Friday, January 20, 2017
Interview - Tatjana Debeljački vs. Aziz Yavuzdoğan Turkey January 2017
you tell us something about your hometown and growing up?
At first everyone gives a
sentimental answer to this kind of a question and I cannot answer
it in a different way.Everyone is aware of the facts of his hometown.
Especially if you are an artist who can view the facts objectively ,you express
your cricital ideas through your work. If you are a cartoonist you will
definitely need no words , if not a few. What I mean is I am faithfull to my
country like everyone.
did you publish your first book and how did the success follow later?
I published my first book in
2006. That book included funny men-women drawings and
it was printed in two series for two years. Later I published five
cartoon books and a book of my poems. I
should say that my books did not have much effect on my success in my career.
"The international humor magazine
Fenamizah is celebrating it’s 5th anniversary this year "?
Fenamizah is a digital
magazine and it is on line every month since 2012 Yes it has been five
years. It is in its sixth year.
cartoon 8th personal exibition?
Yes I had eight personal
cartoon exhibitions and my cartoons were in quite a lot of mixed
cartoonist publishes books, book covers, catalogs, brochures and design
magazine cartoons in humor magazines?
I am a cartoonist, graphic
illustrator and a publisher as well. I did picture drawings, book covers
, worked as an art director in several newspapers and magazines. It is a
long story. Since I got retired I have been working as a publisher.
I published two different literature magazines. They were not digital. But
unfortunately literature magazines do not last long in Turkey.
the reader who is also a poet, such effects can generate and offer fresh
experiences of the?
I am a cartoonist. Yes,
I like literature. I have tried poems and short texts. There are people
who find my works successful bu I cannot say I am a professional
writer or poet.
can you tell us about your work, prizes, journeys and friendships?
I spent 5 years of my
professional life in Northern Cyprus . I worked in the first coloured
daily newspaper as the art director and the assistant publisher. I
sent works to very few international cartoon contests. I do not find
these contests interesting and I think the awards are given according to
some private relationships.
is a thing that emerges upwards out of silence.” ?
This is a very good
expression. Who is the owner of the saying? I like it .It definitely
expresses my feelings. I prefer short poems and aphorisms.
are your plans for the future creative work?
I have no plans .I like the
naturel flow of life. İnstead of making plans I prefer having principals
and working according to my own discipline.
Do you think you have outwitted the
You might think that I have
given contrary answers but I have never had expectations in any subjects.
You might ask if my efforts met my needs
I can definitely say they were not financially satisfactory but I do not
care much about it. I value moral satisfaction more.
do you manage all that with so much work that you do? Do you have time for
Fenamizah is a monthly
magazine and I prepare a weekly humour magazine for a local newspaper .I
also give lessons to young cartoonists in a youth center of the
municipality twice a week . Here is the answer to your question.
there anything that you could pinpoint and tell us about yourself between
dreams and reality?
İt is a mystic question. I
like it but it has quite a long answer and you may find it surprising I would
like to emphasize specifically. friendship with Hadzialic in the morning. And thanks to him.when you hear it from a humorist. Shortly, dreams and
reality are both places I regularly go and test.
you achieved everything you have ever wanted to and if you could live your life
again would you be an artist again?
I believe I am the same person
in this world as I was in where I came from. Life in this world is not a
surprise for me . Just as it is my
life after this world will be the same in another dimension and another
form. What
I want to reach is goodness and beauty which means love.
there anything you would like to say that you think is important and that I
haven’t asked you ?
I would like to say this as my
last words.As human beings we waste time with empty, dry
prayers, wishes which will end with absolute disappointment.In fact , whatever
men want to achieve , they should fight to reach it, and the
most important thing is not to hurry. Patience
is very important. Thank you very much for the interview. I wish goodness and
beauty for everyone all over the world. And I hope to cooperate with
DIOGEN pro culture magazine. We have a good friendship with Sabahudin
Hadžialić. I send my greetings and thanks to him, too.
thank-you! It was a great pleasure talking to you and you are
always welcome to our house “DIOGEN pro culture” magazine.
EL HUMOR DE PEPE PELAYO - ¿Los políticos no tienen ni un pelo de tonto?
poderosos tienen peliagudos problemas, pero como no tienen pelos en la lengua y
son gente de pelo en pecho, sólo dicen: “el mal ajeno, del pelo cuelga”.
es la relación entre calvicie y poder? No lo sé, pero he hecho un
análisis banal -o banálisis,
como le llaman en ciertos círculos- sobre el tema. Por ejemplo, la calva les ha
preocupado desde siempre a los poderosos. Hace 4 mil años, el emperador chino
de la dinastía Hio, Chu-Kang, le pidió a su médico que le “curara” la caída de
pelo de su cabeza (a su médico de cabecera, supongo). Pues el doctor le untó un
ungüento y le contó uncüento,
asegurándole que su remedio era milagroso. Cuando le despegó aquella cosa
pastosa de la cabeza, casi le dejó los sesos a la interperie al pobre
emperador. Por supuesto, el “doltol” sufrió lo que hoy se conoce jurídicamente
como tortura china.
