Wednesday, May 19, 2010
jefe diego secuestrado Video carton

Los invito aver el Video carton:
Diego Fernandez de Cevallos... desaparecido?, secuestrado?, La Justicia en Mexico... extraviada, La estrategia contra el crimen de Felipe Calderon... de la patada. ¿No hay mucho que festejar en el Bicentenario y Centenario verdad?-- Recibe atentos saludos deRubén Eduardo Soto DíazMuseo de la Caricatura y la Historieta.Tel Cel 044 735 11 25 848
Contra factos não há adiamentos - Cartoon de Rodrigo in Capital de Risco

Os automóveis eléctricos estão a chegar a Portugal. São cada vez mais os modelos disponíveis em todo o mundo. A longo prazo, tendência pode contribuir para acabar com a dependência do petróleo:
Novidade: Rodrigo no Ottawa Citizen (Canadá):
The first International Caricature Competition 2010 - Brazil
Competition is open to all professional and amateur cartoonists from all over the world.
I - Theme:World Famous People
II- Number:The maximum number of 8 works.
III - Deadline:June 20 , 2010.
IV - The e-mail
V - Conditions of participation:
1. The works are black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted (300 dpi, 4000 Pixel and JPG format).
2. The works should be included with author's photograph and a short biographical note (photo - jpg format, biography - doc format).
1st prize: 5000 Reais
2nd prize: 3000 Reais
3rd prize: 1000 Reais
Special Awards
1. The Jury, composed of foreign members, will meet in August 2010.
2. The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes.
I - Theme:World Famous People
II- Number:The maximum number of 8 works.
III - Deadline:June 20 , 2010.
IV - The e-mail
V - Conditions of participation:
1. The works are black & white or colored, any style, any technique will be accepted (300 dpi, 4000 Pixel and JPG format).
2. The works should be included with author's photograph and a short biographical note (photo - jpg format, biography - doc format).
1st prize: 5000 Reais
2nd prize: 3000 Reais
3rd prize: 1000 Reais
Special Awards
1. The Jury, composed of foreign members, will meet in August 2010.
2. The organizers hold all the rights to publish the cartoons submitted to the contest and use them for promotional purposes.
Humour de René Bouschet
Tsunami de violência na Tailândia - Cartoon de Rodrigo no Humoral da Historia

no Humoral da História!
Três dias de confrontos entre forças antigovernamentais e militares em Banguecoque (Tailândia) resultaram num total de 31 mortos e 230 feridos:
Três dias de confrontos entre forças antigovernamentais e militares em Banguecoque (Tailândia) resultaram num total de 31 mortos e 230 feridos:
EL BUS de Lenguaviva nº 74

Un vehículo de humor sin ruta fija
Año II, No. 74, 17 mayo 2010
¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!
EL BUS No. 74 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal. Los invitamos a tomar asiento en él. También los invitamos a visitar la página de nuestro Festival BOSTOONS 2010,, para que conozcan las bases, los premios y todo los demás detalles.
EL BUS No. 74 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour. We invite you to take a seat on it. We also invite you to visit our BOSTOONS 2010 Festival website,, to learn about the rules and regulations, the awards and all the other details.
Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:
Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.
Les deseamos una semana muy feliz.
We wish you a very happy week.
Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers
Año II, No. 74, 17 mayo 2010
¡Hola fans!
Hello fans!
EL BUS No. 74 acaba de salir del paradero a su recorrido humorístico semanal. Los invitamos a tomar asiento en él. También los invitamos a visitar la página de nuestro Festival BOSTOONS 2010,, para que conozcan las bases, los premios y todo los demás detalles.
EL BUS No. 74 has just left the terminal on its weekly humor tour. We invite you to take a seat on it. We also invite you to visit our BOSTOONS 2010 Festival website,, to learn about the rules and regulations, the awards and all the other details.
Hagan click en el link de abajo para subir al BUS:
Please click on the link below to get on the BUS:
Y no olviden pasarle este email a sus amistades.
Please forward this email to your friends.
Les deseamos una semana muy feliz.
We wish you a very happy week.
Los conductores del BUS
EL BUS drivers
US-Oil spill por Pedro Molina
30th International Nasreddin Hodja Cartoon Contest 2010
The contest is open to all cartoonists all over the world. Thecartoonists are free to participate with already published works aslong as these works have not previously been awarded in any othercontest. Choice of subject is free.
The participants may send only onework.
The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and onlyoriginals are accepted. Name, surname, address, phone number andcountry of origin of the participant should be written on the back ofhis/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should beattached.
The works must reach the organizing association not laterthan August21, 2010.
The results will be announced on August 31,2010.
The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon andHumourMuseum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists. Theparticipating cartoons will be put into an album.
The cartoons for thealbum and the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
The album will besent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited andpublished in the album.
Grand Prize: 5000$
Honour Prizes:5 Honour Prizes, each 1000$
Special Prizes:Special Prizes offered by various establishments,associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
Karikatürcüler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi, Yerebatan Sarnıcı Çıkışı,Sultanahmet 34122 İstanbul / TURKEYTel : +90 (212) 513 60 61 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 (212) 513 60 61 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tel : +90 (212) 519 90 21 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 (212) 519 90 21 end_of_the_skype_highlightingFax : +90 (212) 527 26 18
E-mail :
The Chairman of the Association of Cartoonists
ismal KAR
The General Coordinator of the 30th International Nasreddin HodjaCartoon Contest -
The participants may send only onework.
The dimensions of works should not exceed 30 x 40 cm and onlyoriginals are accepted. Name, surname, address, phone number andcountry of origin of the participant should be written on the back ofhis/her work. And also a short CV of the participant should beattached.
The works must reach the organizing association not laterthan August21, 2010.
The results will be announced on August 31,2010.
The participating cartoons will be kept at the Cartoon andHumourMuseum of Istanbul by the Association of Cartoonists. Theparticipating cartoons will be put into an album.
The cartoons for thealbum and the exhibition will be selected by a jury.
The album will besent to the cartoonists whose pieces of work are exhibited andpublished in the album.
Grand Prize: 5000$
Honour Prizes:5 Honour Prizes, each 1000$
Special Prizes:Special Prizes offered by various establishments,associations, newspapers, art magazines, syndicates and agencies
Karikatürcüler Derneği, Alemdar Caddesi, Yerebatan Sarnıcı Çıkışı,Sultanahmet 34122 İstanbul / TURKEYTel : +90 (212) 513 60 61 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 (212) 513 60 61 end_of_the_skype_highlighting Tel : +90 (212) 519 90 21 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +90 (212) 519 90 21 end_of_the_skype_highlightingFax : +90 (212) 527 26 18
E-mail :
The Chairman of the Association of Cartoonists
ismal KAR
The General Coordinator of the 30th International Nasreddin HodjaCartoon Contest -