Thursday, February 27, 2020


The Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden with the cooperation of
Les Amis du Château de Vianden and Naturpark OUR
are pleased to announce their
1. Subject: LUCK (chance, hazard, good/bad fortune, destiny…)
2. Deadline: 30 March 2020
3. Prizes:
1st prize:1500 €,
2nd prize: 1000 €,
3rd prize: 500 €,
3 honourable mentions
4. Entries: Each participant can submit up to 4 entries in digital format by sending them via internet to the following address: The author must include the following details in his or her e-mail: first name, last name, complete address, e-mail address, phone number and the title or the number of each submission. The specifications for these electronic submissions are as follows: format JPEG, good quality, and max. 1, 5 MB per picture. Out of these submissions, will be made a selection of 70-120 drawings. Only the awarded artists will be invited to send the original work by mail. All these works will be shown as prints at the exhibition and in the catalogue. Their size should be between A4 (210x297mm) and A3 (297x420mm).
5. Technique: Free, black and white or in colour, without subtitles.
6.Prizes and Exhibition: The announcement of the prizes and honourable mentions will happen on 2thMay 2020 in Castle of Vianden and the exhibition will take place in the Hall of the Knights of the Castle of Vianden from 3th May until 24th May 2020. There are plans to display the exhibits in the Museum of Caricature and Cartoon of Vianden and in other cities or country.
7. Returns: The drawings that were awarded one of the prizes will become property of the organizer.
8. Catalogue: The authors whose submissions are selected for the exhibition will receive a free catalogue by mail.
9. Results: The results will be published on the website on 3thMay 2020.
The award winners selected by the jury will be personally informed via e-mail or by phone. The final decisions of the jury are incontestable.
10. Copyright: The selected participants give the organizers permission to use their drawings only for promoting the artist and the event itself. Every other aspect of the copyright remains with the artist (except for the awarded submissions). It ensures that the awarded works can no longer be submitted in other contests or published by their authors or third parties after the official publication of the results.
11. Generalities: The submitted work should not have been awarded or published before the deadline of this contest. By taking part in this contest the participants accept the abovementioned rules.
12. Submission address for the awarded works: Musée de la Caricature et du Cartoon de Vianden 48, Grand-rue, L - 9410 Vianden, Luxembourg
13.Further informations

20th International Editorial Cartoon Competition of the Canadian Committee for World Press Fredom 2020

Here are the rules and regulations:
1. The theme for the 20th International Editorial Cartoon Competition is:
Pulling the plug on social media
After a storm over the publication of a cartoon deemed anti-Semitic, the New York Times stopped publishing editorial cartoons in their international publication.
In August, India stripped Kashmir of its constitutional autonomy and isolated it from the world by cutting it off from the Internet.
Thirty years after the fact, the Chinese are still kept in the dark about the Tiananmen Square massacres.
Iran can claim, without risk of contradiction, that its response to the attack on General Soleimani killed 80 American soldiers.
Increasingly, we see that the powers in place do not suffer contradiction. 
2. Three prizes will be awarded: a first prize of $1500 plus a Certificate from Canadian UNESCO, a second prize of $750 and a third prize of $500. All sums are in Canadian dollars. Ten additional cartoons will receive an ‘Award of Excellence.’ Regrettably no financial remuneration accompanies the Awards of Excellence.
3. Only one cartoon will be accepted from each cartoonist. It may be either in colour or black and white and must not have won an award.
4. The size of the cartoon should not exceed A4; 21 by 29.2 cm; or 8.5 by 11 inches. Cartoons should be in jpeg format at 300 dpi.
5. The name, address, telephone number and a short biography of the cartoonist must be included in the submission.
6. The Canadian Committee for World Press Freedom shall have the right to use any of the cartoons entered for promotion of the Editorial Cartoon Competition.
7. The winners of the Cartoon Competition will be announced at the World Press Freedom Day luncheon to be held at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa on Tuesday May 5, 2020 and will be advised by e-mail. The winner’s names and their cartoons will be posted on the CCWFP web site.
8. The winning cartoons will be published in a program distributed at the luncheon.
The deadline for reception of cartoons is midnight (Eastern Daylight Saving Time), Friday, March 27, 2020.

