Saturday, January 08, 2011
A Mestria Gráfica e caricatural da Colombia Elena Ospina
Errare Urbanum Est - Exposição de Ferreira dos Santos no Maia Welkome Center de 7 a 30 de Janeiro
Humour de René Bouschet
Open Letter from Freddy Pibaque (Nacaro). BLACKLIST of Scammers CONTESTS.
This is very important to avoid being scammed or wasting time and work by participating in not serious cartoon contests.
I saw in Caricaturque a critique for the colleague Cafareli for to advertise on his website a call for an not serious humour contest . The colleague Boligan also reports a scammer competition and revealed how the organizers use the name of some colleagues by putting as jurors to appear serious.
About the first case I think that Mr Cafareli it's not his fault, but in the future sites of humor should find out first data as the name of the organizing institution, post address, etc., before publishing the information. And the cartoonists can find out before on the Internet.
But is unusual and accomplice that humour sites, knowing that some competitions defraud winners, publish and keep advertising these bad events. And worse still, never publish the report of the cartoonist who claim his prize.
This is the case with sites like Brazilcartoons, Irancartoon, FECO Europe, etc. I sent my report about World Press Cartoon, Sintra, Portugal, (that do not pay me the prize I won in 2007) to managers of these sites. They never answered my messages or published my complaint.
But they are inviting to participate in World Press Cartoon. (And these gentlemens are also cartoonists!!!).
The case of FECO Europe is pathetic because this organization is supposed defending the interests of the cartoonists. But Mrs. M. P. (from FECO) is a personal friend of the director of World Press Cartoon and therefore he has his supports. Mr. B. B., a manager of FECO Europe, initially became interested in my case, asked for more information ... and never answered again. This is the bureaucracy of the cartoon. (The only one that do a good work by FECO is Ana Von Rebeur......from FECO Argentina).
All these union leaders and site managers prefer to silence my demand and support to the organizers of the competition that does not pay the promised prize.
Is this ethical? I doubt. Is this serious? Much less.
I will continue to denounce every year until WPC pay me.(No matter that threaten me again with his lawyers).
And I recognize and I am grateful with the messages of solidarity sent me many colleagues (some did not sent more artworks to world press cartoon,in solidarity.) To all my gratitude, and wish them success in their work and in life.
Colleagues, I propose you to make a BLACKLIST of Scammers CONTESTS.
Here are some that have won instead:
ETHIOPIACARTOON, of Ethiopia, do not pay the prize won by Ares.
WORLD PRESS CARTOON, Sintra, Portugal, does not pay the award to Nacaro from 2007. Do not sent the catalog. They do not return the originals to the participants, as promised in their rules. But they sell the original artworks, who the authors know if his drawings were sold if they do not return it?
PRODUCTOON, Productivity cartoon festival, organized by the humour site and Humour House, from Iran. In its rules they promise to send the catalog to the selected cartoonists, but never send it.
BLUE SKY Cartoon Contest, supposedly from Spain, they do not inform the address or name of the organizers. Do not pay prizes.
With best regards,
Freddy Pibaque (Nacaro).
Friday, January 07, 2011
2.Aleksandar KLAS Contest VIDEO ALBÜMÜ-Sırbistan 2010
Humour A Gallarate 2010-Exhibition VIDEO ALBUM
Wednesday, January 05, 2011
Violencia - Cartoon de Pedro Molina
Sátiras (Lusiadas) de um Camões no séc. XXI
As sarnas de barões todos inchados
Eleitos pela plebe lusitana
Que agora se encontram instalados
Fazendo aquilo que lhes dá na gana
Nos seus poleiros bem engalanados,
Mais do que permite a decência humana,
Olvidam-se de quanto proclamaram
Em campanhas com que nos enganaram!
E também as jogadas habilidosas
Daqueles tais que foram dilatando
Contas bancárias ignominiosas,
Do Minho ao Algarve tudo devastando,
Guardam para si as coisas valiosas…
Desprezam quem de fome vai chorando!
Gritando levarei, se tiver arte,
Esta falta de vergonha a toda a parte!
Falem da crise grega todo o ano!
E das aflições que à Europa deram;
Calem-se aqueles que por engano…
Votaram no refugo que elegeram!
Que a mim mete-me nojo o peito ufano
De crápulas que só enriqueceram
Com a prática de trafulhice tanta
Que andarem à solta só me espanta.
