Saturday, April 30, 2011
Le Canard Libéré N° 201 (Humour Marrocain)
Dia Mundial do Riso neste proximo Domingo
Agora, neste momento de deliciosa fertilidade, plantem uma semente de felicidade e juntem-se a nós durante 5 minutos no DIA MUNDIAL DO RISO, este Domingo, às 12 horas para rir. Programe já o seu telemóvel com um alarme para lhe avisar na altura. Depois de rir, visualize connosco o Mundo as gargalhadas, todos conscientes por um instante de que a realidade se transforma em cada momento com o nosso pensamento.
O amor pela família e amigos, a gratidão por tudo o que a vida nos dá e claro...
Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Conferência Europeia de Yoga do Riso - 25 de Maio ao 27 de Maio 2012
Formação de Professor de Yoga do Riso - 27 de Maio ao 1 de Junho 2012
Congresso Europeu de Riso - Saúde, Performance e Produtividade pelo Riso - 1 de Junho ao 3 de Junho 2012
Mega-Sessão de Yoga do Riso com Dr. Madan Kataria - Domingo, 3 de Junho 2012
Anualmente Portugal celebra este evento em grande mas este ano vamos rir ainda mais, sem necessidade de transporte nem custos nem organização. Este ano cada um de nós é uma fábrica do riso que envia ondas de alegria a todo o País. Meio dia, Domingo, hora H! Vamos fazer o efeito borboleta!
Formações Líder de Yoga do Riso
Há duas antes do verão, dias:
21, 22, (23) de Maio
18, 19, (20) de Junho
Recomeçamos de novo em Setembro.
Duas Sessões Gratuitas na Escola do Riso
E sempre quando há formações na Escola do Riso, também há sessões gratuitas:
Sábados, 21 de Maio e 18 de Junho 2011
Reserve o seu lugar
Workshop do Riso Braga
Sábado, 28 de Maio, 14h30-17h30
Uma parceria com a Associação de Solidariedade e Acção Social de Santo Tirso para a protecção de crianças em risco.
Três horas para aprender o kit de sobrevivência para quem precisa de se proteger sozinho!
Uma oportunidade para rir, usufruir e contribuir para o bem estar destas crianças!
Escola do Riso - Cedros Ressoantes - Loja Online
Quinta do Sol, Framilo, 3350-090 Vila Nova de Poiares, Coimbra, Portugal
O amor pela família e amigos, a gratidão por tudo o que a vida nos dá e claro...
Ha Ha Ha Ha ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha
Conferência Europeia de Yoga do Riso - 25 de Maio ao 27 de Maio 2012
Formação de Professor de Yoga do Riso - 27 de Maio ao 1 de Junho 2012
Congresso Europeu de Riso - Saúde, Performance e Produtividade pelo Riso - 1 de Junho ao 3 de Junho 2012
Mega-Sessão de Yoga do Riso com Dr. Madan Kataria - Domingo, 3 de Junho 2012
Anualmente Portugal celebra este evento em grande mas este ano vamos rir ainda mais, sem necessidade de transporte nem custos nem organização. Este ano cada um de nós é uma fábrica do riso que envia ondas de alegria a todo o País. Meio dia, Domingo, hora H! Vamos fazer o efeito borboleta!
Formações Líder de Yoga do Riso
Há duas antes do verão, dias:
21, 22, (23) de Maio
18, 19, (20) de Junho
Recomeçamos de novo em Setembro.
Duas Sessões Gratuitas na Escola do Riso
E sempre quando há formações na Escola do Riso, também há sessões gratuitas:
Sábados, 21 de Maio e 18 de Junho 2011
Reserve o seu lugar
Workshop do Riso Braga
Sábado, 28 de Maio, 14h30-17h30
Uma parceria com a Associação de Solidariedade e Acção Social de Santo Tirso para a protecção de crianças em risco.
Três horas para aprender o kit de sobrevivência para quem precisa de se proteger sozinho!
Uma oportunidade para rir, usufruir e contribuir para o bem estar destas crianças!
