Friday, May 30, 2014


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FENAMİZAH (International Humor Magazine from Turkey) 
FENAMiZAH/JUNE, 2014 - Issue No: 28
You can follow: 
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in honor of FIFA World Cup, Brasil-2014
of the worldwide cartoonists.
from 68 cartoonist.

FENAMIZAH-EXTRA in special edition
on the 12th of June.

IV Biennale de l'humour Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - PENELA 2014

IV Biennale de l'humour Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães - PENELA 2014

Une Organisation : Municipalité de Penela / Espinhal
Une production: Humorgrafe
Directeur artistique : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe.oms @ )

1 - Thème: «Liberté» (Pour célébrer les 40 ans Avril - La Révolution des Œillets qui a restauré la liberté et de la démocratie au Portugal, a contesté artistes de méditer sur ce qui est la liberté, ce droit personnel qui commence où les autres fini et les d'autres comence quand le notre fini. "Liberté" dans son expression générale, si la pensée, choix politique, l'intégration sociale, l'orientation sexuelle religieuse, sexuelle ... )
2 - Ouver à la participation de tous les artistes graphiques avec humour, professionnels ou amateurs .
3 - Date limite: 10 Juin, 2014. Doivent être envoyées, ou (En cas de non réception de confirmation de réception de renvoyer nouveau SFF )
4 - Chaque artiste peut présenter par e -mail en format numérique ( 300 dpis A4 ) jusqu'à 4 œuvres en noir et blanc ( une seule couleur - dessins ne sont pas acceptés 2, 3 ou 4 couleurs ), ouvertes à tous technique et styles que caricature, dessin de humour, planche bd ( un seul de story-board )... et ils doivent être accompagnés d' informations de nom, adresse et e-mail .
5 - Les candidatures seront jugées par un jury composé de: représentants de la municipalité de Penela , représentant de Espinhal; représentant de la famille Oliveira Guimarães, le directeur artistique de la Biennale, un représentant des auteurs, un représentant de la communication locale et Une à deux personnes , artistes étant attribué les prix suivants :
* 1er prix BHLOG IV - 2014 ( valeur de € 1800 )
* 2e prix BHLOG IV - 2014 ( valeur de € 1300 )
* 3e prix BHLOG IV - 2014 ( valeur de € 800)
Le jury, à sa discrétion, peut accorder " Prix spéciaux ", le titre honorifique, complète avec le trophée.
6 - Le jury accorde le droit de faire une sélection des meilleurs travaux pour exposer l'espace disponible et l'édition catalogue ( qui sera envoyé à tous les artistes œuvre reproduite ) .
7 - L' organisation doit informer tous les artistes par e-mail si vous avez été sélectionné pour l' exposition et le catalogue, et ce que les artistes gagnants. Le travail indemnisées sont automatiquement acquis par l'organisation. Les originaux des œuvres primées seront remis à l'organisation ( le travail original fait dans l'ordinateur est une impression de haute qualité sur du papier A4 , signé à la main et numérotée 1/1 ), parce que sans cette livraison, le prix en argent ne sera pas déverrouillé .
8 - Les droits de reproduction sont détenus par l'organisation, dès que la promotion de cette organisation, et individuellement discuté avec les auteurs, dans le cas d'autres utilisations.
9 - Pour de plus amples renseignements, communiquez avec le directeur artistique: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe.oms @ ) ou IV Biennale de l'humour Luis d'Oliveira Guimarães , Secteur de la Culture , la municipalité de Penela , Place de la Mairie , 3230-253 penela - Portugal .

10 - La quatrième Biennale de l'humour Luis d’Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2014 a lieu 6-21 Septembre à la Bibliothèque municipale de Penela , s'étendant au Centre National de BD et de l'image de Amadora (Lisboa) 25 Septembre to Octobre 19.

Caderno de Exploração do Museu Bordalo Pinheiro, lançado no dia 1 de Junho Dia Mundial da Criança

É já no próximo Domingo, 1 de Junho, o Dia Mundial da Criança!
Comemorando este acontecimento lançamos o Caderno de Exploração do Museu Bordalo Pinheiro, especialmente dedicado às crianças, onde se aprende a olhar e a interpretar as peças do Museu de uma forma divertida e interativa.

