Thursday, January 12, 2017


Addressed to:
Mr. Ban Ki – Moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations, New York
Mr. Antonio Guterres, new Secretary-General of the United Nations
General Assembly of the United Nations, New York
Mr. Filippo Grandi, Hight Commissioner, High Commissariat for Refugees of the
United Nations, Geneve
His Holiness Pope Francis, Vatican
His Holiness Patriarch Kirill, Moscow
Mr Jean - Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, Brussels
Mr John F. Kerry, Foreign Minister of USA, Washington
Mr Sergey Lavrov, Foreign Minister of Russia, Moscow
Auction Houses around the World: Sotheby's, Christie's , New York, London, Paris etc.
All the Inhabitants of Planet Earth


Dear Sirs / Madam
In the 21st century, cruel bloody wars in the Arab and African world have triggered a wave of refugees directed primarily to Europe, and to other parts of the world, too. Poor outcasts remain without a roof overnight and are forced to leave their homeland, their cosy homes. They set off on a long and thorny path into foreign countries with more or less merciful hosts. 
Only regret from the comfort of the couch under a safe roof, in front of the television screen, and wishful prayers for those poor people do not represent any sincere sympathy, therefore, the refugee crisis should be solved by undertaking concrete actions. The United Nations Organization in New York is called to establish a solidarity bank called  'Refugee' in the Palace of Nations into which the sponsorship money should be channeled from all member states. Every citizen of the world is obliged by his conscience of humanity and financial capacity to donate a certain sum of money for the reconstruction of bestially destroyed towns and villages. After the reconstruction the unfortunate refugees, scattered all around the planet, could return to their homeland and having gone through that torturing calvary start to live in normal conditions. After moral and ethical reflection all billionaires, millionaires, middle class people and, finally, those with lower incomes should join this humanitarian campaign, the latter ones at least with a symbolic sum of money. Face to face with those listed donors there should primarily be all egoistic war profiteers, weapons manufacturers and their buyers, soulless militant conquerors who bestially destroy numerous towns and villages, kill innocent natives and cruelly expel still alive powerless people.  There are also artists like painters, sculptors, photographers, graphic artists and others who could also donate their works of art for a good cause. Since the majority of them are not wealthy, their ideas and spiritual expressions are rich. Various auction houses all around the world could sell their donated works of art and the income thus obtained would be transferred to the 'Refugee  Bank'.With this committed and quickly carried out sponsorship action, with a humanitarian note and without veto in the Palace of Nations, we would at least slightly heal the moral and ethical wound caused by our contemporary civilization, including the population from San Francisco to Tokyo and from Cape Town to Reykjavik.This action should be coordinated under the slogan:Greedy wars of conquest should be ended and the whole world population should help the displaced martyrs.
Sincerely Yours
Stane Jagodič, painter, cartoonist and writer

Ljubljana - Slovenia, October 23 th, 2016
Stane Jagodič
Kunaverjeva 12,
1000 Ljubljana

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