Escola do Riso - Cedros Ressoantes - Loja Online
Quinta do Sol, Framilo, 3350-090 Vila Nova de Poiares, Coimbra, Portugal
Rui Duarte em Girona (ISCA)
Friday, April 29, 2011
38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/2011
1 - DATAS - O 38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/2011, realizado pela Prefeitura de Piracicaba/Secretaria de Ação Cultural/Centro Nacional de Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba obedecerá as seguintes datas - Inscrições: até 20 de julho. Seleção: 06 e 07 de agosto.
Premiação: 20 e 21 de agosto. Abertura: 27 de agosto. Encerramento: 16 de outubro.
Artistas profissionais e amadores, podem inscrever trabalhos que não tenham sido premiados até a data de encerramento das inscrições. O tema é livre. Os trabalhos - para todas as categorias - podem ser enviados através de: VIA CORREIO ou VIA ELETRÔNICA (inscrições pela internet, dentro do formato JPGE e 300 DPI, imagens anexadas de uma única vez).
A técnica gráfica é livre. Cópias digitais, devidamente assinados pelo autor e indicados de que se trata da impressão número 01 e esculturas, com teor humorístico, também serão aceitas.
Medidas máximas permitidas: em papel – 42 x 30 cm (A3), esculturas – 42 cm (altura) x 30 cm (profundidade) x 30 cm (largura).
Cada artista pode inscrever no máximo 03 obras por categoria. Cartum (humor gráfico com temas universais e atemporais), Charge (humor gráfico com temas jornalísticos da atualidade), Caricatura (humor gráfico que expressa os traços físicos e/ou de caráter de personalidade conhecida), Tiras (arte gráfica em seqüência, com enredo que se fecha em um formato padrão, usualmente publicado em colunas de jornal) e Vanguarda (somente para trabalhos que abordem o tema Alimentação proposto pela organização do evento). Feito um banquete a ser devorado, a questão da alimentação é um assunto de múltiplas abordagens e sabores. Enquanto alguns se fartam de todo tipo de alimento, outros continuam sem o básico. O exotismo de alguns hábitos alimentares ligados a fatores culturais. O crescimento da população de obesos pelo mundo afora e a preocupação para manter a forma. O fast food e o slow food. Os alimentos transgênicos... Enfim, será mesmo verdade que somos aquilo que comemos?
Junto aos trabalhos inscritos o artista deve anexar a ficha de inscrição preenchida de forma legível. Também é solicitado currículo resumido e foto para catalogação no banco de dados e pesquisa do CEDHU.
Endereço correio:
38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural – Av. Maurice Allain, 454 – Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba – SP Brasil
Endereços eletrônicos:
Categoria cartum:
Categoria charge:
Categoria caricatura:
Categoria tiras:
Categoria vanguarda:
Serão conferidos prêmios num total de R$ 35.000,00 (trinta e cinco mil reais), valor aquisitivo da Prefeitura do Município de Piracicaba, assim divididos:
a) Cinco prêmios de 1° lugar, no valor de R$ 5.000,00 (cinco mil reais) cada, divididos entre as categorias.
b) Um prêmio de R$ 10.000,00 (dez mil reais) denominado GRANDE PRÊMIO SALÃO DE HUMOR DE PIRACICABA, escolhido entre os cinco premiados de cada categoria.
c) Para o vencedor do Grande Prêmio do Salão e primeiros colocados de cada categoria, serão atribuídos troféus, autoria do cartunista Zélio Alves Pinto.
d) Será conferido também um prêmio no valor de R$ 3.131,11 (três mil, cento e trinta e um reais e onze centavos), exclusivamente para a categoria caricatura, valor aquisitivo da Câmara de Vereadores do Município de Piracicaba.
Outros prêmios e menções poderão ser instituídos, a critério da Comissão Organizadora.
Haverá um Júri de Seleção e outro de Premiação composto por pessoas capacitadas na área.
Caso o júri de premiação constate alguma espécie de fraude ou plágio em um ou mais dos trabalhos inscritos, poderá cancelar o prêmio conferido. O resultado da premiação poderá ser contestado até uma semana após a abertura do Salão, com provas cabíveis de quaisquer irregularidades cometidas sem o conhecimento do júri.