Neste mês especial e pensando nos mais novos, o Caderno será oferecido a todos os pais e filhos que nos visitem ao fim de semana, dando as boas vindas a este espaço que celebra sobretudo a criatividade e o humor de Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro.

Museu Bordalo Pinheiro
Campo Grande, 382 – Lisboa
Tel: 21 817 06 67

Terça-feira a Domingo, das 10h às 18h
Encerra Segunda-Feira e Feriados
Entrada Gratuita para as famílias com crianças até aos 12 anos

Todos os fins de semana de junho!

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

El Dibujo Artístico de CAU GÓMEZ Por: Francisco Puñal

Con más de 50 premios en diversos festivales y salones del humor en Brasil y el mundo, entre ellos el PortoCartoon, de Oporto, Portugal; la Bienal de la Caricatura de Santa Cruz de Tenerife, España; el Concurso del Museo del Humor de Fene, Galicia; y el Festival de Foz de Iguazú, el dibujante brasileño Cau Gomez, posee una obra imponente caracterizada por un dominio técnico, un trazo fuerte y una pincelada de color que trasciende el diseño.
Cau Gómez, junto a otros caricaturistas brasileños como Ziraldo, Dalcio Machado, Ronaldo, Paulo Caruso, Jal, Elihu, y otros muchos, ha conquistado un reconocimiento internacional al llevar sus magníficos dibujos a otras latitudes y mostrar un trabajo osado e irreverente, que se ocupa de los problemas más actuales.
Cau tiene 42 años y nació en Belo Horizonte. Por más de una década, trabajó como artista gráfico, caricaturista e ilustrador en los principales medios de prensa de Brasil: Estado de Sao Paulo, Jornal do Brasil, Revista Playboy y otros. Actualmente reside en Bahía y publica sus dibujos en el periódico A Tarde en Salvador, y colabora con la revista Courrier Internacional, en Francia.
Sus dibujos humorísticos, sin texto, ratifican que el autor está siempre en sintonía con la cultura de sus lectores, y en permanente experimentación.
El dibujo que le valió Gran Premio que obtuvo en el 2002 en el PortoCartoon, y que aquí reproduzco, es todo un símbolo, pleno de ironía: un espantapájaro vestido de turista, con cámara fotográfica incluida, asusta a las aves que se acercan. Sin duda, fue un premio merecido por su concepción, su fuerza pictórica y porque ratifica cómo el humor desempeña el papel de entrenador de la mente.
La imagen poética del dibujante que semeja, al acostarse sobre plumillas con puntos afilados, ser un faquir que practica duros ejercicios de mortificación, o la imagen del cowboy Bush que se guarda la sonrisa, son ejemplos de su ferviente imaginación.
El humor –me dice Cau Gómez a quien conocí personalmente en su visita a Fene, Galicia, cuando recibió el Premio Curuxa- me permite respirar creativamente y me deja fluir las ideas, en una sintonía que potencia mi trabajo de autor.
La ironía –añade Cau- está presente en algunos de mis diseños, y es un arma "mortífera" para atacar y criticar la ceguera de los poderosos.
Este portentoso dibujante e ilustrador brasileño que defiende la tesis de que el humor es bueno todos los días.

No. 231 de BOSTOONS

Dear BOSTOONS fan,
BOSTOONS No. 231 is already in cyberspace. Check it out:

We hope you like it and continue to enjoy our mag. Or ezine. Or whatever you want to call it.
If you do like it, forward it to your friends. And if you don't, send it to you enemies. Just to bug them!
Mario B.

27 de mayo de 2014
Estimado(a) fan de BOSTOONS,
El No. 231 de BOSTOONS ya salió al ciber espacio. Visítalo aquí:

Esperamos que te guste y continúes disfrutando de nuestra revista. O mag. O ezine. O como quieras llamarla.
Si de veras te gusta, envíaselo a tus amigo(a)s. Y si no, mándaselo a tus enemigo(a)s. ¡Pa que se fastidien!
Mario B.

