Sunday, March 28, 2021

XXIII International Open Cartoon Contest, Poland 2021

Theme: Mask

Deadline : May 31, 2021

I.  THE ORGANIZER - The Competition is organized by the Cyprian Norwid Regional and City Public Library in Zielona Góra.


1. Both professional and amateur cartoonists are eligible to enter the contest.Unlimited number of personally made original works (format min. A5 - max. A3) in an optional technique with an application card, should be sent or delivered by May 31st 2021 to the following address:

Wojewódzka i Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Cypriana Norwida 

al. Wojska Polskiego 9

65-077 Zielona Góra

skr. pocztowa: 170


2. Only non-awarded works may take part in the competition.

3. Each work should be signed by the author.

4. By participating in the competition, each participant agrees to a free donation of  works submitted to the competition to the Organizer.

5. participants agree to publication of their work free of charge.

6. By personal participation in the post-competition exhibition, the participant agree to the processing of their images captured by photography and for sharing the images to promote Organizer's cultural events.

7. The condition for paying out the prizes to the winners is their personal participation in the post-competition exhibitionor indication of the bank and account number to which the prize is to be transferred.Participation in the competition as well as works and obligations related to it, includingany prize claims, cannot be transferred to third parties.

8. The cost of sending the work is covered by the participant.


1. Announcement and publication of the contest - March 2021

2. Deadline for receiving works - May 31, 2021

3. Jury Sitting - June 2021

4. Announcement of the Jury decision and the opening of the post contest exhibition - September 2021


1. The Jury comprises of the Organizer's representatives  as well as artist dealing with art in practice or as theoreticians.

2. The Organizer has the right to change the amount of particular prizes, nonetheless, the total amount of prizes remain unchanged.

V. PRIZES - GRAND PRIX - PLN 5,000 + Statuette

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