A simples inscrição obriga o artista a aceitação do presente regulamento. Os artistas selecionados, cedem automaticamente os direitos autorais de sua(s) obra(s) para reproduções e publicações em qualquer suporte, de forma irrestrita, objetivando a divulgação do evento. A devolução dos trabalhos após o encerramento da exposição, deve ser solicitada formalmente na ficha de inscrição. Caso contrário os trabalhos passarão a pertencer em definitivo ao acervo do Centro Nacional de Documentação, Pesquisa e Divulgação do Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba, que passa a exercer o direito de propriedade, conforme seu interesse.
A organização do 38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba não se responsabiliza por possíveis danos que possam acontecer no envio ou devolução dos trabalhos.
Os autores premiados (inclusive menções honrosas), transferem a Cessão dos Direitos Autorais do(s) seu(s) trabalho(s), em conformidade com a Lei nº 9.610 de 19 de Fevereiro de 1988 (Lei dos Direitos Autorais) de modo total, universal e definitiva, em todas as modalidades de utilização e a título gratuito, resguardados pela referida lei, referente(s) a(s) obra(s) premiada(s) no Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba, que passam a integrar o Patrimônio Público Municipal para todos os fins de direitos, em conformidade com a Lei Municipal nº 2.249 de 1976, alterada parcialmente pela Lei Municipal nº 2.486 de 1982 e consolidada pela Lei Municipal nº 5.194 de 2002.
19 3403.2620 - 3403.2621 – 3403. 2615
38th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba/2011
The 38th International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba 2011 will be held in accordance with the following schedule: Applications: until July 20st, Art Selection: August 06th and 07th. Awards: August 20st and 21nd. Opening: August 27th. Closing: October 16th.
Professional and amateur artists, Brazilians and foreigners can apply unpublished artworks that were not awarded until the closing date for entries. The theme is free.
The works - all categories - can be sent by MAIL or ELECTRONIC MAIL (applications over the Internet, in the format and 300 DPI JPGE, attached images at once).
The graphical technique is free. Digital copies, signed by author and indicated that it is print number 01 and sculptures, with humorous content will also be accepted Maximum measures allowed: paper - 42 x 30 centimeters (A3) (16,54 x 11,81 inches), sculptures - 42 centimeters or 16,54 inches (height) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (depth) x 30 centimeters or 11,81 inches (width).
Each artist may enter a maximum of 03 works per category. Cartoon (graphic humor with universal themes and timeless), Charge (graphic humor journalistic themes nowadays), Caricature (graphic humor that expresses the physical and / or personality character known), Comic Strips (graphic art in sequence, with plot closed in a standard format, usually published in newspaper columns) and Vanguard (only works focussing on the theme Food, proposed by the organization). “As a feast to be eaten, the food issue is a subject of multiple approaches and flavors. While some are filled with all kinds of food, others are still without the basics. The exoticism of some dietary habits linked to cultural factors. The growth of obese population around the world, and the concern to keep in shape. Fast food and the slow food. GM food ...
Anyway, is it true that we are what we eat?” Along with the work entered the artist must attach a completed registration form with letters legibly. It is also requested reduced curriculum and photo, for registration in the database and search CEDHU.
38º Salão Internacional de Humor de Piracicaba/Secretaria Municipal da Ação Cultural Av. Maurice Allain, 454 - Caixa Postal 12 - CEP 13.405-123 - Piracicaba - SP Brasil
E-mail Adresses
Cartoon Category:
Charge Category:
Caricature Category:
Comic Strips Category:
Vanguard Category:
The Awards are a total of R$ 35,000.00 (thirty-five thousand reais), acquisitive Municipality of Piracicaba, divided as follows:
a) Five (05) prizes of 1st place in the amount of R$ 5,000.00 (five thousand reais) each, divided among the categories.
b) One (01) award of R$ 10,000.00 (ten thousand reais) called GRAND PRIZE INTERNATIONAL HUMOR OF PIRACICABA chosen among the five winners of each category.
c) For the winner of Grand Prize of International Humor of Piracicaba and for the first place winners of each category will be awarded trophies by cartoonist Zélio Alves Pinto.
It will be awarded a prize of R$ 3.131,11 (three thousand one hundred thirty-one reais and eleven cents), exclusively for the caricature category, purchasing value from the City Council of Piracicaba. Other awards and honors may be imposed at the discretion of the Organizing Committee. There will be a Selection Jury and an Award Jury composed by people with acknowledgeable talent in the area. If the Award Jury finds any type of fraud or plagiarism in one or more registered works, the Jury may cancel the award. The result of the award may be contested until a week after the opening of the Exhibition, with reasonable evidence of any wrongdoing without the knowledge.