La lista de los sin pelos en el
poder es larga: Churchill, Mussolini, Franco, Nikita Jrushchov, Gorbachov o Yul
Brynner (cuando hizo de Rey de Siam), etc..
En la actualidad: Pedro Pablo
Kurczynski de Perú, Luis Guillermo Solís de Costa Rica, Károlos Papulia de
Grecia y muchos más. Y podemos sumar… (no, “podemos” no, porque son políticos
con coletas), y si sumamos, decía, a los de grandes entradas (quizás sean
salidas, según las encuestas), como Hollande de Francia y Michel Temer de
Brasil, la lista sería interminable.
Y no olvidemos a los que lucen
una frente que les llega a la mitad del cráneo, como el caso del presidente
Salvador Sánchez de El Salvador, que tiene una tan amplia frente, como un
Frente Amplio. O mejor un Frente Farabundo Martí, algo que tiene lógica
relación, porque ellos entrenaban en Cuba y Martí, el prócer cubano, gastaba
una frente XXXL, sobre todo cuando se lo decían y se enojaba (momentos en que
se conocía como Furibundo Martí).
¿Y Abdelaziz Buteflika de
Argelia? ¡Se deja crecer bien largos los pocos pelos que le salen de encima de
una de sus orejas, para peinárselos aplastados a su calva! (Tal y como trata de
tapar la corrupción de tantos años en el gobierno.)
Como ven, hay una real
vinculación entre calva y poder. ¿Se sienten más potentes como Samsung, perdón,
como Sansón con su pelo? O al revés, ¿prefieren las calvas por mostrarse más
viriles y poderosos? No sé.
Quizás sea bueno esperar a lo
que suceda con Trump. Él en su campaña dijo que si ganaba no se cuidaría sus
implantes. Pero conociéndolo, es probable que no soporte ser calvo y se cubra
con un casco, el cual no le vendría mal cuando visite el muro que desea
construir hacia México. Claro, que no confíe en la protección del casco. Está
probado científicamente que es un misterio el altísimo porcentaje de gente que
no lo tiene puesto al ocurrir el accidente. Además, los cascos no son
glamorosos. No veo a Trump en frac y con casco llevando a su señora a la Ópera…
Perdón, ¿Él va a la Ópera? Bueno, sí, a la Ópera-ción Triunfo, o a la
Ópera-tion Repo.
¿Y qué pasa con Putin, ese otro
calvo Trumposo? A él le aconsejaría que si se va a tapar la cabeza, que lo haga
con esas prendas de vestir que van con una capucha incorporada. Los jóvenes,
sobre todo los que viven la cultura rapera y reguetonera, la usan. Quizás la
use el mismo hijo de Putin (con todo respeto). Pero no deseo ahora involucrarme
en una discusión bizantina, persa o sarracena sobre las causas
psico-sociológicas de esa moda de imitar a los frailes franciscanos. Sólo diré
que esconden sus cabezas ahí, porque así creen que ni los ven a ellos ni ellos
ven a nadie. Eso le vendría bien a Putin, por su vocación tan nacionalista,
En fin, si los poderosos no les
agrada perder el cabello, que no protesten, por favor, que no se pongan tan
protestantes, porque quizás sean calvinistas por convicción, pero ahora serán
“calvistas” por obligación. En todo caso, el calvario es nuestro que estamos
hasta el último pelo de muchos de ellos.
Por no tener respuesta a la
inicial pregunta, me quedo con estos versos del gran Quevedo:
fue aquí, en donde calvero: / calva no sólo limpia, sino hidalga, / háseme
vuelto la cabeza nalga, / antes gregüescos pide que sombrero”.
Thursday, January 19, 2017
Exposicion "El Rostro de Fidel" en el "Café La Habana" (México)
Museo del Humor (Buenos Aires) - Revista Cultural El Pasajero
Wednesday, January 18, 2017
Cartoon Contest “Bruegel In 2017”-Belgium
1. Participation
Anyone aged 18 and over can participate in this
international contest. Participants declare that they agree with the terms and
conditions of the contest, the rules, and the jury’s decisions. Participation
is free.
The deadline is 03-02-2017.
2. Theme: “Bruegel in 2017”
Peer will celebrate the 650th anniversary of acquiring
city rights in 2017. The year will be filled with festive activities for the
residents of Peer and for visitors. One of Belgium’s most famous painters,
Pieter Bruegel the Elder, was supposedly born in Peer (Grote-Brogel). We wonder
what Bruegel would think of the world today; as it is in 2017.
3. Submissions
Each participant can submit maximum five entries
(colour or black and white). All graphic techniques are allowed. We prefer that
participants print out digitally drawn work so that the works can be presented
to the jury in sufficiently high quality. The works cannot have been published
or exhibited in the past. Please send your works to the following address: ~
Stad Peer
Cartoonfewzstival Peer650
Zuidervest 2a
B- 3990 Peer
The drawings must measure 210 x 297 mm (A4). Surname
and first name of the participant must be mentioned on the back of the drawing.