Amazonas 2020 - Brigada Verde

Tuesday, February 18, 2020


1.The competition is open to any cartoonist.
2.It is acceptable to enter with cartoons that have been published previously. However, they should not have won any prize/award in any other competition.
3.Any technique is allowed. The cartoonist can submit a maximum of 5 cartoons. Originals or electronic versions suitable for printing in 300 dpi and jpg format sent by e-mail would also be acceptable. No reposnibility will be assuemed for documents sent in different formats and documents that can not be opened.
4.All cartoons must be 30x40cm maximum.
5.The participants must write their names (first and surname) in capital letters, address, e-mail, country and telephone number; a brief CV should be submitted in a sealed envelope.
6.The cartoons must be sent to the following address, no later than 15th September 2020: ; ;
Street Virgil Oniţiu number 5,
postal code 300238, Timişoara,
Timiş România.
Phone: 0040-(0)744 531 169.
7.The results of the competition will be announced on the 1st of October 2020.
8.The cartoons sent to the competition will not be returned. All cartoons, whether they have won a prize or not, may be used for cultural purposes and may be published. Participation assumes acceptance of these conditions. All cartoons will be kept in the ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts'.
9.The cartoons selected by the jury will be displayed in the exhibition and will also be printed in the album.
10.The reward ceremony will be held on the 16th of October 2020 The opening of the exhibition will be held on the same date, in ‘International Salon Of Press Cartoons And Satirical Visual Arts' for cartoons which have won an award or have been selected for display. The exhibition will be open until the 15th of November 2020.
11.For participants the travel, accommodation and meals are provided by the organizers.
12. SELECTION COMMITTEE: Judging will be made online in 6 capital cities of the world by great artists around the world.
13. PRIZES: There will be 4 prizes of excellence of 1000 Euros each.


The organizer of the competition is the Rossem Cartoon House (BKR), Persatuan Seniman dan Warisan Kelantan (PESTA), Ministry Of Tourism, Arts And Culture Malaysia (MOTAC).
Eligible Participants:
• Opened to all artists from all over the world above 18 years of age.
Theme: 1- Malaysia tourism destinations.
Technical Criteria:· All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi.· Size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPEG format.  Entries: Max. 3 cartoons. Submitted works can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique.  Submitted works must not violate copyright laws. By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permit the organizers to have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition.
• Send your cartoons and your CV (Name - Address - Phone number - Email address) via the following e-mail address:
• Deadline: 10th June 2020
• Exhibition: 27th June 2020
• All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalogue and a digital certificate of participation.
Prizes and awards
First prize : RM2,000.00
Second prize : RM1,500.00
Thirt prize: RM1,000.00
Five special mentions

The Coordinator of the Gathering: Rossem
Facebook : Balai Kartun 

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Morrer de amor, ou case Por SIRO LOPEZ (VOZ DE GALICIA)

Cando me ten nos seus brazos e me fala quediño, vexo a vida en rosa», cantou Édith Piaf, en 1946, e «La vie en rose» converteuse nun himno ao amor en todo o mundo, quizais porque a inmensa maioría dos mortais vimos, ou cremos ver, algunha vez a vida en rosa. Os humoristas facemos mofa do amor, aparentando unha sabedoría que non temos; pero é leria, alarde de cinismo e de enxeño para facer rir. Unha das protagonistas da película«Delitos e faltas», de Woody Allen, reflexiona: «O do meu ex foi amor a primeira vista. Debinlle de botar outra ollada». Está moi ben, ten graza; pero os máis dos filósofos e estudosos do amor coinciden en que o gran amor é o do frechazo, e eu son tamén desa opinión por propia, marabillosa e inesquecible experiencia.
Chamábase Mariconchi e era a nena máis linda que vira nos meus dez anos de vida. De pel branca como a Brancaneves do conto, ollos grandes e inquedos, boca debuxadiña e fresca, falaba e ría sempre. Foi o meu primeiro grande amor. Eu xa tivera outras experiencias amorosas; xa namorara de Liz Taylor, Yvonne de Carlo, Leslie Caron, Carmen Sevilla…, pero o de Mariconchi era outra cousa.
Todo empezou a tarde do 31 de agosto do 1953, día en que Ferrol celebra a festa de San Ramón en honra do marqués de Amboaxe. No Cantón había un remuíño de xente, pero só tiven ollos para ela e ela olloume tamén, sorriume e non deixou de mirarme ata que falamos. Foi un amor a primeira vista, un frechazo que nos fendeu o corazón pola metade; e aquela noite, nos fogos de Amboaxe, eu sabía que as tracas, as bengalas e o castelo de luces que estoupaban no ceo, eran para nós.
O idilio proseguiu felizmente nos próximos días, co meu amigo Arturito e a súa amiga Tonucha de «carabinas», e se eu coñecese o texto de Romeo e Xulieta avalaría a Shakespeare cando afirma que os namorados poden camiñar sobre teas de araña, baixo a caloriña do verán. Porque eu sentía o amor dentro de min como unha acumulación de gases baixo o diafragma, que me facían levitar; e se pensaba nela no xantar, perdía o apetito; e de noite non durmía sen soñar, esperto, mil aventuras románticas con ela e eu de protagonistas. Todo, todo ao redor de min era de cor rosa.
Unha tarde veu triste e explicoume que non podiamos seguir porque o irmán pequeno -un alevín de canalla, quen sabe que sería del!- chivárase ao pai, que lle ordeara cortar de contado a nosa relación, ou non a deixaría saír de casa. Non esquecín as súas palabras de despedida:
-¡Lo siento muchísimo, porque me gustas tanto…! Tonucha e Arturito foron testemuñas daquel momento dramático.
Arturito e eu volvemos a Esteiro, o noso barrio. Sentíame o ser máis desgraciado do mundo e nin andar podía coa dor terrible que me abranguía o peito. Pero ao chegarmos a La Ibense Arturito propúxome paparmos uns xeados, e pedín un de turrón. Coa primeira lambetada a anguria mermou algo, e o mesmo coa segunda e as seguintes. O que quedaba do día funo levando como puiden, pero estou certo de que sen o xeado de La Ibense aquel día morrería de amor.