A simple application requires the artist to acceptance of these regulations. The artists selected transfer automatically authorial rights of his artworks for reproductions and publications in any media, without restriction, aiming to promote the event. The return of the artworks after the closing of the exhibition is to be formally requested in the registration form. Otherwise the artworks will ultimately belong to the collection of the Centro Nacional de Documentação, Pesquisa e Divulgação do Humor Gráfico de Piracicaba, which will exercise the right of property, as its interest.
The organization of the 38th International Exhibition Humor of Piracicaba is not responsible for possible damages that may happen when the arts are sent or returned. Besides the completed registration form legibly, the reverse of each artwork should bring the following information: registration category, author's name, artistic name, full address, telephone number, e-mail, CPF and Identify Registration (ID) and bank data. Send also a résumé and a photo to cataloging on the database and search of CEDHU. The authors transfer automatically Authorial Rights of his artworks when awarded acquisitivetely (include mention), in accordance with the Law n° 9610, February 19st, 1988 (Authorial Rights Law), therefore, universal and definitely in all use modalities and gratuitous, the rights of the author, guaranteed by the mentioned law; referring to the awarded artworks in the International Humor Exhibition of Piracicaba and now integrant part of Municipal Public Property for the purposes of entitlements, in accordance with the Municipal Law n° 2249, 1976, partially amended by the Municipal Law n° 2486, 1982 and consolidated by the Municipal Law n° 5194, 2002.
"Eça e Portugal – Os Homens Inteligentes" por Ricardo Campus
Olá pessoal,
Novo cartoon, Eça e Portugal – Os Homens Inteligentes
O estado da nação.
Realidade pura e dura!!!
Deixe o seu comentário aqui:
Título: Eça e Portugal – Os Homens Inteligentes
Ler mais:
Ver todos colecção Eça e Portugal:
Divirtam-se e partilhem, rir é o melhor remédio!!
Ricardo Campus
Novo cartoon, Eça e Portugal – Os Homens Inteligentes
O estado da nação.
Realidade pura e dura!!!
Deixe o seu comentário aqui:
Título: Eça e Portugal – Os Homens Inteligentes
Ler mais:
Ver todos colecção Eça e Portugal:
Divirtam-se e partilhem, rir é o melhor remédio!!
Ricardo Campus
El Web Negre: Mou s'encalla però no calla
Mou s'encalla però no calla
La mentida és més creïble que la realitat? La veritat és escandalosa? Per què es considera el cargol i el tornavís l'eina més decisiva a l'hora de canviar els curs de la civilització durant el milen·ni últim?
Ja us ho vam avisar la setmana passada ( ). Mira que us ho anunciàrem! Que no, que tanta repetició no pot ser bona per a ningú, que és vici nefast i duu mals averanys imaginables. Ara ho descobrim en els ulls de Mou: ulls que deixen veure psicopaties vàries que no fan albirar esperances. Els castissos ja diuen que li manca "un tornillo", un cargol!, un vis! I sense el vis, no hi ha res a fer. Per alguna cosa el cargol i el tornavís es consideren l'eina més determinant a l'hora de canviar el curs de la civilització durant el passat mil·lenni. En la petita història de la mentida humana els clàssics ens han deixat dit que tots enganyen, però que el que enganya explícitament és millor que el que ho fa sense adonar-se'n o volent-ho ocultar. La mentida és en general més creïble que la realitat. Perquè la mentida es construeix amb art, i és del tot versemblant, mancada de contradiccions, propera a les expectatives; en canvi, la realitat sol ser imprevisible, desestabilitzadora i escandalosa. Per això Mou, tot i que s'encalla, no calla. Li cal perquè la fascinació divina que es viu mitjançant la paraula produeix plaer i allibera del dolor. Ja sabem també que el poder de la paraula por enamorar, encantar, encisar, embruixar, captivar o enverinar l'ànima. Però, ai las!, també és veritat que amb la quantitat de càmeres de televisió que hi ha, amb la de repeticions de la jugada que es donen, la mentida ha perdut credibilitat, i es descobreix en poc temps, perquè és curta de cames i no pot arribar molt lluny, o perquè es manifesta immediatament en el nas que creix. Desentortolliga-ho que fa fort!
