Friday, March 21, 2008

A Paixão do cartoonismo no mundo

Os cristãos vivem neste momento a Paixão de Cristo, um dos momentos essenciais da sua religião, na fé da ressurreição. Isso não impede que haja muitos Pilatos a continuarem a perseguir quem pense de outra forma, quem sorria ou ria da estupidez humana. Os Budistas aspiram ao nirvana, mas certamente não o encontram na Birmânia ou no Tibete onde ordas de bárbaros não respeitam os direitos humanos.
O Islão é uma religião de tolerância, contudo falsos islâmicos, ditos fundamentalistas continuam a fazer terrorismo armado e ideológico contra cartoonistas e inocentes pessoas que vivem no local e momento errado por onde eles passam. É verdade que o Deus Judeu não surge na historia como sendo muito humorístico (apesar de ser o mesmo dos Cristãos e dos muçulmanos), talvez por essa razão o estado israelita seja tão nazi. Se há uma paixão em todos os corações religiosos, há também uma paixão num mundo cada vez mais cinzento. Eis algumas das noticias de perseguição que encontrei nesta Sexta-feira Santa (
Le dessinateur Baha Boukhari condamné !
Dear friends and colleagues, First, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for all of your concern and your words of support. Moreover, I would like to confirm to you that this matter would not change my attitude or my beliefs. It only reinforces my faith in our roles as humans and cartoonist in carrying out freedom of expression, advocating for democracy and liberties for all. At the same time, I consider the cartoonist as a messenger of peace and harmony, against all form of discrimination or oppression based on race or religion. Cartoonists promote and bring possible dialogues between different cultures and communities. Finally, I would like to thank you all again and want you to know that your words and drawings against any form of oppression, occupation, and restrictions of freedom. What is more, against Gaza siege would be of great help.
Sincerely, Baha Boukhari
Tan Oral fired from Cumhuriyet
Tan Oral, world wide known as one of the masters of the Turkish cartoon, an excellent person and a good friend of cartoonists, has recently been fired from "Cumhuriyet", the most serious and prestigious left wing newspaper of Turkey where he used to work since 1976.
The reason of this act was due to a plot organized by another Turkish newspaper, "Yeni Safak", quite conservative and close to the AKP government.
Last week a young reporter from the "Yeni Safak" newspaper, interviewed Tan, on the occasion of his 50’s year anniversary of cartooning in Turkey. And after been interviewee of more than two hours, becoming more familiar with the artist, she asked to see the drawing to be published next morning in "Cumhuriyet". Tan, naively signed it and gave it to her as a souvenir with the condition to not published it...
Next day, this cartoon appeared on the first page of "Yeni Safak" with an underline mentioning that this cartoon was exclusively made for "Yeni Safak". Of course the same cartoon took place the same day on Cumhuriyet’s Tan’s corner. Tan protested hardly "Yeni Safak" which published the day after a short note of apologies. But this was a very good pretext and opportunity for the editor in chief of "Cumhuriyet" to fire Tan Oral who was drawing from time to time cartoons against the official policy of his newspaper.
Tan is now unemployed (!). He didn’t jump on any proposal coming from many other newspapers. He participated with high moral to his 50’s year anniversary exhibition in Eskisehir last Thursday the 12th. But disregarding his up hopes, he hardly needs some support and encouragement from his friends, because he’s still disappointed of the unexpected attitude of his newspaper for which he did during his last 32 years...
Tan is preparing now a manuscript about this recent event, including several articles published in the Turkish local press, all the public reactions, comments and messages sent by his friend and supporters etc...

Daniel Ionescu (Dion) fired from Cotidianul
This is another sad and revolting news. I know how frustrating it is for Tan.
I myself was fired three weeks ago by the editor of the Romanian front newspaper "Cotidianul", for which I was doing the daily editorial illustration for the last two years.
No specific reason was furnished upon my dismissal but I have the same believes that political reason were the apple discord. I can furnish you with further info if you need. I attach some samples of my work published in Cotidianul within last year.

Simone Thalmann and Michael Mauch fired from Basel Museum
Zu den Berichterstattungen in: Basellandschaftliche Zeitung, Basler Zeitung, BernerZeitung, Blick, Tages-Anzeiger, TeleBasel, 20min., u.a.m.
Stellungnahme von über 50 europäischen Cartoonisten zum Rauswurf der Co-Direktion des Karikatur & Cartoon Museum Basel durch den Stiftungsrat.
Cartoonisten aus der Schweiz wie aus dem übrigen Europa sind empört über die Kündigung und Freistellung der Direktoren des Karikatur & Cartoon Museum Basel (Simone Thalmann und Michael Mauch), die ohne sachliche Argumente erfolgten.
Der Hinweis, dass der Stiftungsrat eine internationalere Ausrich-tung des Museums wünsche, ist durch die bisherigen Ausstellungen von internationalen Top-Künstlern wie Ungerer, Bosc, Hugo Pratt, Bernd Pfarr usw. klar widerlegt!
Simone Thalmann und Michael Mauch haben seit der Übernahme der Museumsleitung im Juli 2004 des weiteren für die Schweizer Cartoon-Kunst wichtige Ausstellungen organisiert und uns Car-toonisten eine funktionierende und höchst aktuelle und für das Publikum attraktive Plattform aufgebaut.
Wir Cartoonisten sind für diesen grossen und erstmals in der Ge-schichte dieses Museums richtungsweisenden Einsatz dankbar. Seitdem die beiden das Museum leiten, weht dort ein offener und frischer Wind, der den Künstlern und dem Publikum zugute kommt. Die neuen Besucherrekorde, die transparente Betriebs-führung und das aufgestellte Museums-Team sprechen für sich. Wir verlangen deshalb vom Stiftungsrat zu diesen nachweislichen Leistungen ein öffentliches Zugeständnis - ohne Ausflüchte und schwammige Formulierungen.
Simone Thalmann und Michael Mauch wurden auf unanständigste Art und Weise abserviert, ohne dass ein plausibler Grund genannt worden wäre. Wir erwarten, dass der Stiftungsrat seine Aufgabe sachlich und ehrlich erfüllt und diesen Fehlentscheid korrigiert.
EFEU/Ernst Feurer Biel-Benken/CH e_Mail
ANNA/Anna Hartmann

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