Friday, March 09, 2018

50th World Gallery of Cartoons - Skopje 2018

Dear friends cartoonistsIt is a time to conquer the world with your cartoons again!
OSTEN is inviting you to participate in the 50th WORLD GALLERY OF CARTOONS Skopje 2018 

Download the APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it along with your works and you can win one of the following awards:

FIRST AWARD for Cartoon 
FIRST AWARD for Satiric Drawing 
FIRST AWARD for Comic / Strip 
CICO AWARD (for Macedonian cartoonist)

Following our principle of creating and preserving the art on paper, only ORIGINAL WORKS (hand drawn cartoons, satirical drawings and comics) will be considered in the selection process. They should be sent no later than 31st March 2018 to our address:    

8.Udarna Brigada 2, 1000 Skopje, Macedonia

Erdogan BASOL, Turkey (Cartoonist)

Jury members:
Ann TELNAES, USA (Editorial Cartoonist in the Washington Post)
Ross THOMSON, UK (Cartoonist)
Mostafa RAMEZANI, Iran/France (Cartoonist & Graphic Designer)
Vladimir KAZANEVSKY, Ukraine (Cartoonist and Lecturer on the Theory of Cartoon Art)
Mice JANKULOVSKI, Macedonia (Artist, Cartoonist and representative of OSTEN)

The jury activities will take place in April 2017, and the official opening of the 50
the announcement of the awards will take place on 
25th May 2018 at the OSTEN Gallery, Skopje.

Download the 
APPLICATION FORM, fill it, submit it, follow us on FB, and do not forget to share this information with your colleagues and friends. For additional information, you can always contact us on:

World Festival Cartoon - Tondela 2018 - Direitos Humanos de 26 de Abril a 6 Maio

"Falemos de caricatura" de Siro Lopes e Felix Caballero

Já está á venda o libro, "Falemos de caricatura",de Felix Caballero y Siro, publicado por Xerais. É un completo tratado da caricatura en forma de entrevista, profusamente ilustrado en cor con caricaturas de Siro e doutros autores, moitas delas históricas.
Siro é, sen dúbida, o referente principal da caricatura en Galicia, mais non só desde o punto de vista práctico, da súa execución, senón tamén teórico, do seu estudo. E non só en Galicia. Dubido que haxa en España moitas persoas que saiban máis ca el.
Tiña escrito bastante sobre o tema, mais dunha maneira dispersa ou nun libriño didáctico para nenos pubilcado xa hai moitos anos. Agora, en "Falemos de caricatura", verte todo o seu saber sobre o asunto, abordando con sistematicidade todos os aspectos esenciais dun xeito sinxelo, claro, directo e didáctico: o concepto, a orixe, o desenvolvemento histórico, os tipos, as características, os grandes mestres, o panorama en Galicia….

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