La mentida és més creïble que la realitat? La veritat és escandalosa? Per què es considera el cargol i el tornavís l'eina més decisiva a l'hora de canviar els curs de la civilització durant el milen·ni últim?
Ja us ho vam avisar la setmana passada ( ). Mira que us ho anunciàrem! Que no, que tanta repetició no pot ser bona per a ningú, que és vici nefast i duu mals averanys imaginables. Ara ho descobrim en els ulls de Mou: ulls que deixen veure psicopaties vàries que no fan albirar esperances. Els castissos ja diuen que li manca "un tornillo", un cargol!, un vis! I sense el vis, no hi ha res a fer. Per alguna cosa el cargol i el tornavís es consideren l'eina més determinant a l'hora de canviar el curs de la civilització durant el passat mil·lenni. En la petita història de la mentida humana els clàssics ens han deixat dit que tots enganyen, però que el que enganya explícitament és millor que el que ho fa sense adonar-se'n o volent-ho ocultar. La mentida és en general més creïble que la realitat. Perquè la mentida es construeix amb art, i és del tot versemblant, mancada de contradiccions, propera a les expectatives; en canvi, la realitat sol ser imprevisible, desestabilitzadora i escandalosa. Per això Mou, tot i que s'encalla, no calla. Li cal perquè la fascinació divina que es viu mitjançant la paraula produeix plaer i allibera del dolor. Ja sabem també que el poder de la paraula por enamorar, encantar, encisar, embruixar, captivar o enverinar l'ànima. Però, ai las!, també és veritat que amb la quantitat de càmeres de televisió que hi ha, amb la de repeticions de la jugada que es donen, la mentida ha perdut credibilitat, i es descobreix en poc temps, perquè és curta de cames i no pot arribar molt lluny, o perquè es manifesta immediatament en el nas que creix. Desentortolliga-ho que fa fort!
Royal Wedding by Marian Avramescu and JBosco
Thursday, April 28, 2011
Peter Závacký: Cartoonist Lubomir Vanek exhibits in Brno and Pelhřimov
Jubilant exhibits in Brno and Pelhřimov
With his wife Lenka (with already 28 years), mother and father 75 years (Still an active cyclist), squatting in daughter Lucie (27) and designer Barbara (23) - left.
Drawing kariportrétov (as well as traditional portraits) is the royal discipline. Calls not only talent, but also environmental and visual experience. If the cartoon is taught to the general public, then the object must be particularly well known, they are politicians or famous personalities of culture and sport, their drawing is easier, more kariportrét not ridicules, but illuminates a hero with a kind smile (in politics and character- and no strikes), makes it closer to ordinary people. In the best tradition of Czech portrait caricatures, which established artists and returns the classics - Bidlo, Hoffmeister, Tittelbach, Smid, Nesvadba, Hadaka or V. Council - is well and Vanek. Despite a rich and valuable work which has so far created, its artistic future is still just ahead.
Once it was my only hobby, an offshoot of my artistic activities. Until I suddenly found that I freelance and the tax office I held as a cartoonist. And so for two decades I make my living caricature. Will not complain, do not take it as work, but how lucky that I can maintain what I like and it is still, moreover, still my hobby.
Everyone has something significant - someone nose, another chin, eyes ...
One can draw a good kariportrét without big nose, ears, or warts?
Of course, but it's harder if there is nothing to grab ...
How did you get to create cartoon portrait?
Since childhood I have been so clearly. I tended to illustrate children's bedrooms, an animated film and the comics, as well as the portrait, which I later studied at the MFA. mal. Vera Frydrychová. I've found over time that did not provide a portrait of me too much space to include more expressive humor and comic exaggeration, and so I often escaped to the cartoon and worked for the joy of their friends and classmates.
When did you discover in yourself the great gift of a portrait? Kariportrétista must be born, or can this "craft" and just learn?
I naturally I take it ... But when I see that a number of good portrait kariportréty tried to draw, it was not for them, unable to break out of what conservatism I think there has to be something "the top".
What you draw better - men or women? Pretty face or vice versa?