E vós, ninfas do Coura onde eu nado
Por quem sempre senti carinho ardente
Não me deixeis agora abandonado
E concedei engenho à minha mente,
De modo a que possa, convosco ao lado,
Desmascarar de forma eloquente
Aqueles que já têm no seu gene
A besta horrível do poder perene!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
Cartoon de Rodrigo no Capital de Risco
Bonne Anné du Canard Libéré
1- The new web sites Started to work
: Contest by Email
Theme: city
List of participation till yet:
Contest by post :
Theme: productivity
The period of contest was extended 40 deys
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Campus,
Poonak Square, the End of Ashrafi Esfehani Highway, towards Hesarak, Faculty of Humanities, sixth floor, room No. 608
P.O. Box No.:14515/755&14155/4933
Zip Code: 1477893855 Iran
: Contest by Email
Theme: city
List of participation till yet:
Contest by post :
Theme: productivity
The period of contest was extended 40 deys
Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Campus,
Poonak Square, the End of Ashrafi Esfehani Highway, towards Hesarak, Faculty of Humanities, sixth floor, room No. 608
P.O. Box No.:14515/755&14155/4933
Zip Code: 1477893855 Iran
Feliz 2011 Tebeosfera
FELIZ 2011
FELIÇ 2011
HAPPY 2011
Manuel Barrero
Director de Tebeosfera
Apartado 17028
Monday, January 03, 2011
Fallados los premios de la Bienal Internacional de Caricatura y Dibujo Humorístico de Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2010 - 30 de Diciembre de 2010
Luis Fabián Gaspardo, primer premio de Caricatura Personal y David Vela Cervera, de Dibujo Humorístico
Luis Fabián Gaspardo, en la modalidad de Caricatura, y David Vela Cervera, en la modalidad de Dibujo, han sido los ganadores de la Bienal Internacional de Caricatura Personal y Dibujo Humorístico 2010, convocada por el Organismo Autónomo de Cultura (OAC) del Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
Este certamen es uno de los mejor dotados económicamente de cuantos se convocan en la actualidad.
Maribel Oñate, presidenta del OAC, recordó que “la Bienal Internacional de Caricatura y Dibujo Humorístico 2010 repartió un total de 26.000 euros en sus dos modalidades, gracias al esfuerzo del Ayuntamiento por mantener la cuantía de los premios”.
-Primer Premio: 10.000 euros
Luis Fabián Gaspardo, nacido en 1969, natural de Santa Fe, Argentina
Título de la obra ganadora: Marte
-Segundo Premio: 1.800 euros
Gonzalo Álvarez Fernández, nacido en 1978, en El Paso (La Palma).
Título de la obra ganadora: Pedro Guerra
-Tercer Premio: 1.200 euros
María Elena Galarza Hernández, nacida en 1966 en Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Título de la obra ganadora: Nelson Mandela
-Primer Premio: 10.000 euros
David Vela Cervera, nacido en 1967, natural de Zaragoza
Título de la obra ganadora: Tus amigos
-Segundo Premio: 1.800 euros
Eduardo González Rodríguez, natural de Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Título de la obra ganadora: Cebolleda
Xavier Tárrega Ratón, nacido en 1980, natural de Barcelona
Título de la obra ganadora: Facebook
El jurado estuvo integrado por
Presidenta: María Isabel Oñate Muñoz, concejal y presidenta del Organismo Autónomo de Cultura del Ayuntamiento de Santa Cruz de Tenerife (OAC)
Secretario: Alejandro Vargas Batista
-Manuel Darias Darias
-José Antonio Rodríguez Armas
Mientras en el apartado de Caricatura el tema fue libre, en el de Dibujo Humorístico se eligió “Colgados en la red (la influencia de las redes sociales en Internet)”.
Maribel Oñate manifestó en su día que la elección de este tema fue debido a la gran importancia que hoy en día tienen las redes sociales y al incremento de las mismas en Internet.
Como en ediciones pasadas, la participación fue libre y cada artista pudo presentar una obra inédita. Durante los 20 años de existencia que tiene el certamen (primero convocado anualmente y posteriormente reconvertido en Bienal) se han presentado artistas de Alemania, Argelia, Argentina, Australia, Bélgica, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canadá, Colombia, Cuba, Chile, China, Ecuador, Eslovaquia, Eslovenia, España, Holanda, Hungría, Indonesia, Irak, Irán, Italia, Corea, Méjico, Nigeria, Perú, Polonia, República Checa, Rumania, Rusia, Serbia y Montenegro, Siria, Suiza, Turquía, Ucrania, Uruguay, Estados Unidos, Uzbequistán y Venezuela.