Friday, February 14, 2020


(To be held in 12th July 2020)

The Ministry of Culture in Egypt, in cooperation with Egyptian Caricature Association organizes The 7th International Cartoon Gathering.
Eligible Participants:
Opened to all artists from all over the world above 18 years of age.
  1- Music.
2- Caricature:   Egyptian singer (Umm Kulthum).  

Technical Criteria:
·         All artworks to be prepared at 300 dpi.
·         Size A3 (297mmx420mm) in JPEG format.
·         Entries: Max. 3 cartoons.
·         Submitted works can be in color or black and white, in any style or technique.
·         Submitted works must not violate copyright laws.
·         By virtue of submitting an entry, the entrant certifies the work as his own and permit the organizers to have full right to reproduce all or a part of the entered material free of charge for publication and/or display in media related to the exhibition. 

• Send your cartoons and your CV (Name - Address - Phone number - Email address) via the following e-mail address:
• Deadline: 15th April 2020
• Opening Ceremony: 12th July 2020
• All participants whose works will be exhibited will receive a digital catalogue and a digital certificate of participation.
For more details please visit:
Or contact us at:
The President of the Gathering:
Gomaa Farahat
The Coordinator of the Gathering:
Fawzy Morsy

Saturday, February 08, 2020


One Organization: Penela City Council / Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal / Oliveira Guimarães House Museum
With the support of Luiz d´Oliveira Guimarães Foundation
A Production: Humorgrafe - Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa (

The Biennial where humor needs no color, just a smile, philosophical intelligence and a simple, direct color - black and white and its nuances.