The prizes:
prize: €700 + souvenir
prize: €350 + souvenir
prize: €150 + souvenir
All winners will be invited to spend three days (and 2
nights) in Peer for the awards ceremony.
5. Patrimonial rights - By submitting an entry,
participants give the organisers the right to use their entries to promote the
cartoon festival and
the festive year Peer650 (i.e. the catalogue,
publicity in the press and on other media, posters, etc.).
6. Catalogue - A catalogue will be published, taking
into account budgetary limitations. Selected participants have the right to one
Participants will receive a free catalogue upon
request. They will have to pay the postal expenses or they can collect the catalogue
at the Tourist Reception in Peer.
7. Property - All works become the property of the
8. Originality of the works. Entrants remain
responsible for the originality of their works. Discussions and possible claims
related to any form of plagiarism are at the entrant’s expense. If plagiarism
is discovered after the prizes have been awarded, the jury can deliberate and
decide to revoke the prize.
9. Jury - A professional jury will look at the entries
received, make a selection for the exhibition, and select the prize winners.
10. Awards ceremony and exhibition
- The opening and awards ceremony will take place on Saturday,6 May
2017. The exhibition will run from 7 May - 30 July 2017. It will be accessible
for free on Wednesday afternoons and during the weekend. Group visits are also possible on other days. Tuesday, January 17, 2017
23rd International Biennial of Humour and Satire in Art – Gabrovo – Bulgária 2017
23rd International Biennial of Humour
and Satire in Art – Gabrovo – Bulgária 2017
Dear colleagues,
The Museum House of Humour and Satire in Gabrovo, Bulgaria launches a
campaign for registration of entries for the 23rd International Biennial of Humour and
Satire in Art that will open on 19th May 2017. The works selected by the
jury will be on display at the Museum from 19th May until 30th September 2017.
The twenty-third edition of the Biennial is comprised
of a competition and a curated exhibition. The competition is held in two
sections – cartoons (in three categories) and contemporary
art (works of art executed in
any technique and media – painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking,
drawing, poster, installation, video and others).
The theme of the competition is Laughing
in the Face of.... fear,
crisis, adversity, the status quo – artists are invited to complete the phrase
and make a statement by addressing the present day and its social, economic,
political, cultural and daily problems and challenges.
In order to apply artists complete an online
entry-form on the Biennial website,
where the conditions of entry and additional information are published. The
closing date for application and sending works online is 12th
March 2017, midnight Bulgarian time (GTM+2). The selection of the
works is made online by an international jury. The artists with selected works
send the originals by post within the indicated deadline.
The Biennial website is also accessible via, the official website of the
House of Humour and Satire.
As organizers of the Biennial kindly request you to
assist us in spreading this call for entry among the artists you work with, as
well as, if possible, to publish it on your website.
We shall appreciate your responsiveness and
cooperation, and remain at your disposal for any further questions.
Margarita Dorovska (Director)
Organizers - Museum House
of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo Municipality and the Ministry of Culture of
the Republic of Bulgaria. The Organizing Committee is chaired by the Mayor of
Opening - 19th May
2017, 7.00 p.m. at the Museum House of Humour and Satire, Gabrovo
3. Theme: Laughing
in the Face of…
fear, crises,
adversity, the status quo – artists are invited to complete the phrase and make
a statement by addressing the present day and its social, economic, political,
cultural and daily problems and challenges.
Eligible for the
contemporary art section of the competition are works of art executed in
any technique and media (painting, sculpture, photography, printmaking,
drawing, poster, installation, video, and others).
Golden Aesop Prize – a statuette and 5 000 BGN (appr. 2 550 euro)
Gascar Prize of the town of Gabrovo awarded to a young artist (up to 40 yrs.) – a
statuette and 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
Special prize
given by Skalni Materiali JS Co-Rousse – 3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
The cartoons
competition section includes the following categories:
(original works signed by the artists and digital works, up to A3 size)
cartoons (gif and flash)
Printed cartoon publications (albums, catalogues, artists’ books)
Prizes :
Grand Prix –
3 000 BGN (appr. 1 530 euro)
Prize for
cartoon (hand-signed originals and digital drawings) – 2 000 BGN (appr. 1 020 euro)
Prize for
animated cartoon (gif and flash formats) – 2 000 BGN (appr. 1 020 euro)
Prize for
printed cartoon publication – 1 000 BGN (appr. 510 euro)
The prizewinning
works remain in the Humour of the Peoples art collection of
the Museum House of Humour and Satire.
The organizers
kindly invite all artists to visit Gabrovo on 19th May
2017 for the opening of the Biennial exhibition and join in the
Gabrovo carnival.
Newspaper - cartoons by Valentin Druzhinin
Sunday, January 15, 2017
Faleceu a Drª Leonor d' Oliveira Guimarães (5/4/1938 - 14/1/2017)
Queridos amigos.
Venho comunicar-vos uma triste notícia, a matriarca da família Oliveira
Guimarães, protectora e incentivadora da Bienal de Humor Luiz d’Oliveira
Guimarães – Espinhal / Penela, Drª Leonor Oliveira Guimarães faleceu esta noite.