Luis Fabián Gaspardo, ganador del primer premio de caricatura, es natural de la localidad argentina de Santa Fe y es técnico químico.
Dedicado a la ilustración editorial desde 1985 ha publicado en los más importantes medios de comunicación de su país. Actualmente colabora con el diario “La Nación” de Argentina y “Don Balón”, de España.
Este año realizó la portada del libro de Andreu Buenafuente “Sigo diciendo”.
Gonzalo Álvarez Fernández, segundo premio de caricatura, es licenciado en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de La Laguna. Fue el autor del cartel del Carnaval de Santa Cruz de Tenerife 2009, titulado “Bailarina monstruosa”.
Asimismo ha diseñado muebles de carácter artístico, vestuarios, disfraces, diversos carteles, murales y folletos para empresas privadas y asociaciones.
María Elena Galarza Hernández, tercer premio de caricatura, es licenciada en Pintura por la Facultad de Bellas Artes de la Universidad de La Laguna y realizó un curso de especialización y perfeccionamiento (litografía) en la École Supèrieur d´Art Visuels (Suiza).
Ha obtenido varios premios de pintura y participado en numerosas exposiciones, tanto individuales como colectivamente.
Ha diseñado cubiertas e ilustraciones de libros
David Vela Cervera, ganador del primer premio de Dibujo Humorístico, es natural de Zaragoza y ha obtenido numerosos premios en concursos de cómics, humor gráfico, carteles de Carnaval de Tarragona y certámenes de ilustración. Asimismo ha ilustrado varios libros de humor gráfico.
El tinerfeño Eduardo González Rodríguez, segundo premio de Dibujo, es licenciado en Bellas Artes por la Universidad de La Laguna. Ha ganado el I Premio en el V Certamen de Cómic “Juventud y Cultura” y ha expuesto en varias salas de la isla.
Realiza caricaturas y dibujos de humor gráfico para varias publicaciones y revistas.
Xavier Tárrega Ratón, ganador del tercer premio, tiene 30 años y es natural de Barcelona.
Sunday, 9/1/2011 às 11:00 - 11/1 às 18:00
National Press Club, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
press club chottor
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Criado por Cartoonist Tanmoy
Mais informação First cartoon Exhibition by Bangladesh Cartoonist Association.
Cartoons de Rodrigo no Humoral da Historia
Happy New 2011 Cartoon's from friends
Sunday, January 02, 2011
The 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival 2011
The 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival is going to be held from April 15th to 18th 2011 during the 82nd Children’s Day activities, which are celebrated in our country every year in on the 23rd April .
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.
The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2011.
Cartoons should be sent to the following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 1st, 2011 in the local press and on the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 15th to 18th, 2011 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.
The international 7-77 Cartoon Competition will be organized under the 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival. The aim of the competition is to make children familiar with the art of cartooning and to contribute the development of sensitivity towards humour by enriching their world with the help of cartoons you will draw.
All proffessional and amateur cartoonists will be welcomed to join in by drawing cartoons for children.
Cartoons can be drawn in black-white or colourful using any technique in either A4 or A3 size.
Cartoonists can join in the competition with an original cartoon that can be understood by children. Competitors must write their names, surnames and addresses on the back of their cartoons.
The deadline for the competition is February 15th, 2011.
Cartoons should be sent to the following address:
The sole prize of the competition is the 7-77 PRIZE ($2,000) and the institutions’ commemorative plates.
The results of the competition will be announced on April 1st, 2011 in the local press and on the web.
The winner of the competition will be invited to Ankara from April 15th to 18th, 2011 as a guest for the activities to be held during the 17th International Ankara Cartoon Festival and will receive the award at the opening of the exhibition.
The International 7-77 Cartoon Competition catalogue and the certificate will be sent to those competitors whose cartoons were chosen by the jury and were printed in the catalogue.
Cartoons will not be sent back and all rights will be reserved by the Cartoon Foundation.
International 7-77 Cartoon Competition exhibition will be opened in various cities of Turkey and abroad.