1 - Theme: Laugh With and at Health (Human and systems)
           a) Health is something that worries us daily, and although we say that we are looking good, we rarely complain about it, but about other ailments, such as empty pockets to pay the doctor, IDP (age) social colds … Health is something more complicated than in the times of our grandmothers' little ones. Today it is a game of balances, not just physical, energetic or spiritual, as a field of economic battles in the pharmaceutical universe, of confrontations between said conventional medicines with traditional or alternative medicines, as if life had a healthy and unhealthy alternation. We cannot forget that side of alchemy / magic that has accompanied the evolution of humanity and reflecting the color, diversity, life of each culture and each people. Since the dawn of humanity, man has been looking for ways in nature (physical and chemical) to maintain the healthy balance of being. Shamans, druids, healers, physicists, herbalists, pharmacists, doctors… yes, we live in an era of the global village, but at this moment it is more important to demonstrate the diversity, the identity of each people, each culture that makes humor with the generalist banality of the universe. We would like your drawings to also show a little of your culture, your diversity in health and medicine.
           To speak of health is to speak of man or humanity? Are the symptoms of illness the same or disparate? Can there be a healthy humanity with sick beings or healthy Men in a sick society? Are governments really willing to have a good National Health Service policy or is this counterproductive for pharmaceutical lobbyists, who end up controlling their health to their liking? And what about the sick doctor relationship (which the Order of Doctors asks to be considered an Intangible Heritage of Humanity) that is being submerged by technologies and by the economist dehumanization of medicine?
So many serious issues looking for laughing satires… We all know that laughing is already an alternative drug, a placebo that eradicates multiple diseases of humanity, but to what extent it has therapeutic strength to keep us awake against usurpations, games, unhealthy corruptions of society?
           b) As a subgroup, as part of the portrait-charge / Caricature, we will honor António Arnaut (Penela 18/1/1936 - Coimbra 21/5/2018) the “father” of the National Health Service, created in 1978 when he held the position of Minister of Social Affairs (II Constitutional Government).
2 - Open to the participation of all graphic artists with humor, professionals or amateurs.
3 - Deadline: May 31th, 2020. They should be sent to, or (If they do not receive confirmation of receipt, resend SFF).
4 - Each artist can send, via e-mail in digital format (300 dpis A4 size) up to 4 monochrome works (one color with all its shades - 2, 3 or 4 color drawings are not accepted - open to all techniques and styles such as caricature, cartoon, humorous drawing, comic strip, comic strip (story on a single board) ... these should be accompanied with information of name, date of birth, address and e-mail.
5 - The works will be judged by a jury composed of: representatives of the Penela City Council; representative of the Espinhal Parish Council; representative of the Oliveira Guimarães family; by the Artistic Director of the Biennial; one sponsor representative, one local media representative and one to two guest artists, with the following Awards being granted:
1st Prize of the VII BHLOG 2020 (€ 2,000)
2nd Prize of the VII BHLOG 2020 (€ 1,500)
3rd Prize of the VII BHLOG 2020 (€ 1,000)
VII BHLOG 2020 Caricature Award (€ 1,200)
The Jury, at its discretion, may award “Special Awards” (António Oliveira Guimarães, Leonor Oliveira Guimarães, Municipality of Penela, Junta de Freguesia do Espinhal and Humorgrafe), as an honorary title, with the right to a trophy.
6 - The Jury grants the right to make a selection of the best works to exhibit in the available space and catalog edition (which will be sent to all artists with reproduced work).
7 - The Organization will inform all artists by e.mail if they have been selected for the exhibition and catalog, and which artists have been awarded. The works awarded with remuneration are automatically acquired by the Organization. The originals of the winning entries must be delivered to the Organization (the original in computer-made works is a high quality A4 hand-signed, 1/1 numbered print), because without this delivery, the prize money will not be unlocked.
8 - Reproduction rights are the property of the Organization as soon as it is for the promotion of this organization and are punctually discussed with the authors in the case of other uses.
9 - For further information contact the Artistic Director: Osvaldo Macedo de Sousa ( or VII Humor Biennial Luís d'Oliveira Guimarães, Culture Sector, Penela City Hall, 3230-253 Penela - Portugal.
10 - The VII Humor Biennial Luís Oliveira Oliveira Guimarães - Espinhal / Penela 2020, opens on September 5 at the Espinhal Cultural Center, but may also be exhibited in other places to be designated.


Apelido / Surname: _________________________________________________________
Nome Próprio / First Name: __________________________________________________
Morada / Address: Street: ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________________
Nº ______________
Código Postal / Postcode: _____________________________________________
Cidade / City: ________________________________________________________
País / Country: ____________________________________

E-mail: ______________________________________
Telefone / Telephone: __________________________

Male         Female

Obras / Works: Caricature: ______________________________________
                    Saude / Health_______________________________________


Friday, February 07, 2020

Cartoonista Vasco Gargalo alvo de ameaças e críticas por cartoon sobre Israel

O cartoonista português Vasco Gargalo disse hoje à agência Lusa ter recebido ameaças de morte, além de acusações de antissemitismo, por causa de um cartoon publicado em novembro, e sublinhou que continuará a lutar pela liberdade de expressão.
"É mais um sinal de que a comunidade judaica não pode ser criticada. Cada vez que isso acontece [é-se] logo acusado de antissemita. É uma perseguição para aniquilar o meu trabalho", lamentou o cartoonista.
Em causa está um cartoon, intitulado "Crematório", que Vasco Gargalo publicou ‘online’, na plataforma Cartoon Movement a 15 de novembro de 2019 e que republicou na semana passada, num comentário ao plano de paz para o Médio-Oriente apresentado pelos Estados Unidos.
O cartoon, que faz uma alusão ao Holocausto, mostra o primeiro-ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a empurrar um caixão, coberto com a bandeira palestiniana, para um crematório onde está inscrito "Arbeit Macht Frei" (“O trabalho liberta”), replicando a frase que está na entrada do campo de concentração nazi de Auschwitz.
"É a minha visão sobre este ataque. Quando fiz o cartoon sabia que era forte, que ia tocar na questão das vítimas do Holocausto, mas na verdade não acrescento nada ao que vejo. É uma comparação que fiz do conflito israelo-palestiniano", disse Vasco Gargalo.
O cartoonista fala em ameaças de morte e injúrias, de pessoas da comunidade judaica em Portugal e no estrangeiro, de uma "enorme pressão sobre os media".