Correct portrait you must be able to cope with each. Certainly, however, draws a better guy with "the words" eighteen years ago as a grooved, in addition crayon bred girl.
Prefer to draw in the face, or photos? What is the difference?
Both. Sometimes it suits me personal contact and sometimes I turn rather closed in his studio.
When you kariportrét enjoy and vice versa when not?
Most will always enjoy kresbičku that originated from my initiative. Worse is that sometimes with an ordered pattern. As a professional with the team I always want a particular match.
It is said that the cartoonist is a cameo archaeologist and detective at the same time, not only reveals the layers in the depths of the soul, but notes also detail all around ... Do you agree?
It's true. In fact the best portraits to the probe deep inside the soul of the subject.
And most of what you want portrayed to reveal you? Except of course form - just smile, good humor and entertainment, or even reverence, humility, or even reprimanded?
Each cartoon is different. When you send a log actuality, must be vigorous, witty and striking, the reader is reading it in a few seconds. Colored cartoon into a frame glass is born and the year and draws a few hours, because here the person hangs up, and every time he would be looking to improve mood, enjoy it and caress the soul.
It helps you look and the ability to see into the soul of man to communicate with people?
It helps me very much. Especially in business dealings. My inner voice warns me that there not to cooperate ... And while time has always proved that I did well even though it looked first to the very pink "....
Not kariportista your "range" has also distorted his "craft?" - Sees the face of each cartoon?
You are right. Sometimes I go to town and I "vercajk" and I see that "típek" that when my hand itches ...
Although kariportrét not sport discipline and you do not mind drawing a book of Czech and world records than on a treadmill. Which ones do you value most and are also entered in the Guinness Book of Records?
395 drawing cartoons for three hours. It was a performance in which I drew the last half hour of cramps in his hand, but I gave up. However, the most difficult draw with both hands simultaneously in each of another. And, it's a huge burden on the gray cerebral cortex and concentration. All my records entered in the Guinness Book of Records and the Czech Book of Records has since 1996 are listed on my website.
Recently, more and more and dedicate knžnej illustration. Especially for children. Said to himself about a children's book author? Disclosing something?
Yes, I have illustrated over twenty books. I draw them for children. Last last year, with Zdenek Pešová illustrated book "Tales and Fairy Tales from Svitavy from Svratky", a beautiful large color publication, supplemented by the memory game, coloring books, games and puzzles. It was a designer for me, a beautiful robot. Something own workshops for children have already in the drawer, but far more reveal.
What keeps you in good shape? How best to relax, as you usually relax?
In music, so concert - rock or even classical. And in nature - half a day in autumn for mushroom I cleaned my brain for two weeks in advance.
Lubomir Vanek (* 1961)
A graduate of the Brno School of Arts and Crafts, he studied privately with a portrait painter. mal. V. Frydrychová. His artwork known in the CR and SR of Czech dailies, Porcupine, diary, business daily, Gotham, crocodile, Flowers, Criss-cross, literary weekly, popular newspapers, letters, Gotham Magazine, GENDER, peasant newspaper, Czechoslovak sport, Sport, Stadium. .. His drawings are also in the return Cartoon Museum Basel (Switzerland) and also in the Museum of cartoons (Poland).
Author has compiled three books - The Revolution after divorce (1994), Jokes From The Heart (2000) and Faces of the White House (2008). In 2007, Cartoon Assotiation C.R.N. included among the 101 large portraits and caricatures of world artists. Awards for his drawings and won the competition festivals in England, Italy, but also in the country. It records the speed of drawing caricatures are included in the Guinness Book of Records. In Pelhřimovsko Museum of Records and Curiosities has its Minigallery. He is a member of the Club's Scotland. Native of Brno and patriot, lives and works in Brno.
Even though his kariportrétom laughs for the past four decades, lay public and professional criticism (and even before it no secret at all), it does not matter to him and draws them still - to this day. Designer "NNN" - Lubomir Vanek, because it is talking about, not only is today the best known and most popular authors caricature portrait in Bohemia, but also its most productive creators. Kresliarsky magician with an international reputation, smiling faces polished to comic draws not only for newspapers, magazines, and for people interested in them, but increasingly also for pleasure (he has a face like "policeman" Funes, created several of its forms). Their drawing is for him not only work a job but still have a great hobby. He loves them just a spectator, but also portrayed the victim. And they drew thousands and thousands (at corporate social events and two or three hundred per night - last Pribinová in Nitra and at home in Brno, but also on television in Germany or France, Switzerland, England ...). Not offend anyone, not spoil the mood, while fun, laughing and enjoy. And even if it is not drawing kariportrétov Olympic, or even a sports discipline, pushed it into the record, when records the speed of drawing cartoons and is experiencing as a treadmill. The Guinness Book of Records currently has official records - 175 caricatures per hour and 385 cartoons for three hours. In the Czech Book of Records is now since their 1996 has a whole lot. He does not want to believe, but eternal smiled Lubomír celebrated in April this year have their precious anniversaries - "abrahámoviny" - fifty. On this occasion, prepared in his native Brno for his friends, supporters and all fanúškov portrait caricature two great exhibitions - selection of "face hits" from his previous work, but also quite recent drawings, entitled "Cross-section of Vanek. The first exhibition vernissage on 6th April 2011 in Grand kindergarten in Brněv Librex bookstore and next will be in May Pelhřimov. To ready him the author's own booklet-reporelo cross-section drawings of the same name Vanek and visitors will surely like it and taking away with the precious autograph as a memento of the exhibition.

Drawing kariportrétov (as well as traditional portraits) is the royal discipline. Calls not only talent, but also environmental and visual experience. If the cartoon is taught to the general public, then the object must be particularly well known, they are politicians or famous personalities of culture and sport, their drawing is easier, more kariportrét not ridicules, but illuminates a hero with a kind smile (in politics and character- and no strikes), makes it closer to ordinary people. In the best tradition of Czech portrait caricatures, which established artists and returns the classics - Bidlo, Hoffmeister, Tittelbach, Smid, Nesvadba, Hadaka or V. Council - is well and Vanek. Despite a rich and valuable work which has so far created, its artistic future is still just ahead.
Our Positive newspapers like to join the many well-wishers in congratulating the occasion of the anniversary and on this occasion are like Master Vanek and his readers in an interview with the jubile:
Teacher, which is a cartoon portrait for you? Once it was my only hobby, an offshoot of my artistic activities. Until I suddenly found that I freelance and the tax office I held as a cartoonist. And so for two decades I make my living caricature. Will not complain, do not take it as work, but how lucky that I can maintain what I like and it is still, moreover, still my hobby.
Cartoon image of truth is said. Do you agree?
I would say the truth but adding a little spice. How would you describe kariportrét and trends in it?
How would you describe kariportrét and trends in it?
Is still evolving. Engravings from the Honore Daumier in the 19th century until today the integration of computer programs. In the world there are classic French School, British, Dutch and America not to mention ... Computers caricature previous phase, this will no longer just a static drawing. That's why I stayed and quickly learned to animate on the computer.
What you the most attracted to human faces? Everyone has something significant - someone nose, another chin, eyes ...
One can draw a good kariportrét without big nose, ears, or warts?
Of course, but it's harder if there is nothing to grab ...
How did you get to create cartoon portrait?
Since childhood I have been so clearly. I tended to illustrate children's bedrooms, an animated film and the comics, as well as the portrait, which I later studied at the MFA. mal. Vera Frydrychová. I've found over time that did not provide a portrait of me too much space to include more expressive humor and comic exaggeration, and so I often escaped to the cartoon and worked for the joy of their friends and classmates.
When did you discover in yourself the great gift of a portrait? Kariportrétista must be born, or can this "craft" and just learn?
I naturally I take it ... But when I see that a number of good portrait kariportréty tried to draw, it was not for them, unable to break out of what conservatism I think there has to be something "the top".
What you draw better - men or women? Pretty face or vice versa?
Correct portrait you must be able to cope with each. Certainly, however, draws a better guy with "the words" eighteen years ago as a grooved, in addition crayon bred girl.
Prefer to draw in the face, or photos? What is the difference?
Both. Sometimes it suits me personal contact and sometimes I turn rather closed in his studio.
When you kariportrét enjoy and vice versa when not?
Most will always enjoy kresbičku that originated from my initiative. Worse is that sometimes with an ordered pattern. As a professional with the team I always want a particular match.