Editor de BOSTOON


VERGONHA é comparar a Reforma de um Deputado com a de uma Viúva.
VERGONHA é um Cidadão ter que descontar 35 anos para receber Reforma e aos Deputados bastarem somente 3 ou 6 anos conforme o caso e que aos membros do Governo para cobrar a Pensão Máxima só precisam do Juramento de Posse.

VERGONHA é que os Deputados sejam os únicos Trabalhadores (???) deste País que estão Isentos de 1/3 do seu salário em IRS.

VERGONHA é pôr na Administração milhares de Assessores (leia-se Amigalhaços) com Salários que desejariam os Técnicos Mais Qualificados.

VERGONHA é a enorme quantidade de Dinheiro destinado a apoiar os Partidos, aprovados pelos mesmos Políticos que vivem deles.

VERGONHA é que a um Político não se exija a mínima prova de Capacidade para exercer o Cargo (e não falamos em Intelectual ou Cultural).

VERGONHA é o custo que representa para os Contribuintes a sua Comida, Carros Oficiais, Motoristas, Viagens (sempre em 1ª Classe), Cartões de Crédito.

VERGONHA é que s. exas. tenham quase 5 meses de Férias ao Ano (48 dias no Natal, uns 17 na Semana Santa mesmo que muitos se declarem não religiosos, e uns 82 dias no Verão).

VERGONHA é s. exas. quando cessam um Cargo manterem 80% do Salário durante 18 meses.

VERGONHA é que ex-Ministros, ex-Secretários de Estado e Altos Cargos da Política quando cessam são os únicos Cidadãos deste País que podem legalmente acumular 2 Salários do Erário Público.

VERGONHA é que se utilizem os Meios de Comunicação Social para transmitir à Sociedade que os Funcionários só representam encargos para os Bolsos dos Contribuintes.

VERGONHA é ter Residência em Sintra e Cobrar Ajudas de Custo pela deslocação à Capital porque dizem viver em outra Cidade.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

IV BIENAL DE HUMOR " Luíz D' Oliveira Guimarães " - PENELA 2014

Una Organización : Ayuntamiento de Penela / Espinal
Una producción de : Humorgrafe
Director artístico: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe.oms @ )

1 - Tema: "La libertad " (Con el fin de celebrar los 40 años abril - La Revolución de los Claveles que restauró la libertad y la democracia a Portugal, desafió a los artistas a meditar sobre lo que es la libertad, este derecho personal que se inicia donde los otros termina y comença a de los demás cuando nuestra acaba. "Libertad" en su amplia expresión , ya sea de pensamiento, de decisión política , la integración social , la orientación religiosa , sexual, de género ... ) inicio
2 - Abierto a la participación de todos los artistas gráficos con humor , profesionales o aficionados .
3 - Fecha límite: 10 de junio 2014. Deben enviarse a humorgrafe.oms @, o ( En caso de no recibir confirmación de recepción de volver a enviar nuevo SFF )
4 - Cada artista puede presentar a través de e -mail en formato digital ( 300 DPI A4 ) hasta 4 obras en blanco y negro ( un solo color en todo sus matices - dibujos no aceptados 2 , 3 o 4 colores) , abierto a todos los aspectos técnicos y estilos como caricatura, historieta, historieta de la mordaza , tira, bd tabla ( una sola tarjeta argumento) ... y deben ir acompañadas con la información de nombre, dirección y correo electrónico.
5 - Las entradas serán juzgadas por un jurado formado por: representantes de la Municipalidad de Penela , representante de Espinhal; representante de la familia Oliveira Guimarães , el director artístico de la Bienal , un representante de los patrocinadores, un representante de la comunicación local y una y cincuenta y nueve invitados, artistas siendo otorgados los siguientes premios:
* 1er Premio BHLOG IV- 2014 (por valor de € 1.800 )
* 2 º Premio BHLOG IV- 2014 ( por valor de € 1.300)
* 3 º Premio BHLOG IV- 2014 ( por valor de € 800)
El jurado, a su discreción, puede adjudicar "Premios Especiales", el título honorario, completa con el trofeo .
6 - El jurado otorga el derecho de realizar una selección de los mejores trabajos para exponer el espacio disponible y el catálogo de la edición (que será enviado a todos los artistas con obra reproducida ) .
7 - La organización informará a todos los artistas por correo electrónico si usted ha sido seleccionado para la exposición y el catálogo, y lo que los artistas ganadores . La obra premiada de compensación, se adquieren de forma automática por la organización. Los originales de los trabajos premiados se entregarán a la organización (la obra original hecho en el ordenador es una impresión de alta calidad en A4, firmado a mano y numerado 1/1), ya que sin dicha entrega , el dinero del premio no será desbloqueado .
8 - los derechos de reproducción son propiedad de la organización, tan pronto como la promoción de esta organización, y de forma individual discutidos con los autores , en el caso de otros usos.
9 - Para más información póngase en contacto con el director artístico : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe.oms @ ) o IV Bienal del Humor Luis d' Oliveira Guimarães , Sector de Cultura, Municipalidad de Penela , Plaza del Ayuntamiento , 3230-253 Penela - Portugal.