O embaixador de Israel em Portugal, Raphael Gamzou, acusou hoje o cartoonista português Vasco Gargalo de ter feito um cartoon "atascado de ódio e banalização" do Holocausto e apelou à revista Sábado para que se desvincule do autor.

Numa carta dirigida hoje à direção da revista Sábado, e enviada à agência Lusa, o embaixador deixa duras críticas ao cartoonista Vasco Gargalo por ter feito um cartoon que compara, simbolicamente, o conflito israelo-palestiniano ao Holocausto.
Referindo o "fedor pestilento dos cartoons antissemitas" de Vasco Gargalo, o diplomata israelita sublinha que, se a obra do cartoonista fosse convertida em texto, seria um "artigo despudoradamente antissemita que banaliza aquela que foi a maior tragédia da História da Humanidade, através da utilização de todos os estereótipos que promovem o ódio aos judeus".
Em causa está um cartoon, intitulado "Crematório", que Vasco Gargalo publicou ‘online’, na plataforma Cartoon Movement a 15 de novembro de 2019, e que republicou na semana passada, num comentário ao plano de paz para o Médio-Oriente apresentado pelos Estados Unidos.
O cartoon mostra o primeiro-ministro de Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, a empurrar um caixão, coberto com a bandeira palestiniana, para um crematório onde está inscrito "Arbeit Macht Frei" (“O trabalho liberta”), replicando a frase que está na entrada do campo de concentração nazi de Auschwitz.

Em defesa do judeu Vasco Gargalo por Nuno Saraiva

Em 2009, muito antes daquele incompreensível massacre, Philippe Val então diretor do jornal satírico CHARLIE HEBDO demitiu o cartunista Siné sobre a acusação de anti-semitismo. SINÉ recusava pedir desculpas a Jean Sarkozy - filho mais velho do presidente francês, por ter escrito uma crónica parodiando a possibilidade, afinal nunca concretizada, do jovem se converter ao judaísmo por casamento e por sucesso social. Naquela altura nem todos eram CHARLIE mas mesmo assim o Siné desempregado contou com muita solidariedade dos seus colegas cartunistas.
Sinto que é meu dever e obrigação DEFENDER aqui o meu colega e amigo Vasco Gargalo, judeu. Judeu como eu e como milhares de portugueses. Nós, os nascidos em Portugal, aqueles que lhe conhecem as suas fundações, sabem que muito antes de sermos CHARLIE somos Judeu e também Bérbere, entre outros povos migrantes que ao longo dos séculos aqui habitaram, procriaram e se fixaram.
Incomodou muita gente o cartune "CREMATÓRIO", obra não encomendada por editor ou jornal e que foi por exclusiva opção do próprio publicada online na plataforma Cartoon Movement.
Organizações internacionais, políticos e diplomatas surgem em uníssono a exigir castigos, pedidos de desculpas, demissões. Em nome da ofensa às vítimas do Holocausto, consideram-se no direito inabalável de condenar cartunes, até os de mau-gosto (Benjamin Netanyahu nunca ficará bem num desenho humorístico).
Os mesmos que nunca se reverão nos judeus livre-pensadores como George Steiner ou Hannah Arendt. STEINER, que faleceu há 3 dias atrás, dizia sobre Israel "ser um triste milagre”, cujo preço a pagar era "o seu nacionalismo militarista", que vai "inevitavelmente - matar e torturar para sobreviver”.
É esta Israel que o Vasco Gargalo, o judeu, desenhou. Não para nos ofender mas para nos alertar.----
Não posso deixar de focar aqui um intimo livre-pensamento (porque é o Livre-Pensamento que aqui defendo). Há um bom punhado de anos visitei, na companhia do meu grande amigo e ilustrador Fernando Martins, o campo de extermínio nazi Natzweiler-Struthof, na Alsácia. Vimos o horror numa câmara de gás. Estivemos junto a um forno crematório semelhante ao deste cartune. A lágrimas e desconforto que trago dessas memórias não me deixam retratar aquele cenário. Não consigo. É mais forte do que eu.
E sim: mais forte que o HUMOR.
Mas isso sou eu - o judeu - e o meu Livre-pensamento magoado.
Nuno Saraiva

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