It is said that the cartoonist is a cameo archaeologist and detective at the same time, not only reveals the layers in the depths of the soul, but notes also detail all around ... Do you agree?
It's true. In fact the best portraits to the probe deep inside the soul of the subject.
And most of what you want portrayed to reveal you? Except of course form - just smile, good humor and entertainment, or even reverence, humility, or even reprimanded?
Each cartoon is different. When you send a log actuality, must be vigorous, witty and striking, the reader is reading it in a few seconds. Colored cartoon into a frame glass is born and the year and draws a few hours, because here the person hangs up, and every time he would be looking to improve mood, enjoy it and caress the soul.
It helps you look and the ability to see into the soul of man to communicate with people?
It helps me very much. Especially in business dealings. My inner voice warns me that there not to cooperate ... And while time has always proved that I did well even though it looked first to the very pink "....
Not kariportista your "range" has also distorted his "craft?" - Sees the face of each cartoon?
You are right. Sometimes I go to town and I "vercajk" and I see that "típek" that when my hand itches ...
Although kariportrét not sport discipline and you do not mind drawing a book of Czech and world records than on a treadmill. Which ones do you value most and are also entered in the Guinness Book of Records?
395 drawing cartoons for three hours. It was a performance in which I drew the last half hour of cramps in his hand, but I gave up. However, the most difficult draw with both hands simultaneously in each of another. And, it's a huge burden on the gray cerebral cortex and concentration. All my records entered in the Guinness Book of Records and the Czech Book of Records has since 1996 are listed on my website.
Recently, more and more and dedicate knžnej illustration. Especially for children. Said to himself about a children's book author? Disclosing something?
Yes, I have illustrated over twenty books. I draw them for children. Last last year, with Zdenek Pešová illustrated book "Tales and Fairy Tales from Svitavy from Svratky", a beautiful large color publication, supplemented by the memory game, coloring books, games and puzzles. It was a designer for me, a beautiful robot. Something own workshops for children have already in the drawer, but far more reveal.
What keeps you in good shape? How best to relax, as you usually relax?
In music, so concert - rock or even classical. And in nature - half a day in autumn for mushroom I cleaned my brain for two weeks in advance.
Lubomir Vanek (* 1961)
A graduate of the Brno School of Arts and Crafts, he studied privately with a portrait painter. mal. V. Frydrychová. His artwork known in the CR and SR of Czech dailies, Porcupine, diary, business daily, Gotham, crocodile, Flowers, Criss-cross, literary weekly, popular newspapers, letters, Gotham Magazine, GENDER, peasant newspaper, Czechoslovak sport, Sport, Stadium. .. His drawings are also in the return Cartoon Museum Basel (Switzerland) and also in the Museum of cartoons (Poland).
Author has compiled three books - The Revolution after divorce (1994), Jokes From The Heart (2000) and Faces of the White House (2008). In 2007, Cartoon Assotiation C.R.N. included among the 101 large portraits and caricatures of world artists. Awards for his drawings and won the competition festivals in England, Italy, but also in the country. It records the speed of drawing caricatures are included in the Guinness Book of Records. In Pelhřimovsko Museum of Records and Curiosities has its Minigallery. He is a member of the Club's Scotland. Native of Brno and patriot, lives and works in Brno.
BOSTOONS themag! No. 16
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Año I, No. 16, 25 abril 2011
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Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Exposição de Agim Sulaj integrada no MouraBD 2011 até 8 de Maio
Inauguração do 17º Fest. Int. BD de Moura dia 22 de Abril 2011
Discursos. Carlos Rico com a palavra tendo á sua esquerda Maria José Fialho, Vereadora da Cultura e Presidente José Maria Pós-de-Mina
Exposição Viajantes com Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa e Presidente da Cãmara
Vitor Mesquita com o Presidente
Carlos Rico (Director do Festival) com a viuva de Carlos Roque e o Presidente
Inauguração da exposição de Agim Sulaj
Miguel Angel Alejo inaugurando a exposição dos artistas Granadinos
O cartoonista alentejano Finha, Miguel Angel Alejo e o Presidente
Panoramicas do 17º Festival Internacional Moura BD 2011
Feira do Livro
Moura BD - Viajantes de Papel
Tito e Carlos Laranjeira
Vitor Mesquita
Carlos Roque
Prémios e Alexandre Herculano