10 - La Cuarta Bienal del Humor Luis d' Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2014 se lleva a cabo 6 a 21 septiembre en la Biblioteca Municipal de Penela , que se extiende hasta el Centro Nacional de BD y aficionada de 25 septiembre-19 octubre .

"Los Caricaturistas..." por Angel Boligan

Monday, May 26, 2014

"Europa" cartoon de Christian Indus

Cardume de chernes em águas profundas - Cartoon de Hermínio Felizardo

"Europe" in art of Agim Sulaj

Deadline : June 10, 2014 - IV BIENAL of HUMOR “LUÍS D’OLIVEIRA GUIMARÃES” - PENELA 2014


An Organization: Municipality of Penela / Civil Parish of Espinhal
A Production: Humorgrafe
Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (humorgrafe.oms @

1 - Theme: "Freedom" (In order to celebrate 40 Years April - The Revolution that restored freedom and democracy to Portugal, challenged artists to meditate on what is freedom, this personal right which begins where the other ends and needs to others when our start. "Freedom" in its broad expression, whether of thought, political choice, social integration, religious, sexual orientation, gender ...)
2 - Open to participation by all graphic artists with humor, professional or amateur.
3 - Deadline : June 10, 2014
Must be sent to humorgrafe.oms @, or ( In case of not receiving confirmation receipt resending new SFF )
4 - Each artist can submit via e- mail in digital format (300 dpis A4 ) up to 4 works in black and white (one color - not accepted drawings 2 , 3 or 4 colors ) , open to all technical and styles as caricature, cartoon, gag cartoon, strip, plank bd (a single story board)... and they should be accompanied with information of name, address and email .
5 - Entries will be judged by a jury consisting of : representatives of the Municipality of Penela ; representative of Civil Parish of Espinhal; family representative Oliveira Guimarães , the Artistic Director of the Biennale , a representative of the sponsors , a representative of local communication and one to two guests, artists being awarded the following prizes:
* 1st Prize BHLOG IV -2014 (€ 1,800 )
* 2nd Prize BHLOG IV -2014 ( € 1,300)
* 3rd Prize BHLOG IV -2014 ( € 800)
The jury, at its discretion may award " Special Awards " , the honorary title , complete with trophy.
6 - The jury grants the right to make a selection of the best work to expose the available space and editing catalog ( which will be sent to all artists with work reproduced ) .
7 - The organization inform all artists by email if you have been selected for the exhibition and catalog, and what the winning artists . The work awarded compensation, are automatically acquired by the organization . The originals of the works awarded shall be delivered to the organization (the original work done in the computer is a high- quality print on A4 , signed by hand and numbered 1/1 ), because without such delivery , the prize money will not be unlocked.
8 - Reproduction rights are owned by the organization , as soon as promotion for this organization , and individually discussed with the authors , in the case of other uses .
9 - For further information contact the Artistic Director : Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( humorgrafe.oms @ ) or IV Biennial of Humor Luis d' Oliveira Guimarães , Sector of Culture , Municipality of Penela , Town Hall Square , 3230-253 penela - Portugal .
10 - The Fourth Biennial of Humor Luis d' Oliveira Guimarães - Penela 2014 takes place 6-21 September at the Municipal Library Penela, extending to the National Center Comics and Image of Amadora (Lisbon) 25 September to 19 October.

Sunday, May 25, 2014


International Press Release; January, 2014:           

CAIB 2014 THEME/BACKGROUND INFORMATION: While professionally showcasing, promoting and rewarding excellence in the cartoon and comic Art industry across Africa and globally, the CAIB collaborative agenda seeks to explore how Art and multimedia innovations, in synergy with other allied fields of endeavour, can provide Answer to a wide variety of issues and concerns in favour of Africa’s sustainable development and productivity within the framework of  human dignity, equality, peace and godliness, in line with the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)  and the New Partnership for African Development (NEPAD),and in the context of the UNESCO Social and Human Sciences Sector’s (SHS) call for innovative ideas in favour of Africa’s development within the new decade.

RATIONALE: The adage that a picture is worth a thousand words is not far-fetched: One image can communicate more than dozens of pages of text or hours of speeches. One image can change the course of history. Editorial cartoons draw attention to important political, economic, and social issues like nothing else. Using symbols or visual metaphors, their reach transcends country borders and language barrier”.  We are deploying Art and  visual journalism in the context of press cartooning,  cartoon animations, comics/graphic humour, etc, as a creative education, awareness spreading and public enlightenment strategy to draw attention, promote fiscal development and human dignity, to celebrate excellence, drive productivity, equity, moral capital development and innovative cross cultural resources development and exchanges across Africa in a global context.

The 2014 edition of CARTOON AFRICA INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL (CAIB) festival will hold in the last quarter of 2014. African illustrators, press cartoonists, cartoon animators, etc, and their colleagues around the globe will once again gather in Nigeria, in 2014, through their comedic art, creative education and visual journalism works - Caricatures, editorial cartoons, comic strips, cartoon animations, photo cartoons, etc - to lend a strong voice to the theme above, addressing Africa’s development needs and challenges in a global context.
The festival is open to all professional artists, amateurs/students and children of all grades and types of schools regardless of their age from all over the world. Three major categories of participants are, however, identified for CAIB2014: PROFESSIONAL; AMATEUR/STUDENT; and CHILDREN.  The central theme of the second edition of the CAIB festival is: “AFRICA OF THE FUTURE”.

The TOPICS being investigated and interpreted include:
(1) “Stop Violence Against   Women” (Selected entries on this topic will automatically qualify for inclusion in the CAIB-MEWOR Comic book series plus short animated videos to be produced and distributed regionally to draw attention and spread awareness of the “PROTOCOL TO THE AFRICAN CHARTER ON HUMAN AND PEOPLES’ RIGHTS ON THE RIGHTS OF WOMEN IN AFRICA”. You may download the document from our website to guide you).        
 (2) “Our Children, Our Future; Their Safety, Our Responsibility.”
(3) “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): The God Factor In Achieving Success.”
(4) “My Fears for Africa” *(Strictly for Non- African participants only).
(5a) “The WATER and ENVIRONMENT challenge”
(5b) “Tribute to Nelson Mandela” (Caricatures, editorial cartoons, comic strip, animation, photo cartoon, etc)
 (6) Free. (Here, you are at liberty to work on any topic(s) of your choice, but they should be within the thematic framework of CAIB festival2014)

*(7) Introducing: the first “BFI LIFEGATE COMICS & MULTIMEDIA PRIZE”, a prestigious creative award for the best youth graphic literature, comic book, photo story, or short cartoon animated video, multimedia, new media short story, documentary,  jingle or  documentary on any topic(s) addressing  one or more of the issues below and primarily targeting African youths:  NEW CREATION REALITIES; MORAL CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT; THE CHURCH AND POVERTY IN SOCIETY;  IDENTITY CRISIS IN A PLURAL SOCIETY AND GLOBALISED WORLD;  TOMORROW’S YOUTH AND THE SOCIAL MEDIA; Water, SANITATION AND HYGIENE (WASH) CREATIVE EDUCATION  FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN/YOUTHS; YOUTH SEXUALITY EDUCATION; YOUTH AND PEACE BUILDING; ETC.
NOTE: Authors/artists can come up with their own ideas and topics as individual participants or as a team, but they must address youth moral capital development in the context of social and spiritual culture. Details of the BFI’s new awards programme are available on the organization’s website:

