 2022.
- After all entries are evaluated by a jury formed of notable persons of the domain, the prize-winning entries will be included in the 2022 Golden Apple Satirical Graphics Salon in Bistrita.
II. Creative Writing:
1. Creative Writing – Manuscript Subsection
a. Epigram Contest on the theme: ‘‘I’D VACCINATE YOU MYSELF...BUT WHAT FOR?’’, for which authors are required to send through a compilation of 3 thematic epigrams and 3 other epigrams of their choice.
b. Short Prose Contest: a maximum of 4 pages on the same theme.
- The entries will be sent via post in two copies and signed with a motto, in a closed envelope together with the author’s CV and a copy of passport or any other form of ID or via e-mail to:
- Manuscripts for the Short Prose subsection have to come in A4 format, typefont Times New Roman, 12 pt and1.5 line spacing.
2. Creative Writing – Published Volume Subsection
For this subsection, humour literature authors can enter the contest with 2 copies of their desired volume, published between April 2021 – March 2022, together with their CV and copy of passport/ID. Entries for both Manuscript and Published Volume subsections need to be sent in by the 10th of March 2022.
III. Satirical Interpretation:
- This section can be entered by satire bands, groups or theatres, individual or pairs of comedy performers, from either professional cultural institutions or amateur backgrounds and army clubs around the country.
- Their repertoire should consist in either classical or contemporary texts or their own creations, with the only requirement that it does not exceed the 15 minute limit for groups, 5 minute for individual performers or duos. Groups can be made out of a maximum of 8-10 members.
- Indecent content is not allowed.
- In order to enter this section, the contestants are expected to send over the completed application form (annexed herewith) along with a DVD of their proposed repertoire by 10th of March 2022.
- As the closing of the Festival, an Awards Gala will be held, in which the prize-winning bands and epigrammatists will participate, along with various special guests. Winners of the Epigram section will need to prepare 5 epigrams to be presented on stage.
- Awards for the 3 competing sections consist in prize money, diplomas and trophies. It is exclusively up to the jury to rank and award the entries of the 3 contest sections.
- Please note that contestants will not be returned their works at the end of the festival, these will in turn remain in the festival’s archive.
- Entries containing vulgarities or any type of obscene or pornographical substance are not accepted.
- After the jury ranking, the award-winners of the graphic satire and creative writing sections will be notified via phone in due time, in order to facilitate their participation at the Awards Gala.
All correspondence concerning the Golden Apple festival should be addressed at:
Str. Alexandru Odobescu, nr. 3, ZIP 420043, Bistriţa, ROMÂNIA
For any additional information please reach out to:
phone/fax: 0040 263 233 345, 0040 745 970 250e-mail: