Monday, March 21, 2022
5th Semarang International Cartoon Exhibition 2022
It has been two years since the world has been hit by COVID-19.
This event was created to remind us to always be aware of the dangers.
Also to honor the warriors eradicating the pandemic.
This is The Fifth Semarang International Cartoon Exhibition organized by SICE, FILAL KHOIROT INDONESIA FOUNDATION, RISKI EO, and Sponsors.
Participation rules:
1. Theme: Covid 19 Vaccination and Life After the Pandemic.
2. Cartoons must match the theme.
3. A3 size, 200 DPI, 5 MB, Maximum 5.
4. Sent via email :
5. Deadline : 23 March 2022.
6. By sending it means that the cartoonist agrees that his work will be
used for the promotion of the Covid-19 response in various forms.
7. Selected the 10 best cartoons by receiving certificates and prizes from
8. 100 nominated cartoons will be exhibited online and offline in Semarang
in April 2022.
9. Thank you for your participation.