1.       Participation in the CAIB festival is FREE.
 2. Female African artists, press cartoonists, etc, are highly encouraged to participate, as there will be special media opportunities and creative offers awaiting successful African female participants.
3. Apart from  TOPIC (4) reserved only for Non-African participants, there is no restriction to topics that participants can enter for the festival/contest, no limit to the number of works to be entered and there is no restriction on style or medium of expression of works sent in.
4. Cartoons, comics, caricatures, photo cartoons, cartoon strips, new media, etc, can be sent in as coloured or black and white, in A4 or A3 paper sizes only, (without frames) in a protective pack, irrespective of whether they have been published before or have won any prizes in any previous events. It is advisable to send your entries via INSURED or REGISTERED mail, as the organizers will not be liable for mails lost in transit. The organizers will ensure the protection of works in our custody. However, we shall not be responsible for badly packaged entries or entries damaged before and after the festival/exhibition. Video/Cartoon Animation entries MUST not exceed 5 minutes in length that could be broadcast in compressed format and realizable in the most common formats: AVI, MPEG Real Video for Windows, etc.).
5. Original artworks are preferable for the CAIB festival. However, high quality computer print-outs are also acceptable. No photocopies please! Digitally-generated works must be duly signed by the artists to be accepted in this festival/contest as original. Entries that do not measure up to standard for the cartoon/comics biennial festival/ contest will be discarded. The organizers reserve the right to withdraw the established prizes and certificates if the entries fail to meet the required standard and focus of the festival.
6. FORM: Participants MUST fill and submit the
participation form to be eligible for the festival/contest. The form can be downloaded from our websites:,   Works submitted without fully-completed participation forms will be rejected. On a word document or separate enclosed sheet of paper please provide a short CV of the author, titles of artworks submitted and the polemic meanings/ messages they convey.
7. ORIGINALITY: Works sent in for the festival MUST be the original creations of the artists themselves. Plagiarism is forbidden in the CAIB festival/contest; so it is instructively vital that authors be fully responsible for the originality of their entries to the biennial festival. The organizers will withdraw any prize/award, if after the events it was reported and proven of any copyright infringement anywhere in the world, and legal actions may be instituted against offenders accordingly.
8. DEADLINE: Entries will be accepted from January 1, 2014 until midnight, October 1, 2014. Entries received after the deadline will only be accepted if they bear a postmark prior to October 1, 2014.
9. JUDGES: A steep panel of experts drawn from the Art community, the mass media, cartoonists, art critics, school art teachers, art curators, etc, in Nigeria, parts of Africa, and abroad, will select the qualified works for the contest and subsequent touring exhibitions according to their merits, effectiveness in communicating vital messages within the CAIB project’s thematic framework. The decision of the judges will be final.  Selected works, whether or not they won prizes in the festival/contest, will be put into a colourful coffee table book/CATALOGUE, and all participants whose works are included in the catalogue will receive a free copy each, whenever they are produced. So, please carefully print your valid postal address and other contact information in the participation form.
10. EXHIBITION OPENING/AWARD PRESENTATIONS: The official opening of the CAIB2014 festival exhibition and prize presentations to winners will take place on November 7, 2014 tentatively at a venue to be decided on later. The 2014 CAIB festival/exhibition (and its supporting events) may run till May, 2015, via post-event traveling exhibitions/ cartoon workshops, fundraising art auctions, merchandise sales, etc.(Read more on supporting events at the bottom of this press release)
11. PRIZES: Winners will be awarded according to categories, namely:
Best entry in each Category: N20, 000 + Certificate + Catalogue + 1 year media contract, courtesy of the CAIB organizers and some of their local, regional and international media collaborators and other sponsors. Second Best entry in each Category: N10, 000 + Certificate + Catalogue + 6 months media contract, courtesy of the CAIB organizers and some of their local, regional and international media collaborators and other sponsors. Third Best entry in each category: N5, 000 + Certificate + Catalogue + 3 months media contract, courtesy of the CAIB organizers and some of their local, regional and international media collaborators and other sponsors. There will be HONOURABLE MENTION, certificates, catalogues and a one- off media contract for some participants tipped by the jury. Depending on increased funding/sponsorships, in CASH, for the CAIB festivals, prizes may be reviewed upward across board during the CAIB festival period under review.
* There shall also be special awards by some collaborating organizations like the Beautiful Feet International (BFI), corporate bodies and individuals and the general viewing public, such as the Best-In-Show Public Award also known as “B.I.S.A. award” for the most educative and intellectually engaging of all the works exhibited or shown on screen during the 2014 CAIB festival exhibitions. This will be determined by public votes by visitors to the CAIB festival, cartoon workshops/interactive sessions as well as open air public interactive showcase of some reproductions of some selected works at strategic city centers. The new “BFI LIFEGATE COMICS & MULTIMEDIA PRIZE” is a special award courtesy of the BFI Art and Media center, co-sponsors of the CAIB festival. 
12. SALES, RETURN/ DONATION OF WORKS: If you wish to sell your submitted original works during the CAIB festival, please clearly indicate same in the participation form, along with the intended price in US dollars. Original art works submitted for the festival/contest will be returned back only if the author so indicated in the participation form, and at the author’s postal expense through courier services. Or they can be donated to the organizers for future promotional, educational and other non-commercial uses.

 NOTE: Prize winning works and all entries sent via emails or posted as computer print-outs will not be returned but automatically become properties of the organizers and shall be permanently preserved in the new CAIB Cartoon and Comics Museum set up in Benin City, Nigeria, after the pilot CAIB event in 2012.
 All participants and authors of works submitted to CAIB oblige the organizers the full right to use, to archive, to print, to publish or broadcast their work(s) in all CAIB promotional and educational means, and to let them feature in any exhibitions, etc- without any financial liability to the authors/artists. The signing and submission of completed participation form and your works is proof of your acceptance of the terms and conditions stipulated for participation in the CARTOON AFRICA INTERNATIONAL BIENNIAL festival 2014. Thank you for your cooperation! Log on to our website:, to download Participation Form.
13. ADDRESS: All entries for the CAIB festival should be mailed to:

Or by Emails to:, and copy:
Tel: +2348023680030

SUPPORTING EVENTS: More supporting events will be featuring during the CAIB2014 festival to add verve to the biennial event and will take place in Benin City and Lagos side by side. These include pre-festival Schools Cartoon Art  Challenge/workshops/exhibitions for primary, secondary and tertiary schools in selected Nigerian/African cities and towns; visual journalism training workshops for African women journalists and mass communicators, etc; the first planning meeting of African Christian Cartoonists and Comic Artists; fundraising art exhibition by selected African and foreign artists; CAIB webshop launch/merchandise sales; distribution of free comics and educational audio visuals; CCAS-Afrik inaugural conference/workshop; short cartoon animated film shows; official launch of CAIB International Cartoon Museum; open air public interactive showcase of some reproductions of some selected works at strategic city centers. etc.

Artists, cultural creatives, writers, publishers, the  media, design  and promo-serve companies, advertisers, fashion/textile industries, architectural practitioners, manufacturers, NGOs, government agencies, etc, whose businesses and or services  integrate artistic illustrations, cartoons and comedic art, as well as other related businesses and institutions anywhere in the world- who wish to take advantage of the CAIB platform to collaborate and cooperate with us to promote/ sell their ideas, goods and or services as partners in every edition of the CAIB festivals -are very welcome. Please contact the central organizing committee for our mutually benefitting terms and conditions. Send enquiries to:, or call the curator, Francis Umendu Odupute: +2348023680030.

Eleições europeias no humor de Henrique

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